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Everything posted by Bravo-Two-Zero

  1. Bravo-Two-Zero

    Sniping in Heli-crash sites

    I'd like to meet strangers as well, except I prefer to do it through a scope from 600 meters away. Much more fun than sniping in the editor. Oh, and I don't loot since there isn't any loot in the game which I don't have yet, so no point in looting either.
  2. Bravo-Two-Zero

    Best snipers?

    Mmm... I've dropped 6 SVD's on the ground so far. I would prefer a 1-shot kill as long as people are able to disconnect, and a 1-shot kill on ranges at or further away than 800 meters. 7.62 mm just doesn't work out that well I think on long ranges. Since I have a rangefinder, not much use either for Mil-Dot or SVD scope ;). As for audibility, AS50 wins there actually. DMR and M107 are incredible noisy, SVD is quite noisy and very distinctive sound as well. AS50 shots blend in perfectly, people within 100 meters will have a hard time localizing an AS50 shot since the sound blends much better in with the background noise. At ranges further away you either only hear a swwooosh while the bullet is travelling over your head or you're dead without you hear the shot. AS50 is incredible quiet for the human ear.
  3. Bravo-Two-Zero

    Best snipers?

    What stats? Damage? AS50 and M107 hands down (AS50 is best) Range? AS50 and M107 hands down Accuracy? AS50 hands down Firing speed? DMR, if you don't hit the first time, fire 19 times again. Usability? SVD for its built-in range estimation which seems easier for most people, although Mil-Dots are quite easy as well if you get the hang of it. Close range combat? FN FAL, although DMR also may be useful if you can shoot without cursor since it can fire so fast.
  4. Bravo-Two-Zero

    Is the ALT F4 in gunfight allowed ?

    If a server owner is stupid enough to enable 3rd person view, yes, I will benefit from it to the maximum level ;). I don't like it either, but if it's there, I'm not going to put myself at a disadvantage by not using it while my opponent may use it and sneak-peak around a corner.
  5. Bravo-Two-Zero

    DayZ De-Motivational Posters

    I think the main problem is it has to point directly to a .jpeg or similar format and has somehow to be supported. Some jpeg's don't work, while sites like photobucket and flickr do seem to work quite fine.
  6. Bravo-Two-Zero

    So I was on youtube and...

    Duping has been fixed for some time now I believe, but perhaps it's an old video. But for duping you would need one person for every satchel charge, so either he has a group of at least 10 people or they are still cheating to get that many satchel charges.
  7. Bravo-Two-Zero

    Is the ALT F4 in gunfight allowed ?

    I believe some developer said that the issue will be looked into, and that is why all disconnects are now getting analysed to come up with a good solution, which prevents too many false-positives. Yes, some people will get accused and perhaps banned while they had a good reason, so it's probably not going to be waterproof but just as good as it gets. If I start to think what a good solution might look like, I'll bet the preventive system is actually going to look when you log-out of the hive (disconnect from a server) and log-in again to the hive by requesting character data. Set a border of 'X' minutes and you can weed out players abusing and players having a good reason, but question is where to set 'X' as you can flag all abusers and leave people with a good reason alone, but this gets extremely difficult and you will need some probability theories to actually solve this problem, for which you need a lot of data to verify.
  8. Bravo-Two-Zero

    Is the ALT F4 in gunfight allowed ?

    Now you're missing the point. If you have a good IRL reason, no problem. We're talking here however at people doing an activity, getting shot at and immediately disconnect as they got ambushed. You're illustrating that there are many good reasons to disconnect at any point necessary and players are not forced to keep on playing against their will as they just get shot at. You're exaggerating however if you think that this is the case with the majorit of players disconnecting, as let's face it, 99% of all players disconnecting during a gunfight will do so because they want only to safe their character gear and continue minutes later or go to another server. For the remaining 1% who may have had a valid reason to disconnect I'm sure something can be worked out. Also, it may not be a good idea to play Dayz 10 minutes prior to a funeral ;).
  9. Bravo-Two-Zero

    Is the ALT F4 in gunfight allowed ?

    No, I'm not missing it. You're saying that a player determines for himself if he wants to be in a gunfight or not and if a player doesn't want to be in one he can disconnect. My point is that it is an exploit once you're only reason to disconnect is to safe your in-game character from immediately dying while you got ambushed. If a player disconnects and it later appears a plane crashed in front of his house I'm sure we can work something out, and I'll put my faith in the new soon-to-be system which will solve this entire problem of people disconnecting to preserve their life.
  10. Bravo-Two-Zero

    Is the ALT F4 in gunfight allowed ?

    Funny how personal you get. You mean you're going to try and log me on camera while I disconnect to avoid a death? Right?
  11. Bravo-Two-Zero

    Is the ALT F4 in gunfight allowed ?

    Let me try to improve on that then :P. You're assuming that there is a thing such as an innocent player in Dayz. Wrong assumption, start over. When a man got to DC, he just DC's. Only not while under fire, as you are then only saving your life with an exploit which is yet to be fixed in the foreseeable future (next update most likely, as current update is keeping statistics of disconnecting players to come up with the most effective solution, with avoiding as many false-positives as possible.
  12. Bravo-Two-Zero

    So I was on youtube and...

    Satchel charges are in Dayz, but just like M136 extremely rare to find and only in one place. But since they have an insane amount of satchel charges, yes, they are for 99.99% sure hackers. As for the admin, even admins can't detect most scripts being executed, except for spawning vehicles maybe. But other than that: hackers can kill, teleport, spawn weapon crates and relocate vehicles and find player locations without any admin will ever notice in the log files.
  13. Bravo-Two-Zero

    DayZ De-Motivational Posters

  14. Bravo-Two-Zero

    Is the ALT F4 in gunfight allowed ?

    I usually ban anyone if he disconnects during a gunfight while his life was in danger. It is a stupid exploit and should be treated as such. Difficult thing is, sometimes a person really has to log out due to IRL circumstances (phone call/door bell etc), so I'm just banning for a couple of hours until the next server restart, to avoid a person could come back in the same game. It weeds out most lame persons on our server at least. [edit]People like this I mean:
  15. Your video's illustrate perfectly what a good team is essentially not about. Fortunately for you, your team mate also wasn't a very good marksman either ;).
  16. Bravo-Two-Zero

    Camo netting.

    Unfortunately camo netting is easy to spot as well, but it will definitely improve the camouflage of the ural truck at least. There is a fundamental flaw with the camouflage in Arma, and that is that from a distance any camouflage actually gets easier to spot while in reality camouflage nets would entirely blend in a forest.
  17. Bravo-Two-Zero

    Remove the Ghillie suit

    Just learn to spot a ghilly suit. I've never had trouble finding one, even without my L85A2 AWS.
  18. Bravo-Two-Zero

    Sniper Squad

    What server are you on? I might check it out someday ;). As for the movie, the aerial pictures were decent, but for some towns it had a lot of aerial footage for just 1 kill. How many kills were there? 5 in total?
  19. Bravo-Two-Zero

    Server Locking

    From the admin panel. Also, using RCON GUI for Arma makes life easier.
  20. Bravo-Two-Zero

    Server Locking

    Password no, temporary lock yes. Best practice is warning players 2 to 5 min in advance for a server restart and lock the server so new players can't join. As long as you're not going to use it as your own private locked loot server you would be fine.
  21. Bravo-Two-Zero


    It is indeed 1800 meters normally, but there is a fog probability between 0 to 100% reducing visibility and a bad weather probability between 0 and 100% reducing it as well. Practically you will see around 500 to 700 meters. The weather is determined with every server restart, as well as it dynamically determines a direction to which the weather should be heading (more sun/more rain, more fog/less fog over time). I've only seen one game so far with a visibility of 1500 meters, so you could see Stary Sobor from the East hills of Novy Sobor and Guglovo. The view distance determined in the server settings by Dayz acts as a maximum, so as long as your own view distance is higher than the server view distance you will render the server view distance. If you set your own view distance to 500 meter you would see even less, so I would advise to always keep it around 3 km which is more than enough for Dayz. If you play a normal Arma 2 multiplayer game, 5 km is mostly the limit and very few servers actually allow to see 10 km far, as you would need quite a decent computer to render this large distance with more than 25 fps. It's also mostly great for flying aircraft, from a vehicle or player perspective 5 km would be more than enough as you will probably look through the entire valley.
  22. Bravo-Two-Zero

    How to announce server reset??

    I would advise to use RCON GUI, might be easier that way.
  23. Bravo-Two-Zero

    Need information: L85A2 AWS still in game?

    Just a tip: ditch the SD rounds and get normal Stanag. The bullets go 3x as fast with no difference in sound.
  24. Bravo-Two-Zero

    DayZ Ultimate loot find !

    I love how you ran around like crazy for 5 minutes without taking anything useful :P. But to be honest, camp doesn't seem very special. Lots of rubbish, I'm more used to camps with multiple range finders, ghilly suits, nv goggles and at least 5 AS50's with L85A2's and MK.48 Mod0's. The group I play with just drops most of the items and stuff on the ground you found. Yes, it defeats the purpose of the game to be back to full gear within 5 minutes after a death, but I like it :).