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About krappadizzle

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    Woodland Warrior

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  1. krappadizzle

    Build 1.7.1 Rolling Update

    I've died 3 times tonight. Every single time from Zed. I'm not some god player who is a beast at this game by any means. It's just that people don't know how to lodge a concern without coming out as sound like self entitled asshats. From Day 1 this was billed as an "anti-game". Perma death. If you die, you are dead, ya start again. Now I'm not against the complaints in that they aren't unwarranted, but when people are saying it went from best thing ever to worst they have no grounds to stand on. There were plenty problems before this update, and there are more since. This mod was not the best game ever before as it has a shit load if work/tuning left to be done. There is no single thing in this game that is solid, it's a sum of its parts. Still too many whiners, there is a way to vocalize your opinion in a constructive way that contributes to further development. Zombie damage is fine, agro could use some tuning. There is an annoying glitch when you pick up utility items, everyone knows you can sorta still be hit through walls, zombie respawned aggroed quite a bit, there is a way to dupe items which that is pretty easy to do which I will not share with players, there are no melee weapons, LoS need tweaking, it works, just not that well, item respawn rate is incredibly fast, my point is there are a lot of issues that I've encountered since the update, I'm not here to bitch on this forum about them, but simply to inform the devs of maybe how there intentions aren't being implemented the way they planned.
  2. krappadizzle

    Build 1.7.1 Rolling Update

    What a bunch of whiners. Holy shit. Don't like the changes? Leave. Simple as that. I've been on DayZ for over a month and have been a part of almost all the major changes and ya know what I do? I deal with it. Yes, some of the changes have upped the difficulty, but I fucking love the fact that it's not a walk in the park anymore. For the last 3 weeks or so, it's been entirely too easy, and as a result it became a MP deathmatch. The zombies have become a threat in a major way now, and that is the way it should be. Sorry to burst your bubbles guys. This may not be the game for you.
  3. krappadizzle

    No Vehicles

    Wellll, I was wrong, update today that say's vehicles should be on all servers. My bad, apologies.
  4. krappadizzle


  5. krappadizzle

    To the pussies that Run US 28 Chicago 22

    He did ask it to be put up. But on the same page, at least he manned up. I respect the shit out of people who admit when they are wrong. He was wrong and he apologized good for him. Welcome on my server anytime.
  6. krappadizzle

    To the pussies that Run US 28 Chicago 22

    This kid clearly doesn't know what being an Admin involves.....SMH.
  7. krappadizzle

    Admin Abuse? NZ7 11:30am (west coast time)

    Hahaha. That's funny. OP, now knows, leave him alone guys, everyone gets one.
  8. krappadizzle

    Servers with Vehicles

    Neogaf.com servers do. No names, or crosshairs too. Enjoy. Server name in sig.
  9. krappadizzle

    The seller cheats.

    What a scrub. The joys sad people get from life.
  10. krappadizzle

    About the Security Issues

    That said, I hope security is taking high priority, and im glad to hear the situation has been fixed (i hope) id rather see updates stop while infrastructure is improved upon than trying to please the masses of people who dont seams to care what happens to there information. I can tell you that as an Admin, I wish I had a better way to police my server. It's tough to deal with hackers. It seems that some admins are incredibly douchey and act like spoiled brats which puts some that generally want it to be a fair environment for everyone in a bad light. I hope admins are given some sort of tool to sniff out cheaters.
  11. krappadizzle


    You are going to die. That is a fact. The two major cities are a blast to try and stealth through. But basically, find a town sign and cross reference to an online map and try and meet up. Worst comes to worst, you run with the ocean on your right, and he runs with the coast on his left. You'll eventually meet up.