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About pumpaction

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  1. pumpaction

    Players in the last 24 hours

    In my opinion people are quitting for two main reasons: 1) No more updates. In the beginning it seemed like updates were coming every couple of weeks each time the game changed (for better or worse) giving you a reason to play to see the changes. 2) Hackers. The hacking situation has become ridiculous. Why bother creeping around slowly building up your loot when any minute an invincible soldier can teleport to you and kill you. I played on 4 separate servers the other night each with middle population and each death was due to hackers. I understand that the reason for 1. is all the effort is going into launching the standalone before War Z comes out and that once it is out it should solve 2. So until it does I may pop on every now and again for a bit of Elextro mini game but putting the effort into building bases, fixing vehicles is not worth it when it is taken away so cheaply.
  2. pumpaction

    Rare Zombies

    This one had nothing on him at all.
  3. pumpaction

    Rare Zombies

    Surely low spawn rate = rare? (at least rarer?) I have been playing this game for ages now and this is the first one I have seen and I always loot churches. How many zombie skins are there? You have Myth buster zed, Jumpsuit zed, Clark kent zed, Ruskie zed, Full Metal Zed, Where's my Helmet zed, Pilot zed, Xmas Jumper Zed and above now Priest Zed, Is that all?
  4. pumpaction

    Rare Zombies

    Last night I was in Starry looking around the supermarket shocked at the lack of Miso soup when I heard a sound that chilled my bones I turned and saw this lurching through the doorway. First time I have seen this type of zombie before are there other rare Zombie spawns?
  5. pumpaction

    Am I the only one that has seen this?

    The extra distance is quite noticeable now. Quite often I am running by a town miles away and I see a Zombie start running and I stand and watch and think hmm is he running at me? Ah no he is running off at a weird angle oh wait yep, yep here he comes now where is the nearest pine tree. A pine tree is your friend and more use than an AKM
  6. pumpaction

    Stuck Players

    Has anyone else noticed an increase in the number of players that are not 'really there'. By this I mean you see a player you can shot them, draw Zombies to them etc. but nothing happens they remain stood swaying slightly. Here is one, shot him several times looted him and nothing.
  7. pumpaction

    Suicide in DayZ

    So we were going through the woods and saw a guy hanging there. All I can think is that it all got a bit much and with no respawn button there is but one course of action. I took a picture but left out his face to spare anyone he knew him.
  8. pumpaction

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Running up to NW airfield and then this: http://imgur.com/smLFN Looks pretty eh. Solved by logging all the way out then back in again so I hope that will not count against me in the future.
  9. There you are, you got off the coast; You have a gun, not a great gun but you like it you have even named it 'Trudy'; You have a decent bag and all the survival gear. Going through the woods wondering if it is worth you and Trudy hiking up north to see if you can find her a playmate (or even upgrade the bitch). So you stop to check the map, looks like a 2k walk easily doable. AND THEN YOU SEE IT the peripheral dot that wasn't there when you got your map out and its moving and moving fast, you are too far away from anywhere for it to be a Zombie and anyway it's not moving like any Zombie you have ever seen. You keep scanning the tree's moving your head to make sure you had not imagined it. No it is still there and it is getting close, REAL CLOSE, someone must be hunting you down its the only answer, Why me? My gear is not that good, oh f**k I don not want to start over. Well Mutha' Funker' you ain't taking me and Trudy without a fight. Your heart races, your mouse finger quivers, not long now and then you see it! Just another f**king rabbit.
  10. pumpaction

    I killed Patrick

    Server US#00 Argento. NW Airfield. So It was a quiet day so me and two friends decided to risk it all by running up to the airfield. We looted the barracks with no problem nt great loot just AKM's but anything that 1 shot body Zed kills up there is handy. We then went over to the hangers I got a bit rash and ended up running with 20 zombies after me so I headed to the air tower to attempt to lose or kill them whilst the clear area I had made meant that my two friends could check out the hangers. I managed to lose the zombies when Beanmuncher got into a bit of trouble himself and was running from a couple of military zombies when he suddenly died! None of us was sure how was it a glitch? Had a single zombie strike taken him down? Had he been sniped? If he was sniped we all agreed it was an exceptional shot as no one heard the shot which would indicate a decent distance and he was full running to evade the zombies. Still uncertain we continued our loot sweep with a bit more caution (well I say more caution the two remaining of us ended up putting down 80 of a never ending stream of zombies coming into the fire station. We then went to get the loot of our fallen comrade when once again I got careless and pulled some zombies so whilst Gav went to the hanger I zigged and zagged about in the woods. It was at this point we both started hearing shots from what sounded like a decent rifle it did not seem to be directed at either if us so we were back on full alert. Then Gav saw the player in question coming across the airfield shooting at him, Gav returned fire and took him down, declaring "No way was that the guy that put Ant down he was a lousy shot". At this point the airwaves were then full of Gav's screams as he was surprised by two further players. Who opened fire and killed poor poor Gav. At this point rational thought went out the window so I charged for the hanger to avenge my fallen comrades. Set the AKM to 100m Full auto and burst round the corner of the hanger spotting two guys standing over Gav's corpse one in Camo the other standard so after an intial spray across them both I dropped to the floor and concentrated fire on Camo guy, down he went and the immortal 'Patrick was killed' popped up, as I then swept my AK to the next target he got a shot off and knocked me unconcious at which point I had two choices go out like a bitch with ALt+f4 or take my medicine. Two more shots rang out the medicine was administered 'Matt was killed'. I only post this as it was my first player kill (despite playing for days). All good fun, sorry Patrick but you killed at least one of my buddies.