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player (DayZ)

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Everything posted by player (DayZ)

  1. this is not a hack... I was testing on my own server and I assure you I do not have hacks. I logged in after getting kicked for another PV restrition for a PV I wrote, it is unrelated and I do not have BIS PV's anywhere in my init.sqf (where I call my PV's from) edit: this was on my dev server so no other players but me have joined
  2. player (DayZ)

    RCON dayz SA

    $1200 lol try $3600 And that doesn't cover time spent administrating the server or writing scripts etc. Assume a fair wage of $40/hr that's $60k a year almost!
  3. player (DayZ)

    probably confidential

    Just wondering when the exclusive partnership deal you have with the server hosting companies will expire? I'd love to get the server files but I have a feeling it won't be for a month or more since they have to make money out of the deal.
  4. player (DayZ)

    probably confidential

    You and me both brother. I'd even be fine with public hive access
  5. player (DayZ)

    Dedicated Servers ?

    we still need them to release the mission file and the dedicated exe
  6. player (DayZ)

    Server files?

    unpacked the server_data.pbo and it looks pretty similar to the @dayz_server files we have seen before. Just need mission files and the exe
  7. player (DayZ)

    BattlEye PHP RCon?

    I wrote a rollback script using php for the front end and c# to handle the backend. I wouldn't suggest using be shut down command as it sometimes locks up. In instead installed my server as a Windows service and use c# to interface with the service. Not the answer you're looking for but it works for me.
  8. Thank you so much for thus script. Implemented in my private hive. Will let you know how it goes.
  9. Pretty sure this is why private hives exist. I like then ideaof no server hopping. no ghosting and way less combat logging. No thanks
  10. player (DayZ)

    My secret for a quick gear up

    Taking advantage of game mechanics like this is an exploit. That's like saying hacking(scripting) is OK because battle eye sucks and the game trusts the client. Justify it if it makes you feel better. Also read the rocket misquoted post. He never agreed to this sort of bwhavior as being acceptable.
  11. player (DayZ)

    Military Zombies & NVG's

  12. player (DayZ)


    you must be new to the internet. This is called a forum. Short for discussion forum. Meaning people have discussions here. This is not a wiki. If you want to only find one reference to something, I suggest you go to the dayz wiki or wikipedia.
  13. player (DayZ)


    somebody doesn't know the difference between "where" and "were" also yup. Fucking hackers everywhere dude. Just a minute ago, dude spawned behind me with a ghillie asking for a bloodpack. I couldnt be sure he didnt just teleport so I shot him. Turns out he did need a bloodpack after all LOL!
  14. Dude... g19 only takes one penny on the up arrow... kiss keep it simple stupid. Sincerely , a programmer.
  15. player (DayZ)

    Hackers! Does rocket give à sht?

    Day is not the problem. The arma 2 engine is. The client has way too much power. Unless they make huge changes to the engine I doubt even arma 3 will fix this problem.
  16. player (DayZ)

    honk honk

    So after getting teleported to the thunderdome I now have a car horn... I can honk too... Anyone else see this?
  17. player (DayZ)

    honk honk

    Oh I've been honking for glory all day
  18. player (DayZ)

    What to do on skalisty island?

    I think I found your camp then. Right next to the house I found a tent with loads of chopper engine and other vehicle parts. No chopper tho.
  19. player (DayZ)

    War Z - Game based off DayZ

    I agree it looks fishy. A few screenshots here and there. Supposed to be released late 2012 give me a break.
  20. player (DayZ)

    us 734 whats up

    My buddy flipped his ATV, some jerk shot and killed him. Upon learning this I ran to his corpse and put 3 shots in his chest. Then he discoed. Then the server crashed like magic. Thanks for crashing the server, ATV unflipped and no loot for you.
  21. player (DayZ)

    How populated is Green Mountain?

    All kidding aside, I've been there like twice. Both times nobody was there so we started to loot. Then you know the drill... Woke up on the beach.
  22. player (DayZ)

    longest shot

    I had a few 650 m kills yesterday but the day before I got a 750m kill! How far is your longest kill?
  23. player (DayZ)

    longest shot

    805m just shot the sniper in a pair. Damned spotter got away.
  24. player (DayZ)

    TrackIR and DAYZ

    Have had a trackir4 for a couple years now, it's what honestly got me into ARMA2 when it came out. I haven't had it plugged in for a while now since I stopped flying so I decided to plug it in and give it a go! Wow! So much easier to check my surroundings. Don't have to hold alt anymore. For those who don't know, TrackIR is an IR camera that picks up your head movements and translates them in game. Eg. you turn your head left IRL and in game you look left (like holding alt) http://www.naturalpoint.com/trackir/ One suggestion I will make is to disable to x,y, and z vectors. Annoying when you are leaned over and trying to run. Any other Dayz'ers out there using TrackIR? Do you have an easier time driving / sniping / sneaking?