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Everything posted by disorder

  1. disorder

    Zombie attractor - noise device

    Mine's less gruesome, but yeah, kind of that sort of thing.
  2. disorder

    No more copying to your OA folder

    did you type mklink first? dont forget the /j at the end. mklink "x:\yoursteamfolder\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\Addons" "x:\yoursteamfolder\steamapps\common\arma 2\addons" /j
  3. disorder

    Kinda scared of this game

    ^ What Bludy said, playing the original Arma2 missions and campaign will give you a lot of help.
  4. disorder


    Hey what's in these Whiskey Bottles, cloudy lemonade? Sweet!
  5. disorder

    Getting Married

    The cake will be recycled out of bits of dirt and old toothpaste we've scavenged, with the bride and groom models being made up of a toilet roll with a golfball balanced on it and an old GI Joe with the leg missing.
  6. disorder

    Tips for a new DayZ Player?

    Read http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/26996-disorders-military-guide/
  7. disorder

    Ok I must be insane..

    Use this chart to ID it
  8. disorder

    Is DayZ for me

    Arma is actually an updated version of the same engine as OFP which was made by Codemasers in Bohemia's engine and the military version vbs2 After that Bohemia kept their engine but had to change the name. Codemasters kept the Flashpoint name, but had to remake the engine (but their game wasn't as good apparently) or something like that.
  9. disorder

    More Servers in Asia

    How about you or your friends start hosting bliss? http://www.tunngle.net/community/topic/77721-easy-server-installer/ If you are stuck pm me and I'll see if I can help.
  10. disorder

    Is DayZ for me

    seems more than enough, what power supply? the psu is your most important bit actually (not a lot of people know that, they cheap out on it)
  11. disorder

    Mouse2 = forward?

    Some people might have disabilities where they can't reach the kb. I figured that out, why couldn't you?
  12. Story: people wake up on a beach, have to fend for themselves and then fight of a giant smoke monster thing, find an alternate dimension, reconcile with loved ones and learn the meaning of existence. Umm.. wait.
  13. disorder

    Blood Regeneration

    A compromise would be to have food regenerate you slowly, instead of instant heal. So you still get regeneration but it's only activated when you eat and then runs for X seconds, comparable to the health you would have got anyway. Perhaps sitting in front of a fire increases the rate at which you gain blood back.
  14. Playing with a pad would be fairly easy I think with a few adjustments. The game can move more items to the popup context menu. I am thinking of something similar to a PS2 controller layout with this, I havent used consoles in ages. button to fire - same button held down to get scope/sights. button to toggle stance - between standing, crouching and prone. hold it down to 'hit the dirt' and switch from stand stright to prone. button to toggle jogging - hold down for full sprint button for normal pop up menu, which will have anything else missing from it. Toggle flash light, sit down, salute and anything else you can bind to a key. triggers/bumpers lean left and right Oh yeah what's missing.. free look head movement. Can do that with a secondary d-pad (most come with 2 these days) Job done.
  15. disorder

    DayZ without Zombies

    You forgot DayP, which is where the game will have pink grass instead of green and the Zombies will be replaced with Ponies
  16. disorder

    DayZ wont work

    One with a better dedicated graphics card, anything by nvidia or amd. My last laptop was a Dell Studio 17 with radeon hd 3650 on it, at the time it was fairly capable and you can get better graphics on more recent ones.
  17. disorder

    DayZ wont work

    You are running a laptop there I see. Ok found it. Pavillian dv4 = Intel Graphics Media Accelerator 4500MHD. This graphics card is low spec and I would say not capable enough for the game.
  18. disorder

    DayZ breaking computer?

    Here you go. Remember furmark is very intensive and gets your chip very hot, so you need to override cooling on your gfx card. Easy enough if you follow this guide> First. obviously make sure you have latest amd graphics drivers download msi afterburner turn on the user controlled fan icon, in the fan section. The one with the big cog. If you can't see the fan section. you need to change the theme to full in Settings > user interface Finally on the fan tab in settings, make sure fan override (user controlled) is on. edit the graph so that than fan goes to 100% at 70degrees. You can move the markers around by dragging them. if you create a new marker by accident select it and hit delete. your line should like this http://www.datanc.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/msi-afterburner-fan-settings.jpg There is also a yellow dotted line, a minimum fan level (sometimes 10-20%). Make sure the minimum idle speed is at this temp, it might be a 30-40degree idle temp, you want the lower end of that for idling. The end result should be, slow quiet fan while doing windows stuff + loud cooling fan when you are running games.
  19. disorder

    Noob, server help

    Change your name in the main menu profile screen, it probably chose the same name you are logged into your pc with by default. It obviously won't let you join any servers with a name of "admin"
  20. Not sure what you mean by merging, but edited files will force the mod to need signing again. you need to learn about signing and bikeys https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA:_Addon_Signatures
  21. disorder

    What DayZ has to learn from other games

    The flashlight wasn't in arma2, it's a hacked in item that uses a cars headlight. Which is why both the flashlight and cars can blind you, it uses the same light source. The toolbelt and inventory of dayz is a modded version of the military arma 2 version, so again.. not perfect. You don't need a currency if you have secure trade, then you can barter items and they will gain a fixed value comparable to other things; 10 beans for 1 morphine injector?
  22. How about just increasing the spotting range/ability. You can crawl past zombies quite easily but it would be a lot tougher if they could both see you out from further and see movement on the floor near them. Secondly the spawn radius should be increased to the areas of grid squares (instead of just a circle around each town) which would allow some to spawn in forests.
  23. Orlok is correct here, you will not see a lot of stuff on the map as its all scripted. You need to learn lua and extract the mission files using a pbo tool and then go in and edit them to see which part has the template for bases. then you need to copy that code and then change the coordinates it is spawned at. It's not going to be as simple as just directing you, you need to know some level of programming.
  24. disorder

    Blood Regeneration

    I came up with this idea before, except I suggested using the camp fires to recover blood and heat levels slowly. Also allowing a cooked meal/stew with the meat steak and a can of something.
  25. I hope they take their time. The last Bohemia game to come out, Carrier Command, released to little fanfare and was lacking(especially in the multiplayer department). Sadly the patches slowed down because I think all the devs are working on DayZ.