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55 Good

About shatter

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  • Interests
    Alcohol, Swearing, Sking, Filming, Drinking, Swearing, Sports, Filming, movies and Alcohol

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  • Bio
    My youtube channel : http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7HJdU9BRMgr_rkKgIs9zRA?feature=mhee
    Full of all sorts of wacky things! also stuff
  1. shatter

    why shoot when teleported???

    i got spawned onto a hotel roof, saw a guy with a axe standing infront of me, assumed he was the hacker and shot him, was like HA....wait hackers normally have god mode, turned around to see a guy in army gear who full auto as50ed me. turns out i just shot some other fresh spawned axeman
  2. shatter

    DayZ Devblog 25 Jan 2013

    its not really creating characters i think, its more pick a sex, and face, and then find clothes
  3. short but quite funny in my opinion
  4. haha thats pretty darn funny, i loged in one day to find my truck had assimilated with a tree, didnt end to well
  5. probably the same guy that thought turning all the lights on was a good move
  6. these chaps weren't to sharp
  7. shatter

    Today i met the stupidest squad

    i love doing that while yelling "serpentine! SERPENTINE!" over direct
  8. shatter

    Today i met the stupidest squad

    i manily kill fresh spawns in the city, so they can tell everyone where i am, and i can have a fun time fighting 6+ people dont play cod anymore as its nothing but a mod that i would have to pay $100 for, got over BF pretty fast, wanted another 2142. and i only ever played CS:S a while back. i love how anyone can say, "i kill people on dayz" and instantly people come in and say "O M G YOU COD NERD"
  9. shatter

    Today i met the stupidest squad

    you know why i kill other players? armed or not? because i can
  10. shatter

    Today i met the stupidest squad

  11. shatter

    Today i met the stupidest squad

    not even a shrub, id say more like grass
  12. shatter

    Today i met the stupidest squad

    some people arnt to clever like these guys
  13. shatter

    Worst Heli squad of all time

    i was on that server later and asked what happened and was told "you got kicked because you were moving to fast" it was the first heli i ever repaired aswell
  14. shatter

    Worst Heli squad of all time

    the first time i flew a heli i got kicked for "teleporting"
  15. shatter

    Worst Heli squad of all time

    i think when i jumped in and killed the fuel guy they thought i was him even while shooting them