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Everything posted by chisel

  1. Related server announcement post: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/118432-chernarus-private-hive-veteran-300-vehicles12helis-anti-combat-logging-actions-pvp-wanted-smackercentral/
  2. I'll tie these together here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/118512-so-what-maps-are-working-the-best-new-server-looking-for-input/
  3. This! Happened to me after Steam needed to update files to a new "More Efficient" version or something. That went through just a couple days ago now, cannot launch from Steam at all. Launching through dayz commander still works but I normally launch directly through Steam.
  4. chisel

    Fallujah 1.1 Download?

    dayz commander will allow you to download and install it.
  5. chisel

    NEW DayZ Fallujah Map Released!

    Done and done. Same results. Hangs at loading. In game, friends tell me it says signature timed out or something to that effect.
  6. chisel

    NEW DayZ Fallujah Map Released!

    Same thing here, i've even replaced all my arma2 and arma2 OA files, dayz files, and fallujah files. Nothing works, tried sever launch params, hangs on loading. I can join lobby, start the game then... Receiving data... Waiting for character to create loading hangs there, black screen with "loading" in the middle...
  7. chisel

    Lingor Island Chit Chat.

    Nice try. Divert attention. The people will read. They want to know about people like you and that is my sole purpose here. 1. They teleport 2. They teleport and script in equipment 3. They LIE 4. They LIE I started fraps after the restart when I landed in the water and another of our group landed miles away as a new respawn... Fraps rolled as soon as I spawned in and realized what you hacks did. FRIZAG = TRASH I play on several lingor servers and my own dayz server. There are plenty of places to play so no need to play on a dirty server. I'm not some sniveling butt hurt kid, I'm 41 years old. I am part owner of an online gaming community that was established 7+ years ago. We host TF2, BF3, CS:GO, dayz, L4D, L4D2, Minecraft. We aren't a clan, we are an open community. We don't compete, we play for fun. We host and admin many games and it pisses me off to find a group like Frizag that gives admins a bad name. I have more than my hands full administering dayz and pounding sand with dayz devs about the control they need to give admins then trash like Frizag is on the scene giving us all a bad name. I'll do anything I can to get word out about Frizag clan. They are new, so new they have no website or forums. PLAYERS BEWARE. I'll keep posting in this thread until the trash admits it or leaves. I will not stop. FWIW, I was never banned from their server I LEFT and WIIL NOT GO BACK. I want nothing to do with that trash. There are too many good servers out there. Funny thing is, groups like this never last long. With their practices and blatant cheating a clan like that will resolve itself sooner or later. Word will get out no matter what and they will fade into nothingness.
  8. chisel

    Lingor Island Chit Chat.

    I don't even know who Codi is fool. He's definitely NOT with us. I don't know him or darthsatan. I killed darthsatan at FOB eddy before but other than that I have no idea WHO THEY ARE. Your proof of Codi suits me just fine. Why would I deny proof against someone else, let alone someone I don't even know. Should I deny it for him? Ban him forever. Your logic is fail silly kid. You and your friends?. So you seem to catch someone on the server and now anyone that speaks up against you and your cheating practices is now in it together? Again, I do NOT know those people. Don't run with them in game, never did. Ban him forever for all I care I have no idea who he is. You did NOT kill Codi on that island, you killed two different people. It's right there in my video. First kill was BTT, second was Yoyi - you and yoyi killed each other. Then you spawned back in again to the island in full gear to steal the chopper, simple as that. YOU ARE A CHEAT AND YOU'VE BEEN CAUGHT. Sad to keep denying it. Talk about divert attention, lol, that's exactly what you are trying to do now. You are dirty and you know it. No worries, I won't be back on a dirty server. I can deal with random hackers but when the hackers are in control of the server from the start, that's bad all over. Script kiddies indeed. Enjoy your lack of skill and need to cheat to even come close to competing and even with the cheats you still can't stack up. Pathetic. Again, anyone considering playing on their server YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. Btw I started fraps as soon as the server came up from your mystery needed restart. I was on the island and had been for some time before the restart YOU WERE NOT. I some how spawned in the water after restart so I rolled fraps to see the explanations, I never dreamed I'd actually catch you hacks cheating then lying about it in chat. Bottom line folks, Yoyi shot him out of the chopper, stole his chopper, we flew to the NE island, parked the chopper. Were on the island a few minutes, long enough for them to cheat to find out where we were then server restart... The video I posted starts from there. These guys are cheats and sore losers. You are so lame and pathetic mere words cannot describe. FRIZAG - home of the cheating admins and they still get owned.
  9. chisel

    Lingor Island Chit Chat.

    Yep, I have all the chat in the video. I run Eyefinity so it looks small on single screens but I can take screen shots of in game chat showing us asking Movingshadow if Winston was admin and he responds NO. I can also show where Winston claims he died to zombies while his body is clearly at blown up chopper. Anyone wants to see that let me know I'll post it when I get home. These guys are dirty for sure. Grow a set and own up to it losers. I could at least respect that. The way it is now is pitiful and pathetic. Go look at yourself in the mirror. The shame. Wont this be something to tell your children how you were secret cheaters on your own server. So sad.
  10. I was just going to submit a ticket to you guys about this. Guess I'll wait.
  11. chisel

    Lingor Island Chit Chat.

    Ahh, winston the ripper. Teleported to the the island to take a chopper. We were on the island, two of us spawned after restart off island, Winston was NOT on the island and magically spawns on the island? He killed one of our guys, then a second of our guys kills him but dies in the process. Not 5 minutes later he's back on the island again in full gear in the heli. He tries to take off I shoot him and the heli flips over backward and blows up. We ask him in chat if he just died in the chopper... he responds no a zombie killed him. I go to the chopper wreckage and guess who's body is lying there IN FULL GEAR AGAIN... Yep Winston The Cheater er Ripper. I have fraps and screenshots. Frizag guys are a bunch of pathetic losers that can't play the same game we all play. They suck so bad they get their asses handed to them even when they cheat. So when they can't beat you when they cheat, they ban you. So pathetic guys. You will never get to be better players when you can't stand the competition. So pathetic. Frizag Server is so corrupt it's not even funny. AVOID, let the kids have their private server and they can go play with themselves. Inferior pathetic losers. Bottom line? Frizag guys are dirty, we know and you know it. Nothing else matters. Folks YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED about these guys. Video is long, long swim. Kept the boring swimming to capture our in game chat and our TS chat.
  12. chisel

    I need an admin to kill me

    Stick a q tip in your w key to wedge it down, then go watch tv.
  13. So PM me his IGN, GUID and IP please. Also all of you hanging around and all this going on and nobody had fraps going?
  14. I hate to be Debbie Downer here but I just have to ask this to get it clear for everyone: Is any dayz dev, dayz server hosting company owner, CEO, CFO or anyone directly linked to BI or dayz mod in anyway shape or form in control of dayz Adminz forums at all? Thanks. I think this is a great idea and I'm glad you guys are stepping up to provide this much needed tool for server admins. Thank you.
  15. chisel


    What is this North Korea?
  16. Is your blood low perhaps?
  17. chisel

    Day Z Videos

    More hacking goodness. No problem. Who doesn't love getting teleported to Elektro and made to dance for your hacking overlords before being slaughtered?
  18. chisel

    New Official Scripts.txt

    Any more word on this? Anything official?
  19. chisel

    To all server admins

    Let me just say a few more things then I'll be done on this subject at least in this thread. These points are random at best and are in no specific order. I did not plan this post and I'm writing on the fly here. 1. Everyone knows (or should know) this is an alpha test. If you don't know what that means you need to sit back and stop complaining and just listen for a bit. Everyone wants to play a fun game, dayz is/used to be fun. Yes we all want to play. But again this is an alpha test. We need to worry about the testing first and the playing last. 2. I've been in many alpha/beta tests, usually during these tests there are no servers for rent or for running, they are usually closed to the general public and under much stricter control of the developers. The cost for the beta servers are absorbed by the developer or by "partner" server host companies in exchange for deals upon actual game launch. 3. Dayz has no real "server" model yet to follow so it was likely very hard for the devs to gain support from server host companies to host their alpha (ie invest or at least host the servers). This lack of support likely led to the alpha being "open" which coincidentally created a new need... onto #4 4. New server hosting companies sprung up magically as if from nowhere... Likely those directly involved with this mod are running these companies, effectively solving two problems. Server hosts to provide alpha servers, and two cash flow to continue developing the mod coming from the influx of money from these "new" server host companies such as HFB and the like. 5. They take our (server admins) money so we are paying for the development of this alpha mod. All the while taking our money they call us the worst kind of people. We abuse our powers, we cheat, we ban everyone that looks at us cockeyed, we use admin power to get ahead in the game. Whatever. 6. We (server admins) fund the development of this game mod and future stand alone game and we get shit on. Some comparisons have been made to BF3 or similar games. Jokes flew around early after the BF3 release that we all just paid money to beta test BF3 (the actual real game after release) and it wasn't ready for release etc. At least with BF3 it was a one time fee, not a monthly fee we have to pay for the devs to continue development. At least with BF3 the server admins aren't treated like the scum of the earth. 7. Here's a bomb shell for the development team and all the shitty snotty nosed players of dayz and any other game you play on that someone else pays for the server for you: We rent servers to create a clean safe cheat free environment for US and YOU to play on. We do it so the cheaters and the hackers have some opposition in this world and we man our posts ready to do what we must in order to keep the asshats off our server so your day isn't ruined by some idiot. In return the devs who we FUND and the players who play for free on our servers whine and complain if something doesn't just go their way, admin abuse. Get over it. Folks we're funding this whole mod, I don't care who tries to deny it, I'm sure monies from server rentals goes directly into someones pocket that is directly involved with this mod. WE ARE PAYING THEM. My server is paid through the month. It will not be renewed. I suggest if any admin truly wants to see/make a change that we cancel our server subscriptions and let the devs alpha and develop this mod on their own tab. Stop paying for this for them. What the devs accuses and makes admins out to be is MUCH worse in my mind than any hacker. The make admins out to be the worst kind of people in this world. I have never seen any development group treat what amounts to be their partners in such a poor way. To treat the very hand that feeds you this way is unacceptable and I will no longer be part of it. I'm not asking for locked servers or private servers. I like public players. Our community thrives on public players. I was once a public player on my community BF server. We don't alienate the public. The public and the devs should NOT alienate us. My money has just dried up rocket. Enjoy your vision.
  20. chisel

    To all server admins

    Just how would you know this? I'm quite sure that there is some crossover from dayz team to HFB host in the very least. I deal with HFB support team then I see them on here on the forums as part of the dayz team. Hmm, assure me more please. Moron. I love how people keep speaking for the dev team like they are a part of it, and actually know anything about what is going on! Damn, stop the ass kissing, it's disgusting. Are you part of the dev team for dayz? Are you a dayz server host such as HFB? NO? Oh then STOP speaking for them! You know nothing and yet you come on here and "assure" us as if you do know. Talk about fantasy... Go troll a different thread idiot.
  21. chisel

    To all server admins

    I will not be renewing my server either. It's that bad that I'm just not willing to keep throwing good money after bad. Especially when there is no hope for any kind of help with the problem. Not from anyone. Our community interest in dayz is dropping very quickly. 100% of the loss of interest in this is due to the non stop hacking. I don't blame them. Tough to test anything with all this crap going on. Devs want bug reports and issues reported? Hackers are ruining the alpha test. Was that a bug? Who can tell anymore? Was it a bug or a hacker? At this point what is the difference?
  22. chisel

    Hackers stealing files off servers.

    Really? lol, who "dafuq" are you? If you were half as knowledgeable as you apparently like to think you are, you'd know that with hosted servers, not dedicated boxes, that users DO NOT have control over the file system. Who here claimed to have had this happen? I have not. I'd just like to secure the server that I admin so this cannot happen. Go puff your chest out and impress your friends somewhere else, there are real people in these forums that would like real help. If you can't offer real help I guess you can just keep spewing your trash mouth.
  23. chisel

    Hackers stealing files off servers.

    Where does this leave server admins of hosted servers such as from HFB etc? We have zero control over the server file locations... Also, does actually using the BErcon put more risk on the server than is already there. Is the use of BErcon in and of itself the risk or does the risk exist whether someone uses an rcon tool or not? Isn't the risk the mere fact that the server files contain the rcon password, in other words the risk is the mere existence of the rcon password on the server due to the fact that the files containing the rcon password can be seen from their default locations? Does BErcon have anything at all to do with the hacker actually gaining access to those files on the server?