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Everything posted by kettenschutz

  1. kettenschutz

    How does one add a signature?

    have exactly the same problem here, only the URL is shown But i can see that you found the solution. Could you share these experiences ?!
  2. kettenschutz

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    isnt it a bit strange? Every guy who is posting videos or photos here seems to be a murderer The maximum amount of murderers i got in the whole past was ! 1 !, but allready with 90+ Kills And you guys have only ->20 Kills but allready 3+ murderers So now we know whats going wrong with this game ... okay, need to edit this -> Almost every guy .... ;)
  3. kettenschutz

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    stucking at LOADING, too but the content of the patch sounds great :) i appreciate your work, and been looking forward for a few europe-servers to join in Thx !
  4. kettenschutz

    Day Z Urban Legends

    wow, this one was really scary, complex you've got my beans for that, too. I really hope that this one is true. (Im pretty sure in this thread are a few threads with faked facts) But if soo ... wuaaah, cant lose the creeps ... brrrr If we compare a few of the stories, someone could think that the developers have a lot of fun while playing scary movies with us ;) *like that* And unfortunately i noticed by the vid's that the arma free edition really contents lower resolution graphics than the full-verison of the game .. dammit Hopefully we'll get a lot of more stuff like this with further updates. This will help to become the milestone DayZ deserves !
  5. Hi! I just want 2 ask 2 questions, newbie questions 1. Is it possible to check the amount of ammo in a pistol or rifle clip? Maybe there is a total of 8, but only 2 left in this clip. This way i could replace it with a new one ive found 2. What does the connection symbol mean? If its red or yellow Are these connection issues on MY side or on the servers? Thanks :)
  6. kettenschutz

    Amount of bullets, connection chains

    Shock icon, okay What is the description of this? Okay found it on the dayz-wiki that fits, imho Thanks to all :-)
  7. kettenschutz

    Amount of bullets, connection chains

    Ah, there is another thing Sometimes on the right of the screen, appears a strange white icon i cant described. Its above the bonebreak-icon position This item disappears after a short duration. Couldnt find something in the wiki ?!?!
  8. kettenschutz

    I've had enough dying. So now I kill.

    That is not what I am talking about. You do not have to adapt a shoot on sight style of play in order to succeed in the game. ... and i learned the opposite again today I was up with a friend in cherno, we were changing baginventory. A stranger comes in and i yelled "FRIEND!" He just looked at me, then at my friend who was laying on the floor and gave him a shot, i shot his head and he disappeared! Im pretty sure he pressed ALT+F4 .. shitheads. If they are bandits, and they are going down, they should die as a man dies. i really hope that almost all servers get the cheater ban function after that i was in a church, and i allways close doors behind me, so i'll be noticed if someone enter the room. There was a stranger with a bag of zeds behind him. I blasted 2 of them and the stranger runs away. i thought, "okay, i need no thanks to feel good" i was running back to the door and close it again. a few seconds later the door opened again and i was running as hell into cover. The same stranger comes back and shot at the wall i was hiding behind. i sneaked out and gave him a headshot between his fucking eyes I dont really know whats wrong, maybe my face is ugly or i smell like a zed, but if i meet another survivor, its an asshole ... Its me, or them. Not more
  9. kettenschutz

    Amount of bullets, connection chains

    Ok got it! Thanks!,,
  10. kettenschutz

    Amount of bullets, connection chains

    Which green bar do you mean? Theone in the upper right if the weapon is equipped?
  11. kettenschutz

    I've had enough dying. So now I kill.

    Zipper, i totally agree with you. And i know that everyone tries to get himself in the best possible situation. Kill before get killed. But the last survivor i tried to help really pissed me off. So, now there is one bandit more in the woods ;) Thanks for your statement
  12. kettenschutz

    I've had enough dying. So now I kill.

    Hi there, first special Thanks for you experiences. Im completely with you I was shot and murdered with the hatchet a few times. While doing !nothing!. I was just standing still in front of my killer, to show him, "im friendly" Until these moments i believed in the "Teamplaying"-faith of the game. But then another situation occurs, which made me switch my mind... I was in cherno, crawling around with a very good bag. I've seen another survivor with a few zeds chasing him. i stand up, loss a few bullets in the zed's direction and faced the survivor. I showed him the way to a ladder and he was following me. I startet to climb up the ladder so he can rebuild his stamina and maybe i could help out with items and more. So, i was climbing the ladder, and this DUMBFUCK just killed me with a pistol while climbing. Im pretty sure that i helped him with guns and items more than i wanted to. So, this is a fat betrayal to me. I tried to help him, and he just played "fuckyou" with me. For now, im using the same method as the thread author. Kill anyone you dont now, dont give him a chance to do the same. You can cry in your headset as much as you want. Until the other guys see your back, youre dead
  13. kettenschutz

    changing crosshair ?!

    Hi there :-) I know that the Troubleshoot-Sections are not the perfect place for a question like this, but they fits most imho I dont have a real problem, more an important question around arma2 Is it possible to change/edit the crosshair of dayz/arma2 ? I really hate this green thing I was only able to find just one single mod which completely removes the crosshair, but this do only work on a fistful of servers. But it cant be this hard, i think/hope Would prefer to have just a small dot like in the Max Payne Games. Without any crosshair its hard to select items on the ground, so a dot would be great Does someone knows IF and HOW this could be possible? Or at least which file contents the crosshair-texture ? Thanks in advance guys :)
  14. kettenschutz

    changing crosshair ?!

    hi, at first thanks for the fast reply You're pretty right, but ... im really new to dayz and i prefer to play with 3D on and a little crosshair. Just enough to get the right spot on the items at the ground I allways use iron sight to shoot zeds, but for navigation its easier to have the middle of the screen :)
  15. kettenschutz

    The german community

    ich nehme an bei den Massen an Leuten spielt ihr nur noch auf Expert-Servern ?!
  16. hey die 18 hab ich lange überschritten, ein kleines bisschen Deutsch kann ich auch, Maus und Tastatur bedienen geht auch ganz gut! :D Ernst beiseite ... Bin noch neu bei Dayz, hab noch keinen ganzen Tag geschafft, und bei zuvielen Bugs neige ich dazu das Spiel zu beenden .. :P Gerade Heute war irgendwie wahnsinnig schlimm ... Habt ihr neben DE55 noch andere Favoriten-Server? Ich bin in Frankreich und da ist der Ping zu einigen Servern ab und an mehr schlecht als Recht. Würd gern mit nem kleinen Team rumlaufen, aber kein Clan-Gedöns mit Team-Meetings und so'n Quatsch.
  17. kettenschutz

    Introduce yourselves

    hi there shortname ingame is KSMods and im very new to DayZ. Honestly ... i have to say that sometimes dayz becomes a bitch. U got the loot of your life, 2 weapons, a map, clock and a tent, 12 Minutes later you're rest in a restaurant and bandage your wounds ... BANG ... just sniped and start from scratch Sometimes the servers doesnt save your loots. Im in france and the internet connection is really slow from time to time, so i need to respawn, and if i'm in luck my loot is gone .. great, too But, for me, a german with 26yrs of age, dayz is one of the best games of the last years, and if it hits beta stat's im pretty sure it will become one of the best games ever. I need to got more experiences in looting and shooting, and of course i need to get a headset, but afterwards it will be more fun than ever before, even if i can find some friends to play with at official servers. Thanks Modmakers for developing this. Never was happier before to spend money for a game :)