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About dayzsurvivors

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. I share your sentiments entirely! Only problem is, I cannot use a free camera within the DayZ mod. I wanted to have zombies in them too! Instead I had to load Arma II map editor and enable the free cam from there.
  2. dayzsurvivors

    DayZ fans in a nutshell

    Too kind :)
  3. Arg now I am going to be conflicted when I see a chicken!
  4. I counter your beans with beans of my own. Now we both have beans, but not the beans we started out with...
  5. dayzsurvivors

    What Graphics Card Should I Choose?

    WHAT? I am running an intel celron single core 1.2 GHz, with an ATI Radeon HD 5450 with 2 gig of ram on a 15" CRT monitor and I get 30 - 50 FPS. Y'all are crazy.
  6. dayzsurvivors

    People shooting unarmed people, why?

    Because you are thinking of this like it is a game. In an apocolypse where law no longer exists people will do whatever the hell they want. The guy with the enfield had poor judgement. Just because someone is a bandit doesn't mean they are cool, calm and calculated.
  7. I had a female character for a brief time. Playing as a group of about 6 it didn't take long before the 'Which one are you? Beard and glasses?' etc etc and a few almost shootings because people were not sure if someone was from our group or another random survivor type stuff wore thin so I just thought sod it if I pick the female everyone will know which one is me! It lasted about 3 days before everyone had ghillie suits but me, we got killed by hackers and I thought F this, I ain't missing out on a ghillie again just for being easily distinguishable!
  8. dayzsurvivors

    My new favourite place to shop! [Image]

    Yes, I was still cowering in a bush at this point I believe...
  9. dayzsurvivors

    Why don't hang around in a Minivan

    While I see your point, this is not really the type of game that you want to be leaving great and rare items for the next guy. You are in a hospital and find 5 morphine, you have 8 slots in your bag. Do you take 3 and leave 2 for the next guy or do you grab all that shit?! I know what I would do, and bravo to you if you would leave any, but in a survival situation that is not thinking smart! Same with vehicles, especially if you play in a group. They are mobile storage and speed up getting your group together/supply runs 10 fold. And someone always finds your stash eventually so it is better to get a few vehicles and stash them in a few spots.
  10. dayzsurvivors

    My new favourite place to shop! [Image]

    I checked about 8 of the 30+ tents before my balls receeded into my body and I ran lke a girl with 2 SAW's, 8 boxes of ammo, NVG, GPS etc etc (no ghillie though). Of the ones I checked I would guess about 5 of them were completely empty, the other 3 were rammed with gear.