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Everything posted by dayzsurvivors

  1. dayzsurvivors

    5 guys with more bullets than brains.

    The topic is called "5 guys with more bullets than brains" and it has the 'Kill Frenzy Disaster Squad' text above the video.... Not quite sure what some people were expecting!
  2. dayzsurvivors

    5 guys with more bullets than brains.

    I think we got a tin of beans from the supermarket...
  3. Kill Frenzy Disaster Squad finally find and steal a couple of ATVs. What's the worst that could happen? Then we encounter Chernarus' most inept security guard.
  4. dayzsurvivors

    So last night we found out this was possible

    Yeah, because it is impossible for people to register at more than one site :P
  5. dayzsurvivors

    So last night we found out this was possible

    Dreek I am loving that avatar!!
  6. dayzsurvivors

    I have started doing 'item cards' for Day Z.

    Second lot are up. More to follow by the weekend.
  7. dayzsurvivors

    I have started doing 'item cards' for Day Z.

    Glad these went down so well! Am working on more :)
  8. I don't get this logic. You can't put suicide in a game in case someone is so mentally unstable it leads them to copy it, but you can have killing other people in the game when the same mentally unstable people could be influenced by that instead.
  9. dayzsurvivors

    Well I just uninstall this POS

    That would probably be one of the worst Day Z experiences you could ever have. You would be able to gear up and be done with the game in a day. If you need time to learn the controlls/handling of the game go play arma II.
  10. dayzsurvivors

    Well I just uninstall this POS

    You don't get it do you? This isn't a game. This is a look at how people interact under the circumstances. And I can tell you not EVERYONE will kill you, but I can also tell you that a f*ckload will! You are asking for a survival sim with one of the biggest elements of survival removed. Why bother? Your tears will only serve to fuel the bandits. That's what they live off, not beans. And this was totally free, so just un-install and move on if you have no intention of sticking out the learning curve.
  11. dayzsurvivors

    Revenge! [3:42 long]

    Hehe yeah, classical music is pretty epic when it wants to be!
  12. dayzsurvivors

    DayZ Memes

    Just made this, forgot about this thread but seems the right place to post it!
  13. Can someone who has got the proximity direct chat at a good audible level please give a concise description (with screenshots if needed!) of how they have it set up? I am have massive difficulties hearing other players talking to me. Now, I have every sound option bar VON and Microphone down to a tiny slither of a bar. I then whack my PC volume up to full and use the microphone control on my headset for adjustments. STILL I cannot hear people. I can tell they are talking, and if there is nothing else going on noise wise I can just make out what they are saying. But it is far from ideal. I once was able to hear someone clear as day, when we both got into a bus. That was the one time I ever heard someone clearly. It is such a shame as I am one who doesn't mind death and prefers risking it to interact with survivors, but 99% of the conversation is me saying 'Pardon? I'm sorry, what was that? HUH?'.
  14. dayzsurvivors

    Serious voice chat difficulties

    I have both VON and Microphone at max.
  15. My first vehicle driving experience in Day Z. And I have been playing solid for nearly 2 weeks! I didn't even do much with it, just burned it along the roads until it ran dry. Jumped of and then ran like hell into the forest with a big grin on my face.