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About BBSDeadEye

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    On the Coast
  1. BBSDeadEye

    DayZ Mod 1.7.6 Update

    Thank you !!!
  2. BBSDeadEye

    Kicked: Battleeye restriction #44

    That is a server problem. Admins have to add an exception in their scripts.txt . it works on our server DE 686 ;)
  3. Inception was also the first thin I thought!
  4. Since it basicly is a pain in the ass for everyone who trys to set up a linux dayz server, I decided to put this tutorial. It is for all those who have basic Linux knowlege, but no idea how to accomplish a dazy server setup based on the windows binarys. Contribution And first of all I want to thank [WoP] Psycho Dad who pushed me in the right direction since I was pretty lost myself. He did provide me with the basic procedure of setting up a basic dayz Server under linux. This tutorial will cover How to install (compile) wine an a minimal Debian 6 environment How to reroute the wine output to your local PC for testing purpose. I will only cover Windows, but I guess it is even simpler on *nix and Mac OS Systems How to reroute the wine output to Xvfb (Virtual XServer) for productive use This tutorial will not cover How to install and configure your basic Server system or Arma2 setup itself How to create / manage different users on your server or how to upload files to it Links that could help Wine on 64 bit Systems from WineHQ: http://wiki.winehq.org/WineOn64bit Wine on 64 bit Systems from tjworld.net: http://tjworld.net/w...ildWinePackages Another Wine help page from WineHQ: http://wiki.winehq.o...e667664c0e7536f XMing basic manual: http://aruljohn.com/.../x11forwarding/ XMing download: http://www.straightr...com/XmingNotes/ This tutorial is based on a Debian 6 64Bit minimal Net-Installion. However most of it can also be used for 32Bit Debian, Ubuntu and other Debian based distributions. Maybe even other Distributions. I have separated the Tutorial in 2 Parts. The first Part is for all those who have Linux knowlege and only need the right commands. The second Part is a more noob-like tutorial, for noobs or those who are interested in more details about what or why im doing it. Part 1 (for Linux Pros) aptitude update aptitude install bzip2 flex bison ia32-libs libc6-dev-i386 lib32z1-dev ia32-libs-dev libpng-dev libxcursor-dev libfontconfig1-dev libldap2-dev libxslt-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libglu1-xorg-dev libgnutls-dev libxi-dev lib32ncurses5-dev libxrandr-dev libxxf86vm-dev wget http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/wine/Source/wine-1.5.19.tar.bz2 tar -xjf ./wine-1.5.19.tar.bz2 ./configure make make install is my local IP, where I got XMing running. (If you are behind a NAT, you have to Forward Port 6000 to this IP) DISPLAY=;export DISPLAY; I have Uploaded the DirectX Setup files which are contained in the Arma2 Installation wine DXSetup.exe If you get to this point the rest is self explaining. You should also test the server startup at least once, but after that you can aptitude install Xvfb Xvfb :1 -screen 0 800x600x16 & DISPLAY=localhost:1.0;export DISPLAY; and start your server with wine YourDayzServerCommandLine Part 2 (for Linux Noobs and those who want to know more) Preperation The following things are needed for a dayz Linux server: Wine with a bunch of librarys DirectX (the one which is contained in arma2) XMing for Debugging/Testing xvfb - A Virtual XServer (like a Virtual Desktop on Windows) for rerouting the Output of Arma2 to XMing and later on to the background Putty, for connecting to your Servers console I also read many Tutorials or Forum posts where people have talked about DotNet Installations. Well you definitly dont need no DoNet Framework for running Arma2. The only mandatory thing is DirectX! Arma2 Windows binarys will not work with any Wine version. I had very good results with the latest build which was at the time 1.5.19. Thanks to [WoP] Psycho Dad who I think had tried many times until he figured this out ;) So first of all, connect to your server via putty or a similar tool. 1. Download Wine - do not use the debian repository version, you have to compile it yourself later wget http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/wine/Source/wine-1.5.19.tar.bz2 Wine is an Emulator for various Systems who Emulates Windows. And in my opinion the best there is for Linux. Note: Version 1.5.19 is still Beta. However it seems to do the job. 2. Extract the Wine Archive tar -xjf ./wine-1.5.19.tar.bz2 Note: if you have a real basic debian system, you may need to install bzip2 via aptitude install bzip2 Note2: use tar -xjvf ./wine-1.5.19.tar.bz2 if you want to see which files are getting extracted 3. Install needed libarys. aptitude update aptitude install flex bison ia32-libs libc6-dev-i386 lib32z1-dev ia32-libs-dev libpng-dev libxcursor-dev libfontconfig1-dev libldap2-dev libxslt-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libglu1-xorg-dev libgnutls-dev libxi-dev lib32ncurses5-dev libxrandr-dev libxxf86vm-dev Notes: - flex and bison are needed to even build wine. - ia32-libs libc6-dev-i386 lib32z1-dev ia32-libs-dev are needed if you have a 64bit system. - The rest are needed for wine. At least libpng-dev is mandatory, you wont see any output without it and even get a bunch of error messages. 4. Build Wine ./configure note: you will get a bunch of errors on the end. This is okay for OUR case. make make install Note: the commands ./configure and make will take some time. Dont get impatient here. 5. Install Xvfb aptitude install Xvfb We need Xvfb later to reroute the display output of the arma server to the background. Xvfb is a Virtual X Server. (If you dont know what X is, please google for it... a description would be way out of scope this tutorial) 6. On your Windows machine: We need XMing Download http://switch.dl.sou...-0-31-setup.exe Install it Run XLaunch - Set to Display Number to 0 - click on the 'next' buttons until you are 'finish'ed Open File "X0.hosts" which is in you XMing install directory your file looks like this: localhost you have to add the Server IP here, so he (the server) can access your XMing Server localhost is the IP of my Debian Testserver in this case. Start / Restart XMing XMing is an X Server for Windows (or also available for Windows). We need it to see the graphical output of the Direct X installation later on and to see the output of the arma2 console! (If you dont know what X is, please google for it... a description would be way out of scope this tutorial) 7. On your server again, you have to tell your system it should reroute the output of X to your XMing Server. DISPLAY=;export DISPLAY; is the ip of my Windows Client, where XMing is started. 0.0 Is the display which we configured on step 5 with XLaunch If you are behind a NAT (router/firewall etc..) you have to forward Port 6000 to your IP where XMing is running. Port 6000 is needed for X to communicate with a X Server. 8. Install directX on your server (you will have to do this with every user you are planning running the server with) wine DXSetup.exe If everything is fine, you should see the output of the directX installation on your computer :) Note: You have to do this with every User you want to start an arma2 Server with because all wine files / installation files etc.. are in the .wine dir of youre Users home directory 9. Upload Arma2 CO / Dayz Files This step is a pain in the ass. Upload your Arma2 / Dayz Server files (about 16GB) to your server. Note: I have created a /home/shared folder where I uploaded all DirectX and Arma files, so that I only have to link them for every server instance. You only have to create a new arma2 Profile for every server and you should be good to go. At least you dont have to upload them twice.. 10. Start your server via wine wine YourDayzStartCommandLine now you should see the output of arma2 starting up and the arma2 console / hive console on your computer! 11. If everything is fine, reroute the X output to your local system Xvfb :1 -screen 0 800x600x16 & this sets Xvfb to :1.0 with an resultion of 800x600 and 16bit color deep. the "&" starts the Xvfb in background. I choose Display 1 as representation of my instance Ids, but the importent thing is that you should have seperated Displays for every server you are planning to run with wine. An other approach would be to use the ID of the User you are running you dayz server with to be shure each Server installation has its own Display Port. DISPLAY=localhost:1.0;export DISPLAY; this sets your Display to the Xvfb Server. (which runs local and is set to have a Display on port 1 at the line above) 12. Now your should be able to start your server, with the output rerouted to Xvfb. "Thats it". I did create this Tutorial with a Debian 6 64Bit Net-Installation, with sshd as only packet installed. Your results may vary if you have a different Installation package or a different distribution. However the basics should remain the same. I hope this Tutorial helps at least a few of you who want to set up a Dayz Server on Linux.
  5. I just watched a cheater (with help of some friends) teleporting over the hole map (from around berezino airstrip to near novy sobor in a few seconds). We noticed it by accident: He wrote something in direct chat, but knowed the name of the other player. after that he showed up (a few seconds later) serveral km away, and also wrote in direct chat. i searched for entrys in remoteexec.lot, script.log etc.... but no entry about anything like that! Server admins can do nothing about teleporting, - only without help of trustable players or by accident like I described. Just wanted to point that out...
  6. You can use ingame rcon or an external tool like ArmA 2 RCon GUI
  7. BBSDeadEye

    Done With Server Hosting

    My Server is beeing attacket too. Since about 1 Week, scripters spawn weapons, nuke players, spawn vehicles etc... Im having a hard time reading the logfile and dont understand all lines as well and i dont want to have to understand all possible commands. imho It is very frustrating to be an admin, because you can not specate (because everyone fears that admins could abuse this power), you can not record a game session and you dont have an understandable (for non-programmers) logging format for scripts.txt. Why dont disable the console on multiplayer at all? What is it needed for anway (in mp)? I think that except for rcon, the console makes no sense in mp part of a game, except if you want to cheat. You can do everything else needed with the normal game UI.
  8. BBSDeadEye

    Server suddenly stopped working

    My server behaves the same...
  9. BBSDeadEye

    What kind of death?

    Hello all, What kind of death generates -400.000 blood? it looked like i was tripping over something and falling down to the ground (that must have been a very bad fall..)