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About kettenschutz

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    Woodland Warrior

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  1. kettenschutz

    The constant discussion about 'hacking'.

    nah mate, you got it wrong I doesnt said, or want to say, that rocket is that kind of disgrace. Goddamn no, no way, ever I tried to mention that he created that, i dunno howto describe dayz, that great kind of new-age-survival-mmo-army mod. So many players are joining dayz every single day But those hacker-idiots are degrading all those experiences, and bring a lot of honest players to the dead end situation, that there is just no other way for them, than to leave that great modification. THAT's the shame. Thats embarassing. For rocket, for his helpers, and for every single, honest gamer
  2. kettenschutz

    The constant discussion about 'hacking'.

    unfortunately i just have to agree with the TO The hacking is a shame to every MMO game. Of course we know a lot of games where cheating is an important topic .. but dayz ... no, dayz isn't just one of those games DayZ is, sorry, was a fabolous piece of code. I never felt into this kind of nightmares like dayz was coming up with at the first weeks/month If you got a bit of good loot, and even got a plan "where to run next", you were just like FukCoYuARsEHoeL if someone was just a second faster than you, or if some of those nice bugs just broke your legs and you're be eaten by the zeds - But exactly this was all about dayz -> Fear, every single second i joined 4 servers today ... and thats a fact, i have the evidence of at least one hacker at EVERY single server. One of those servers just had 3! people on it, and one player was using the navigator and teleporting hack, because he chased me Furthermore there were big ammo boxes, and surprise, almost every player got at least a DMR as primary ... (BTW, with the new version of DayZ, there's too much weaponry in loot, imho) So afterall i decided to stop with dayz, because you cant be sure, never and on not a single server, even the passworded ones, because the cheating itself is so damn easy Its a shame ... a big disgrace to rocket&co
  3. kettenschutz

    So, what? DayZ becomes a hackers paradise ?!

    Do you think if i didnt knew that this is a tupac song, i'd recognized that this is some kind of poetry ?! run brain.exe ;) ok it seems like what happens to me isnt unusual. I knew that there are hackers in dayZ, but i didnt thought that the new target of those fuckers is to kill people. spawn 50 peoples to kamenka is funny, okay, but just killing a single guy? I really dont get that thanks for your patience guys
  4. kettenschutz

    So, what? DayZ becomes a hackers paradise ?!

    poetry, nice ... ;)
  5. kettenschutz

    So, what? DayZ becomes a hackers paradise ?!

    to be honest i never met a hacker until now i thought it wouldnt be that easy to do stuff like this
  6. kettenschutz

    So, what? DayZ becomes a hackers paradise ?!

    not, really ?!? dont take this thread as whining .. thats not what its meant to be
  7. Hi @ll, im just posting this thread because of the big Q: Whats wrong with those guys, whats wrong with dayz ? I was on Day 42 with 560 Kills and 1 murderer (was a bandit kill, but my defence was better than the snipers skills) Now i was running away from elektro to head into cherno, looking for loot and maybe others to help out I had great loot, 2 big guns and my favorite M1911 with a lot of ammo. I was a bit proud about my stats, because its the very first time i didnt died that long So i was running at the cost between cherno and elektro, chased by a Zed, as another guy was heading right behind me. He had a sniper and a ghillie suit and it seems like he was just following me. He did nothing but running behind and besides me, round about 500meters. That was a bit strange, but i thought maybe he want to have a chat after we get rid of that Zed After these 500meters he stopped, went into a crouched position and just 1 second later it bangs. Some kind of grenade explosion but he didnt throwed something, he was just going to crouch and BANG i died immediately, as the game displays in the lower left corner. But there was only my name, not anything else In fact the core of the explosion was his body, so he cant survive that bang What happened here? Whats the advantage of this, and does someone has a similar story ?! My lost stats arent a big problem, i really enjoy a dayZ restart because of the proning, crouching, looting and the fear against other players as long im unarmed. And to be honest, the game becomes boring if you got a big bag with all stuff inside, nothing left to do, if you're not a bandit But that guy pissed me off thanks for reading
  8. kettenschutz

    Hackers. Serious problem.

    That doesnt matter, just leave the game, nobody cries about that do you guys know that this is NOT Battlefield ?
  9. kettenschutz

    Quit Playing Alone!

    cant really agree here playing DayZ at a lonesome is just a great experience. You cant get this amount of fear, adrenaline and GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE with a cpl of survivors But besides that, i start to play with others, too. And yes, its very funny. Another kind of fun, but its just great :) I just want to say, both sides have pros and cons. But i think you need to learn the both of them, to understand what the game tries to show and of course, to be
  10. kettenschutz

    Looking for Friends! Europe

    Great, Thanx :) Usually, which servers you are using ?!
  11. kettenschutz

    Looking for Friends! Europe

    whats the name of it? sorry dude, i dont mind whats your opinion about that If you have friends in RL playing DayZ, wouldnt you try to meet up with them, too? ... Cptn Brywater? Added :-) Eazy-E: Lets see what happens in the future. for now i love to hang around elektro, cerno, barns, and collect some weaponry at balota or stary I dont like to be fixed on an area of the map. Be free like the birds are ;)
  12. kettenschutz

    Looking for Friends! Europe

    added :-)
  13. kettenschutz

    Looking for Friends! Europe

    Hi out there! In the last few weeks i really enjoyed playing "dayzi" and i think its time to couple out and find a friend. Unfortunately i dont have a RL Friend who is playing DayZ, so i need to find one from around europe I'm not a pro right now, and neither a bandit nor a murderer I like the survival-zombie-splashing-and-loot-all-you-can-get way of dayz. Playing alone is really exciting, but with one or two mates its even more fun, because you can go tacital Im a german, my english is not the worlds best as you can see, and you can come from whereever you want Europe is a good hint, imho. Because the pings to US Servers are horrible So, what do you think? Newbies? Maybe we meet up before? My Nickname ingame is KSMods !
  14. kettenschutz

    HELP need blood transfusion/advice

    nah, you dont get it. Thats not the topic, and it never was For myself i didnt have problems with bandits. Sometimes i need to be one for myself. But a bandit is Not(!!!) a murderer
  15. kettenschutz

    HELP need blood transfusion/advice

    im pretty sure there are a lot of BF and COD players inside DayZ Just take a look at the HUGE amount of players. up to 20.000 at the same time on dayZ servers. thats not just "fanmates", thats the whole world, and there are a lot of people which tries to define a new ego-shooter But generally those kidz will die faster as they can respawn, because joking with zed's its not that easy, if you're not careful ;) Youre last statement would be to nice to be real. A "real" world with field hospitals, police and so on. Would be awesome to got an stick-together game with thousands of peoples Im looking forward in the future of DayZ. Im pretty sure we will certanly undergo a few more nice changes in gameplay and look-a-like ;o)