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About Trajado

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    Helicopter Hunter
  1. If from the OP all you had to say was that... You should stop eating dirt. It's not good for you.
  2. The PvP is balanced in my opinion! The number of weapons, the amount of ammo, the existing weapons from wich to chose, all that. The unbalance is between PvP and PvE. PvE doesn't really exist after playing for a couple of weeks (at most), because for some, after a few YouTube videos and few hours playing the PvE challenge ends.
  3. Now with that I agree. More and better zombies. Why not read first and then see if you have something to add? -.-'
  4. I don't get bored playing lonewolf either, but then again, I didn't explore the entire map yet so I'm stilling chilling. Yes, listing the bugs goes up to a point, and yes people should search, but is it really the best option just to flame over everyone that repeats something? Why do people even go to read it? Why not just let it be? Get my point? I don't see the purpose or pleasure in going to every thread just to call someone an idiot... I don't read 99% of the threads in General Discussion just by making a selection based on the title! Doors are a problem. I get what you are saying, I only got hit by a door twice. But i reckon inside the barracks and in some other situations like when being chased by zombies if you are not carefull you are done. Ladders seem to be better now, people stoped complaining about falling from them when they reached the top. Yes the numbers are obviously without any base, it just so people can get an idea of what can happen if we don't work together to keep people in game, because, althou like you say, right now DayZ is doing pretty well, remember it was no competition. According to what I read, WarZ map will be similar. They announce between 200 - 400 Km2. But yes I think it won't have that much of a survival issue. I actualy don't agree with trade markets or safety zones. Let them die. I enjoyed my learning process, it's the best way to learn, I'm sure most didn't repeat the mistakes.
  5. The revenge of the children! Simply sad... Like I said at the end of my post.. Why don't we all stop being idiotic deepshits like you just were here? Since you couldn't, I answer with the same manners. I will try to make the thought go into that pea you call a brain. 1 - Taking a class in coding does not make you an expert on it. 2 - I'm in an engineering college and although I'm not in computer engineering I have friends who are, and I'm perfectly aware of the dificulty of coding. 3 - I don't need you to tell me they are working on it, of course they are! Don't assume everyone else is an idiot just because you are, ever though that maybe others aren't dumber then you and that maybe you are just not smart enough to understand them? 4 - I'm being patient, in fact, not only am I being patient, but I'm also trying to call everyone out that what is said in this forum may influence the future of DayZ, therefor we should all be more patient with everyone else, something you clearly aren't. 5 - I didn't say at any point they weren't working on the rest, I said they gave priorities to less important things, in my opinion. About your last paragraph I'm not even going to bother... You worked against yourself on that one, but I'll still give you a protip: when you have problems in comprehending words, don't advertise it like that.
  6. That's the type of thought that's wrong! Don't make any mistake, you will end up missing the days when you had full servers. All you need to do is look at the number of bandits vs alive characters and realise that the biggest mass of players might prefer the friendlier enviroment on WarZ, instead of the brutal one in DayZ.
  7. That's why I wish DayZ improves! I don't want to leave my girlfriend for the poster, but the poster won't kick me in the nuts every week!
  8. Exactly my point! Plus, if I had to define my self, I would say I'm a lone-wolf "semi-carebear". I like the PvP, I just don't kill without a reason. The murders i commited, either I was shot at first, or, I saw something I wanted! So, I pretty much avoid every contact with players. Wich from the looks of the WarZ features will suit my preferences better.
  9. Ahhh... I see! Thank you! Well... Go read the rest then! And thank you!
  10. No... It's wasn't! But I know spealling takes 2 L's, I just missed one! Lol
  11. Problem is... How optimistic can we be about the standalone when rumors has it will be on the ArmA II or ArmA III engine? ArmA II engine is obviously broken for this Mod, since all the patches for it so far fixed virtualy nothing. So, how much better can the ArmA III engine be I wonder...
  12. Well... I'm sure this won't help in anything to improve the mood on the forums but i tried, and enjoying DayZ like I do, and it being the (I think) first of it's kind, I'm rooting (not sure if this is how you spell it) for Rocket and not for WarZ. But truth is, WarZ begins to look better and better against all this, and to be honest, the forum and how people deal with each other here just makes me realise DayZ is full of children or childish players that wish nothing else but to provoke and cause harm to others. That's not something I want to be apart of...
  13. First of all, my apologies for any grammar and spealing errors i might make. Well, I decided to make this topic has a follow up on a post I made on thread about the Hero/Bandit feature, where I said I didn't feel the development of the game was heading the right way, focusing on the real priorities. Plus, I wanted to add a parallel discussion about the way this community interacts within itself, because fact is, this too will reflect on what the future might be for DayZ, since the players can actually make the Mod in whatever they want. Starting with the Mod itself and the path taken by the Dev team, as I wrote in the said post on the other thread, I don't belive the come back of the Skins with the new Hero one, will make any real impact on the Mod and the KoS mentality. I don't even understand why is it important in any way to break the KoS mentality right now! Like so many say, if you don't PvP, you actualy have nothing to do after sometime playing, and for a simulator that is trying to achieve the authenticity of what real life could be, it's just leg breaking, since the truth is that you could never define a survivor by it's clothes. And yes, I know that with some imagination you can come up with some stuff to do, but that's mostly for groups of survivors, lone-wolfs have nothing to do after getting gear. Don't take me wrong, I'm all for some balancing between PvP and PvE, for boosting teamwork, and completely against the "hill billy bandit" shooting spawns, but as of now, and the way the Mod is, some things seem to be a way bigger priority! Just think... - Tent saving needs fixing to stop duping or whatever it is; - Leg breaking is still stupid in many ways; - Doors kill more then zombies, plus, you almost need a map of the door to find where to place your mouse to open them; - Same thing as doors goes for ladders; - Walls are glitchy too, i found my self running inside some; - Loot spawning still stops from time to time; - Hacking is over the roof; - Ghillie and Camo still glitch, plus, they bug your backpacks now; - Big cities have too few zombies, people spawn and immediatly run in Elektro, Cherno, Berezino and pretty much get everything they need to start killing some noobs; - Zombies are still too easy to lose and deceive, and their movement is still horrid, its like if David Cooperfield and Usain Bolt had a child, it would be a DayZ zombie; - If you change your bag with one on the floor, yours dissapears; - Inventory mechanic is the worst i've ever seen; - Dcing so you wont die continues; - Server hoping continues; - People using empty or private servers to get gear continues; - Every server has different options (Tracers, 3rd Person, Etc), and lots of them don't follow the patches; - The huge map is almost pointless since everyone follows the same paths to do the same thing; This are just some of the biggest issues people complain/comment on the forum, a lot more exist! The question now is... What would you all prefer? The Mod functioning properly in some of this problems and a KoS enviroment or a friendlier enviroment where you still die getting hit by a door? -------------------------- Now, on the issue of the community! As I see it, this will have a huge influence on the future. Why? Because the more people get bored, angry, whatever, and leave the Mod, less survivors will exist playing, and you can mash them all you want about the Mod not needing them, but don't think for a second that all those that argue about this and that are not important! The amount of insults between people, the constant provocation between players that want less PvP vs those who just want to kill everyone, etc... All this will just help the Mod to fail! Eventually all the "carebears" like people say will leave and look for a better enviroment, leaving this amazing Mod with huge possibilites to be another FPS between the millions that allready exist. It's interesting how most people who call others carebears, and act like badasses saying their tears taste so sweet, argue about this being a sandbox in wich you can do whatever you want, but then, all they actualy do is play it like a normal FPS. Why is that? There are plenty of FPS games on the market... Why ruin the experience for others in game and then come to the forums to brag about it and provoke others when all they want is to vent with fellow "carebears"! Then there are those who exploded when someone vents about the bugs, or the hackers and pull the so burned out "It's an Alpha!" excuse. Yes it's an Alpha, yes we are testing, and complains, no matter in wich form are feedback for the dev's, when on the other hand, telling someone, that if they don't like it, they can just quit, has zero value! All this BS "childish badasse bandit" vs "carebear hugging unicorns" will just help to make more and more people lose interest. I might be wrong, but I think the number of players is decreasing allready. The difference right now between unique characters and alive ones is near 200.000! Now, the way I analise this is, that not all of the 200.000 characters that are dead are people that quit the game, but also, not all of the 774.000 alive ones are people still playing the game! Let's consider that in the 200.000 dead characters, there are 50.000 that are still playing the game! How many do you think from the 774.000 of alive characters still play? So, let's assume that the 200.000 is in fact the number of players that quited the game, this allready represents 20% of the number of unique characters! Plus, don't forget WarZ will probably come out for the public before the DayZ standalone, how many do you think then, will try WarZ and never look back? What we should all do is let others vent in peace, let the bandits brag, let people rant about bugs without being deepshits ourselfs and try to help and convince everyone that is losing interest to stick with DayZ and hope for better days, because there will be better days. Well... This is just the way I see it. TL;DR: Don't bother to post please.
  14. Wrong. I got shot at first in a barn, turned around, killed him and got a +1 Murder.