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Everything posted by disorder

  1. disorder


    That's not my program is it?
  2. disorder


    Yeah I know right? WTF? I don't have the power to do that. It even still tells me all the 'likes' I got for it.
  3. After a scan, check if you have a file called tmpdb in your programs folder and does it have all the detection info in? It might be XML since XML is a pain in the ass, I originally switched to it to make results easier to read but I think its causing more probs. :\ If possible send me a copy of the file that is causing it, if it can be compressed to under 15-20mb.
  4. Access Violations usually occur if you don't have proper access to a file. Not sure what is causing it. You need write access in the programs folder and also in /reports sub folder, the reports folder needs to present because it doesn't create it manually (will fix that)
  5. I believe that is leftovers from a destruction effect(used by crashed helicopters maybe?). It will be taken out in the next patch if its deemed unnecessary. Or you can take it out now. :)
  6. I'll double check. I actually modded the db file so might have not included them. Just released a hotfix for 1.3 btw, everything should be working now.
  7. New version is out, lots of cool stuff. New cheats have been added from suggestions, some have been removed A lot of the DB entries are now singular and search for a root item, so '100rnd', instead of '100rnd_x25blah'
  8. disorder

    New Major BattlEye Anti-Cheat Features

    So who else has a custom scripts.txt from all the cheats listed here? Can you please send it to me
  9. I've made it about 5x faster wahaha *evil laugh* Got it using streams and a buffer, it now also reports the Username/IP address and ID Oh yeah and since I can get the ID, I can automatically inject it in another file (cough bans cough) .. Is autoban a bit too much ? :D
  10. Hey Cool Thanks. Will adjust database to cheats only Might keep the dayz items seperate.
  11. New lines for the database, these are known cheat lines so far. execVM "\ca\ui\scripts\dedicatedServerInterface.sqf" BIS_Effects_AirDestruction BIS_Effects_AirDestructionStage2 if (_velz>1) then (_v setvelocity [velocity _v select 0,velocity _v select 1 if (_velz>1) then {_v setvelocity [_xv/1.3,_yv/1.3,0 [_v,_int,false] spawn BIS_Effects_Burn _v setVehicleInit format ["[this, %1, %2,false,true] if (_v iskindof "tank") if (_v iskindof "plane") openDSInterface _ent setHit ["legs",1] _ent setDamage 1 _ent setVariable ["hit_legs" player setposatl
  12. disorder

    New Major BattlEye Anti-Cheat Features

    I'd also like a copy of the data collected, I can improve my program.
  13. disorder

    Mountain Dew? I drank it...

    Green Mountain Dew?
  14. disorder

    Mountain Dew? I drank it...

    Stick it to The Man :) I drank a Dew once and my face exploded.
  15. I have no idea where that line is? Are you using an older version of the database?
  16. disorder

    Looking for a girl to play Day Z with

    I was married once in an online fantasy game, we would have had children but that would have severely drained my power crystals :)
  17. disorder

    Why I host a non-hive server

    Remember all great games get hacked. See Wow Lol I will wait until standalone before I say it is a problem. Also try not to hijack the thread to talk about random crap.
  18. I need a few more logs to test on, especially some with cheaters/hackers in. Zipped around 10-15mb should do. Another thing I could do with is a list of the equipment ID's of stuff that is allowed in DayZ, so it can be removed from the DB perhaps (unless people want to search for normal items) Oh yeah new version too.
  19. I'm 31, in UK with mic and I've played CTI and warfare extensively. Also I have my own beanz
  20. disorder

    Fashions and 'faces' of Chernarus

    I think I can see a full moon this evening, no.. wait a minute.
  21. Lol XP. Why don't you just say that DayZ will be released on an 18th century wood engraving cut by black slaves.
  22. Yeah I just updated my post lol But I do realise people want more feedback so I will try and add the ability to see the section a cheat is found in.
  23. Actually the line number is the best reference, If you use notepad++ it has line numbers down the side. CTRL+G is a jump to line thing, That's how I was using it anyway
  24. disorder

    Character moaning?

    I've heard 2 zombies say that, I thought it was funny. Next they'll be saying "pop my intestines back in would you, there's a good chap"
  25. disorder

    "Can only ban confirmed hackers"

    BE needs its own self-checks, a MD5 hash or something like a public-private key set that decrypts itself.