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Everything posted by tobyskov

  1. tobyskov

    I Demand The Need To Use The Potty

    This is genius. Imagine finding a bandit camp, and you and your clan/group/friends all take a shit everywhere in their camp.
  2. Well thing is, the melee weapons instantly kill zombies (if you "aim" for the head), without any sound. And the zombies current AI seems too stupid to do anything else than funnel in through a building one by one, walking slowly. Perfect for you to chop them down one by one with minimal effort and risk.
  3. This game is not meant for those who needs indicators to help them find their friends. You have to look around, identify yourself with the environment, learn the basic key locations. A good example would be, that if you spawn on the shore and see the lighthouse on an island, you're close to Elektrovodzak. Or something as simple as looking at the city sign names. If it's really that hard to find yourself, find a map online and use it to navigate. Also, if you start out with a weapon, that would mean no direct learning the basic sneaking from the start. I'm pretty sure thats why Rocket removed the starter gun. Most people just ran around shooting everything. Sure this is an option, but not really ideal when you could sneak around the zombies. As for the bandits thing, you can hear your heart beat faster and faster if you're nearby a player that has alot of murders.
  4. tobyskov

    how many ppl will quit when.....

    Personally i'm tired of this happening. Whenever im lucky enough to spot someone with a sniper, i always seem to only knock them unconcious. It's so sad to see the body suddenly dissapear and in the chat it says "anonymous has disconnected". I'm not the best sniper, but the rush it gives shooting someone is good, but it gets ruined when they dont really die and just log off.