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About Joka232

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  1. Joka232

    Bear Traps - Why Were These a Priority?

    Rocket prioritys are like this. Make game working > Add things that he had plans for, and fix bugs > get game working like he wants with near to no bugs and glitches > Ask players for suggestions on wha tthey want. whats the point of adding something new to the game if the game itself is in Alpha
  2. is it safe to buy Arma 2, CO, to play DayZ ? from this source https://store.bistudio.com/arma2-combined-operations/ when i buy it will it be downloadable? or will it be disc? and does it matter for steam or not? im nota fan of steam never used it tbh. and if i get this version will i be able to play DayZ.? Properly?
  3. Joka232

    Buying me OA?

    U fucktard...seriously? noone in thier right mind will buy you the game! Why? because thats retarded.. Get a job u moron..
  4. Joka232

    Enviormental Weapons.

    Well, its good, in my personaly experciance every single house ive bee nin in my recent charater profiles had onlyt ammo, NO GUN....NO HACHET...NO CROWBAR!.....only ammo and empty tin can beans, i mean if the mod had my idea ...i would be like...him im stranded on a beach? ...OH shit look zombies i need to protect myself!...run to nearest woods..pick up a heavy or strong branch and use it as a weapon... i would run into the town with no weapons! IRL!... i would want a weapon before i go into the town for supplies! common sense
  5. Joka232

    Enviormental Weapons.

    so for the people who cant really find a weapon top defend themselves can surley find a enviormntal one? heres a list of them: Branches : Location: Woods Spawns: Randomly Size: from medium and up. the bigger the more damage. Manual: if you see the branch on a tree you can pull it off. the branches you can use look different from the ones permanently attached Rocks : Location: mostly near the beach. or wherever the rocks are likely to be, Spawns: Randomly Size: from medium and up. the bigger the more damage. Manual: pick it up from the floor.. Yourself: Use your fists and kicks to defend yourself. you cant kill the zombies but you can knock them out or if you hit them in the head enough you could kill them. maybe a 25% chance to kill them you can also have the option to throw small rocks at the zombies and if you hit them i the head that's a kill. all these things and more can help get rid of that endless running. what do you think?
  6. Joka232

    Soo guilty!

    i just started off a new character! found a guy who was willing to give me a\ lift on his motorbike we went on it, some zeds chased us but we lost em. we found a old warehouse he got off i folllowed. didnt really find anything. saw a zed walk in i sneaked out but the other guy was still looking for stuff, i typed in chat lets go a zeds here. he didnt reply.. we both didnt have weapons either so... i went out and waited near the bike for him to come. a minute went by nope. then 3 minutes, then i say 3 zombies coming my way. i wanted to rush the guy out but they were blocking the path!.... one of the spotted me i had no choice to run endlessly or take the bike... I TOOK the bike and drove off...i didint hear from the other player...im not sure what happened to him, i feel so guilty right now..:(
  7. Joka232

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    ahh i could have really needed your help with a broken leg, but too late! XD
  8. Joka232

    New Zombie Textures

    i love them! keep up the good work!, maybe will be implemented!
  9. okey i get it the zombies can run, but maybe you could make it so that they are alot dummer? so they dont chase you for a whole hour non stop...i know your going to tell me go through buldings go up the hills and what not. dont get seen by them! No. i ve done those things if you dont have a weapon you will be chased and youll be running till you quit or you break a leg.. isnt there a way to make thwm dummer? A BIT slower then you? have more types like walkers? Joggers? NOT Sonic the hedgehog...? maybe also make it alot easier to lose them... i know its a Beta...but...please something..anything
  10. Joka232

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    thanks! i really love you guys for making this mod keep up the great work!
  11. Joka232

    Im not going to be the good guy anymore

    Lol, i was thinking of becoming one too!, but not because i was shot but today ihad my first encounter with another survivor i only had a hachet and bandages and was about 30 min in the game. hewas being chased by some zeds so i decided to help, i got bitch slapped by one and that got my leg broekn i continued to kill 4 of them and when i turned around i see the guy running away! i shouted out for him but no... next time im not going to help the other survivors...let them learn their lesson..
  12. Joka232

    Arma 2 Engine - Reality and common sense questions

    Okey....sure its not as real...as the real world....BUT Dude what you described can be done but would be UN-FUN...people play games to have fun! not make soo dam real that they could have done it in real life.. what u said up there is all too real for any game that has been released the only one that would compare is a real world War. i doubt you want to play that and expect to get re spawned after being killed. u make good points but worthless because the modders cant do anything to make it that real. maybe sometime in the future a game will be released with your expectations of realism...but it cant be even then cause at the end of the day your using either a controller/keyboard and mouse/motion control to play that game... YOUR Realistic game for war/zombie survival will never exist.. so the best thing anyone can do is play thier games and plau them for fun
  13. Joka232

    DayZ, to buy or not?

    But aint Arma 3 going to be released? i want to see how DayZ looks on that!...i rather buy that then Arma 2! sure ill have to wait but i can! :D, the bugs and the animations in Arma 2...dont make it the realistic Zombie survival game i like, but i still play it :D
  14. Joka232

    Emissions - forces players indoors every few hours

    i like your idea, but what if your running inside, and as you do a zombie runs inside with you, he wouldnt die either! you would be stuck inside with a zombie...and you dont have the weapons to stop him!