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About pred@tor

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  • Location
    Springfield, Missouri
  1. pred@tor

    357 Magnum, What does it look like?

    http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=211075141 Have one now too! Such a shame these iconic revolvers aren't made by Colt anymore as of about 2003-2005 because of the labor these semi-custom revolvers take to produce. The craftsmen who made these are long gone and if I could find Pythons like this game in real life I'd make a killing selling them because today these are very sought after and collectible. They usually go for 1500 to 3000 FRN I am very lucky to own one been told so too.
  2. pred@tor

    357 Magnum, What does it look like?

    The S&W 686 has that lug like the Python does. I loved OFP I played that over 10 years ago.
  3. pred@tor

    357 Magnum, What does it look like?

    I have a Colt Python in real life so I wanna find it too. A little disappointed to see it wasn't even put into loot table. :(
  4. pred@tor

    Flip ATV

    In Operation Falshpoint I used to play RTS on Karriliion's bootcamp and he used to have scripts to unflip ATVs I would love to see this implemented in Day Z as well... Hell a Day Z RTS would be fuckin sick!
  5. pred@tor

    Bro Team : Day Z

    I was gonna post this but you already did! Hilarious!!
  6. pred@tor

    Weapons Nerf - Rocket responds

    The 9x19mm us more pwoerful than the 9x18mak round.. This does not make sense...
  7. pred@tor

    AHHHH ArmA 2 OA Down for Maintenance!!

    I just tried this sucks!
  8. pred@tor

    Amazing DayZ Video

    thanks for posting
  9. pred@tor

    DayZ Mythbusters

    can zombies kill animals? :)
  10. pred@tor

    M16A4 ACOG vs M4A3 CC0

    I love the M16A4 ACOG I found it once though... M4A3 has a flashlight you can use too
  11. Personally I'd hate to see Day Z moved to a different engine then again I loved OFP so I like the format this already has and I owned the game way before this mod and thoroughly enjoyed it. I dunno if I'd even like Day Z anymore if it didn't play like ArmA 2 does.
  12. pred@tor

    Cherno Noob-Sniping

    I like to counter sniper the snipers especially in Cherno.... Thats my new thing lately...
  13. pred@tor

    Stary Sobor a waste of time?

    I was sniped once at Stary after I said over the mic "dont be a faggot!" BOOM BOOM BOOM + zombies lol and the last time I went there I got mowed down by soem random dude with an AK and I looked around before he came out of no where too... Every other time I have survived I rarely die there and always seem to come out unscaved usually. So yes it is worth the risk if you want a new gun, better gun, or military ammo.