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Everything posted by Dagski

  1. It's very annoying at the moment. Do you have this problems too? Is it more because it's an alpha with network problems or could it be me?
  2. Dagski

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113953

    This new patch made the lag rubberbanding even worse for me. Got teleported through houses and such stuff.
  3. We're searching like hell on our server but we only find the Little Bird, nowhere the airplane and the other new helicopters, are they really in this game? Can't find informations anywhere.
  4. Dagski

    Instance ID - How long take it?

    So how long does it take now to get the instance IDs? My mates don't stop asking me when our server is ready. :D Order Number:3437034672
  5. Played on your servers most of the time. Best wishes from me, too.
  6. Dagski

    Day Z hidden behind desktop

    Same problem here. Pushing shift and - together, than typing flush gets you back in the game. But still it's a problem. Especially when it happens while you're hunted by zombies.
  7. Dagski

    armaX user can play now??

    People in Germany or near with the stuck on loading screen problem, look for the Zombie RPG DE 77 Server, this one works perfect for me.