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About sever26

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  • Location
    North Carolina
  1. Hackers have ruined the game so i stopped playing dayz and have gone back to the more mature players in arma 2 and how much better it is than a bunch of hackers in dayz...will check out dayz when its a stand alone and wait to see how it deals with the hackers...player since ofp... arma... arma 2...and soon to arma 3...so all you noobs stfu
  2. sever26

    Camo Nets

    get over it if this idea has been suggested before im not on the forums that much like you no lifers who can stay on the forums all the time and look for things to bitch about...
  3. sever26

    Camo Nets

    With the helicopters making a return I think it would be great if we could get camo nets...if you have vehicles in your base camps there going to be easy to spot from the air....thats all folks
  4. sever26

    Why Day-Z Fails

    Alpha dumbass...go back you to whatever been done a thousand times before game you were playing...and stfu
  5. You would not be playing this game without the Arma 2 engine...there is not an engine out there than can do what the arma engine does...please does us a favor and stop crying and enjoy the game if not stop playing and go back to your small map cod and bf3 games...
  6. sever26

    DayZee or DayZed?

    Duh...lets see...now this is a hard one, I think its called Dayz...wow that was hard.
  7. player Gare and Bran Disconnecting to avoid death and when agra zombies...also disconnection when being shot at...also using racist langauge and using anti gay remarkes in arma channel...they have been reported by admin on us 138...ip of both players reported