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Everything posted by xianith

  1. You don't see people slandering servers all over the net because of bad admins, they go to the server directly and get the issue resolved. This entire event would have never even been recognized if Laugh hadn't posted the videos. This was supposed to be an internal event and for some of the DOC clan mates, yes it may not seem fair but guess what, I bet there are hundreds of other servers doing the exact same thing every single day behind closed doors. It is astonishing to me that everyone hates on admins literally more then they do on hackers! But hey, not a single person filled a complaint about INS or any other admin (even when we did fly-bys in the hueys) UNTIL the videos were posted. Again I go back to my first point, no one would of ever even known. Laugh, I hope you enjoy slandering other servers in the future. Seriously a good person would have NEVER done what you did, As for everyone else, the videos show us getting geared and the two Hueys, this is the first and LAST time gear has ever been given to DOC members by admins (hence this being the FIRST DAY admins had the ability to do so). If you know of DOC, we generally roll with 2 hueys and are geared to the teeth anyways. If you leave that is your own decision and god help you. As for those of you sicking with us, thank you in your continued support. IF THIS DID AFFECT YOU PERSONALLY PLEASE PM ME ON OUR FORUMS WITH DETAILED INFORMATION. I leave you with this lovely piece:
  2. xianith

    spawning without weapon?

    starting with just fists would still be awesome, althought zombies would take like 9000 hits from fists to actually take damage. Id chuck norris zombies ALL DAY . . . and constantly die :( as it stands I feel like an armless hobo when I spawn, until I find my handy dandy hatchet.
  3. xianith

    who wants the spawn weapon back

    No, but you can use your fists. Fist fights would be HILARIOUS. GET THESE DAMN ZOMBIES OFF OF ME!