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Everything posted by Bravo-Two-Zero

  1. Bravo-Two-Zero

    Another cheater caught: Toni D.

    What's the point in these topics if the Dayz team never does anything with it? Of all hacker reports I submitted 0% was banned eventually. Guess admins should just ban/kick as they please and not rely on Dayz team to stream the bans.
  2. Bravo-Two-Zero

    Another cheater caught: Toni D.

    You're right, it was late yesterday. Just had to dive into the database, added now.
  3. Obviously not his own video and I wouldn't advise to watch it as the high pitched voices are annoying. Only last 30 to 40 seconds are relevant. In case they decide to delete it: server is Seattle 151, players: Ides LifelessChimera Paco Alastor
  4. Name: Jenek GUID: e00a442943478d7bd4398ba46a9c9aee Server: NL 4 (our own SoH server) Time: 7/2/2012 14:00 hrs (GMT+1) Catched a cheater teleporting, respawning with custom full gear and propably aimbot. He was already under suspicion, as we found G36 ammo on his body earlier, see earlier thread here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=21671&highlight=Jenek Of course he is already on the black list on our own server, I'm only here to enable the Dayz team to ban this guy from the Hive as well and thereby all Dayz servers. The story (with Full HD video) While driving from Cherno to Elektro we saw a fireball in the distance from an exploding car. When we came closer, we saw a guy next to it looking over a body. The movie tells the remaining story from the moment we saw him and killed him. Fact story: -I started with 6 kills, and still had 6 kills after I killed Jenek (no kill given). -I killed Jenek, but Jenek respawns with his full gear again next to it -Jenek seems to be able to hit a guy with one shot from a sniper rifle on a moving car which was actually even turning when he shot. This is extremely difficult as experienced snipers may known (aimbot). -Jenek is able to run a distance of several hundred meters almost as fast as our own car. It should have taken him 30 to 40 seconds, but he is much sooner at our place. -Jenek kills us both with 1 shot (aimbot) -Jenek gets killed by Berry, while I spawn close to the place were everything happened. So I run again, and while I run I notice a fire fight between again Jenek and another player Berry, Berry was killed. -Once I get to the area, Jenek drives away and didnt loot our bodies. Lots of CZ 550 rifles around, which Jenek also seems to use frequently. -I hide on mountain, team mate keeps area covered and suddenly Jenek is next to my team mate. -I see Jenek as well, and see him teleporting within my weapon sights. Moments later I get killed by an unknown guy from behind with a SD weapon... Also we know that Jenek plays with some friends sometimes, so it might have been a friend of his who killed me on the hill with a SD weapon. Jenek saw some movement on the hill so I went behind a rock, my clan mate just reported seconds after that he lost the guy next to him (teleported away) while I kept visual contact on Jenek, and I got killed from behind. [off-topic] I really hope one day the Dayz team and Bohemia Interactive will find an effective strategy of dealing with hackers. Please don't tell me the current measures in place are adequate, because they are simple not. In this case and also in my previous death two weeks ago (also by a hacker) you can search all possible logs (both Dayz Hive and local server logs) like we also did two weeks ago, but bottom line is there is absolutely nothing to find although players know for 99,99% sure a specific player is hacking like in this video. The current security is absolutely laughable, despite all hard attempts and efforts put into it and I surely hope not Arma 3 is going to suffer as much from hackers as Arma 2 has in the past years.
  5. Bravo-Two-Zero

    Catched cheater "Jenek" on video

    If we wanted to we could have looked it up, but IP addresses tend to be unreliable. The stupidest thing for a hacker would be not to use a dynamic IP or rather even a proxy. Just GUID should work well enough for Arma (although GUID could also be modified in the past, perhaps now again as well). And then, even if he had a fixed IP I'm still not sure if sharing that address would be a good idea :P. @Psyl3nt Might be more complicated. It's not restricted to look at a game's code or even reverse engineering a game to understand it. As long as you don't violate the user agreement and especially the copyright protection. Just like a game mod (like Dayz) hacks will alter certain game files and I don't think mods are illegal. But then again, I'm not a specialist in international law concerning games.
  6. Bravo-Two-Zero

    Catched cheater "Jenek" on video

    Could you next time please either read the story or watch the video before commenting? There is nothing wrong with trying to help, but unfortunately you're simply a mile off although you claim to be pretty certain about it. Watch the first 5 seconds of the video and see for yourself in the bottom left corner: "Jenek killed by [soH]Bravo Two Zero (friendly fire)".
  7. Bravo-Two-Zero

    Catched cheater "Jenek" on video

    Just a tip from me then: enable crosshairs and thereby name spotting. Yes, it's extremely lame to be able to search for name tags in a 360 and spot persons from more than 1.5 clicks, but at least you will see the names of people who disconnect and also of cheaters. We've catched about 9 disconnectors now and 2 hackers. It's also important to run around with fraps and as soon as you see any player hit the button to start recording. If it turns out into nothing, I just delete it, but you will be surprised how many people you can bust with this.
  8. Bravo-Two-Zero

    NL 4 Hosted by [SoH] Admin abuse

    Thank you for going into my arguments. Instead you question my authority and ignore them all. But as you are also not an admin of our server, I don't see what you're doing here as well and I'm yet to see the first insult from any of my posts (read them again). *hint*Ever heard of teamspeak and sharing documents like logs, files and talking with server owners and Dayz team? Go figure what I mean and you will find out I'm not so uninformed as you proclaim I am.
  9. Bravo-Two-Zero

    NL 4 Hosted by [SoH] Admin abuse

    [off-topic] Did kampfkarnickel let you out of your cage? Oh dang, crappy chains I guess. If you want a name you only have to start looking at your own site administrator who is a known hacker within ArmA, he is like the "Spider" of SCoB within the web (pun intended). kkthxbye. [edit] Damn, Im getting old. Too late reaction.
  10. Bravo-Two-Zero

    NL 4 Hosted by [SoH] Admin abuse

    Okay, lets answer a bit more into detail then here as there seems to be some confusion. Pictures are misleading as hell as they suggest the server immediately went to black and show no time. I was there and there were at least 5 minutes between the restarts, the logs also showed that the server wasn't restarted for a very long time. For the restart after everything happened I'm actually quite sure that it either was a crash or an automatic server restarts which happens frequently to keep the server playable, just ask any server owner you know. Afterwards admin logged into the server to look what was going on with the crash and asked Nelis how he got there, as he said in our teamspeak channel that he walked from debug forrest to our first base (1.5 km north of road). So there also seems to be a mix up with the screens as presented here. Futhermore what also wasn't told was that "jemoeder" and his playmates have complained for ages about admin abuse on our server. Like our automatic lock system which locks the server when there are 5 players in the lobby trying to load the game to prevent server lag for other players. Everytime the server is locked because of this they go to our teamspeak channel and complain to immediately let them in. With restarts when they are playing as well they also accuse admin in teamspeak channel that we just restarted because they find gear X in building Y, while in most cases there hardly is any admin influence on the server and most are just experimental scripts we use (see server description). They found the camp with proper tactics by listening to our teamspeak for a couple of days and killed us in "fair" combat, although it may seem strange that you all have "end-gear" with just 0 zombie kills. This either suggests hacking -I don't think any of you guys are capable of that- or using an exploit to switch suit which resets all player stats and ammo. SoH as server owners didn't ban anyone, didn't kick anyone and didn't kill anyone with administration powers. Only thing what happened was that a server was restarted just a couple of minutes after a fight took place, propably even an automatic restart with 0 admin influence. I guess our bodies were already looted by then, so I really don't see any point why this restart -even when executed by an admin- was abusive in any way. Yes, like all server admins I think MrTurtleX tried to say that the server does not always get restarted for stability, but sometimes also in the night when nobody else is online and one of the ATV's gets flipped over for instance or gets bugged inside a dock. With a server restart all vehicles respawn in the proper orientation again. I think it's one of the least things a server admin can do if nobody else is affected by it. But I think this topic has gone far way out of context and in actuality nothing really happened except 5 guys getting killed and we lost 2 or 3 vehicles of all vehicles we have. I would much rather spent my time on catching hackers and cheaters on our server, find and kick disconnectors during a gunfights than to spent anymore of my limited time on this discussion. The players complaining here are known for trolling for weeks now so that's propably why an outsider will see a couple of annoyed reactions here. It's not like we hear this for the first time from this group after we denied Jemoeder entrance to our clan (basically for being childish). So if anyone would like to base an opinion on the situation, please inform yourself well and don't believe everything on the internet. I really couldn't care less if players do or don't want to play on our server, from my experience we've always offered a stable server and keep a pro-active prevention policy against hackers which I think is far more important than seeing a server restarting once in a while. It is thanks to those so called evil admins of SoH that a lot of users can daily keep enjoying our server with less worries about hackers and cheaters because we mostly weed them out ourselves quicker than anyone else can notice their presence. Have a good day, I'm going back to actually playing the game. If there are any further questions just PM me, nothing more to say here in this thread.
  11. Bravo-Two-Zero

    NL 4 Hosted by [SoH] Admin abuse

    In the real SoH camp you would have found a M1A2, A-10, UH-1Y and AS50 TWS. So if you only found a VS3, a bus and an UAZ you're doing something wrong or you had our FOP (Forward Outpost).
  12. Bravo-Two-Zero

    NL 4 Hosted by [SoH] Admin abuse

    Lol, just teleported next to it now. Luckliy there is still a lot of gear inside.
  13. Bravo-Two-Zero

    NL 4 Hosted by [SoH] Admin abuse

    Don't worry. Admin will just teleport to your position or look in the log files where you saved the vehicles or last logged out. :rolleyes:
  14. Bravo-Two-Zero

    NL 4 Hosted by [SoH] Admin abuse

    "I do agree that it is unnecessary to continue this discussion. " ^First sensible thing posted in this thread. Amen.
  15. Bravo-Two-Zero

    NL 4 Hosted by [SoH] Admin abuse

    Oh lol. It is impossible to announce automatic server restarts as well as server crashes, so.... Better not to waste more time on this I would say, you clearly don't know what you're talking about.
  16. Bravo-Two-Zero

    NL 4 Hosted by [SoH] Admin abuse

    What proof to post? I haven't seen a single piece of proof yet in this thread and I'm not interested in providing the first actual proof. Just be glad you can play on our servers in the first place instead of all this trolling. @Energ I'm not an administrator, but just saying there "might" be a way other than an evil admin who abuses his rights that a server restarts. And even if an admin restarts his server, so what? Like that never happens ever as well. Are admins not allowed to restart a server? It was not restarted during a fight so what exactly is your problem?
  17. Bravo-Two-Zero

    NL 4 Hosted by [SoH] Admin abuse

    Posting the same screens doesn't work, try again.
  18. Bravo-Two-Zero

    NL 4 Hosted by [SoH] Admin abuse

    Oh lol, really. Too tired to spent time at this guy again, don't feed the trolls. Hint: Of course Dayz is a rock solid mod in which server crashes never occur and automatic server restarts are a bad dream of the past, so youre explanation is indeed the only plausible explanation in the entire universe. So once a server restarts or crashes it must certainly be a rogue admin abusing his rights. [/end of sarcasm mode] Hard to tell from your screens how much time was in between them. It was more like 10 to 15 minutes between the server restarts according to the logs, so quit trolling and don't come up with half baked fantasy stories. But even if an admin restarted the server once, so what? I'm sorry but I'm not getting your point in any way and I'm almost 99% sure you're not trying to make any point but are just bullshitting and trolling around for your denied application for our clan. Enjoy playing Dayz rather. Oh, and if anyone cheated we will find out sooner or later, checking all logs regularly for irregularities.
  19. Bravo-Two-Zero

    As an Admin, how do I deal with this?

    I truly doubt if we have much to fear then from these people who are too lazzy to search for a YouTube video or forum post. Bad hackers are lazzy hackers so they will get caught eventually. It's the good ones who leave no traces you have to worry about.
  20. Only thing you don't know it is actually our decoy server from which every activity is carefully monitored and administrated with Battleye disabled for any unauthorized game exploit or external script running. Expect a 1000-people ban in the following weeks ;-). [edit] All joking aside, this might actually be a good idea to get rid of most hackers.
  21. Bravo-Two-Zero

    As an Admin, how do I deal with this?

    In retrospect, I would actually encourage posting more links to ready-made cheat scripts. The more hackers we have, the more likely it will become that somebody with the ability to act will also act. More hackers only raise awareness for the issue and will mobilize the stakeholders. We really shouldn't close our eyes for hacking manuals and scripts available everywhere on the internet and thereby neglecting the accessibility of such information, as the first google hit will propably give you the same results as well. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=Arma+2+Dayz+Hack
  22. Bravo-Two-Zero

    Catched cheater "Jenek" on video

    You're right, should have mentioned it here just as well to avoid work for other people.
  23. Bravo-Two-Zero

    As an Admin, how do I deal with this?

    I fully agree the current tools don't work, server logs and Dayz logs are absolutely useless except for catching the stupid breed of hackers. One of the reasons why hackers get away with it is because the absolute mess the central database is. I've seen some of the logs, but every action from every server gets logged in those files so it's impossible to find anything back, you can imagine how big they are and how they grow unless you know with a minute accuracy when it happened. Make those logs (also) server sided and we could do so much more already by just checking faster. It's already next to impossible to catch a cheater with logs alone, but I would turn it the other way around. If a known player is not in the logs but is in the server for a while you're just looking at a hacker as well. It's like looking at a black hole, we only know they exist because we see a lack of matter where we would expect matter otherwise. Same thing here, if we know a player exists but we see a large black hole in the logs where he should have been, we've just found a hacker. Especially now that hackers can alter those logs, it might be more interesting to look at this general relativity theory to catch hackers by a lack of traces.