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psyth (DayZ)

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Posts posted by psyth (DayZ)

  1. Please keep in mind that we restart our server every 3 hours. The reasoning for that is that at around the 4th hour of uptime the server starts to deteriorate which causes slow or no loot spawns, desync on time as well as lag issues. So the restarts are necessary to keep everything running as smoothly as possible. Also, just in case some of you don't know, a restart also spawns new vehicles if one has been destroyed and also wipes all loot on the ground and respawns new items. The restarts usually take 1-2 minutes before the server is up and all tents and vehicles are saved.

  2. Please keep in mind that we restart our server every 3 hours. The reasoning for that is that at around the 4th hour of uptime the server starts to deteriorate which causes slow or no loot spawns, desync on time as well as lag issues. So the restarts are necessary to keep everything running as smoothly as possible. Also, just in case some of you don't know, a restart also spawns new vehicles if one has been destroyed and also wipes all loot on the ground and respawns new items. The restarts usually take 1-2 minutes before the server is up and all tents and vehicles are saved.

  3. We also almost always have an Admin available, so we encourage anyone one our server to contact us through our forums regarding hackers, cheaters, etc. Got another one first thing this morning: 06.09.2012 22:48:30: logan ( a087ae8f12658e57af98d1fd589c7757 - #0 "if (isnil ("bInvisibleOn")) then {objMYPlayer hideObject true;};"

    We do miss some, but the more involved we can get our players the better chance we have of catching those we may miss or overlook.

  4. We also almost always have an Admin available, so we encourage anyone one our server to contact us through our forums regarding hackers, cheaters, etc. Got another one first thing this morning: 06.09.2012 22:48:30: logan ( a087ae8f12658e57af98d1fd589c7757 - #0 "if (isnil ("bInvisibleOn")) then {objMYPlayer hideObject true;};"

    We do miss some, but the more involved we can get our players the better chance we have of catching those we may miss or overlook.

  5. Beats me. Since this incident they have been spamming our website as well. Probably just a bunch of flaming kids. Either way. Watch for these guys on your server. Typically users can be spoken with and issues resolved in matters like this but this was done to the point of Gross exploiting. Can't wait for the log out timer.

    • Like 1

  6. Clan tag members =DoW= was combat during a firefight on US 35.

    14:22:02 "DISCONNECT START (i): =(DoW*)=_ProZz_DeFiAnCe ("19800774") Object: 84952040# 1409368: frost.p3d REMOTE"

    14:20:12 "LOGIN PUBLISHING: B 2-1-A:1 (=(DoW*)=-KISS-OF-DEATH-) REMOTE Type: Survivor2_DZ"

    14:18:34 "LOGIN PUBLISHING: B 1-4-L:1 (=(DoW*)=_ProZz_DeFiAnCe) REMOTE Type: Survivor2_DZ"

    14:16:17 "LOGIN ATTEMPT: "19800774" =(DoW*)=_ProZz_DeFiAnCe"

    14:10:59 "DISCONNECT START (i): =(DoW*)=-KISS-OF-DEATH- ("10927814") Object: B 1-1-K:1 (=(DoW*)=-KISS-OF-DEATH-) REMOTE"

    14:04:00 "DISCONNECT START (i): =(DoW*)=_ProZz_DeFiAnCe ("19800774") Object: B 1-1-M:1 (=(DoW*)=_ProZz_DeFiAnCe) REMOTE"

    13:56:45 "LOGIN PUBLISHING: B 1-4-I:1 (=(DoW*)=#Johnsson) REMOTE Type: Survivor2_DZ"

    13:44:49 "DISCONNECT START (i): =(DoW*)=#Johnsson ("11955590") Object: B 1-1-L:1 REMOTE"

    14:38:35 Player =(DoW*)=#Johnsson disconnected.

    14:29:50 Player =(DoW*)=_ProZz_DeFiAnCe disconnected.

    14:29:24 Player =(DoW*)=_ProZz_DeFiAnCe disconnected.

    14:14:22 Player =(DoW*)=-KISS-OF-DEATH- connected (id=10927814).

    14:11:42 Player =(DoW*)=-KISS-OF-DEATH- disconnected.

    14:10:53 Player =(DoW*)=_ProZz_DeFiAnCe connecting.

    14:04:34 Player =(DoW*)=_ProZz_DeFiAnCe disconnected.

    13:49:46 BattlEye Server: Player #15 =(DoW*)=#Johnsson ( connected

    13:44:50 BattlEye Server: Player #36 =(DoW*)=#Johnsson disconnected

    12:39:58 Player =(DoW*)=#Johnsson disconnected.

    12:35:40 Player =(DoW*)=#Johnsson connecting.

    12:33:07 BattlEye Server: Player #17 =(DoW*)=#Johnsson disconnected

    • Like 3

  7. I want to thank each and every one of our 1st Battalion 9th Marines members, also know as The Walking Dead USMC as well as all of the DayZ players that have frequented our server. As of today our server is 31 days old and we are extremely proud to anounce that in that short time our server has reached 45th position (98th pctile) out of all DayZ servers.

    In addition, as of today our personal Website http://wdu.enjin.com/home, is coming up on 5,000 unique hits.

    We are pleased to say that recruitment has been hard on the admins here. With the amount of applications that we have coming in, our game play time is severely dropping. However, to those members of WDU that have made the cut and have proven to be among the few that are qualified to join our ranks, you are making our jobs easier due to your dedication and commitment and we would not be where we are at this point without each of you.

    To comemorate, the 1st Battalion 9th Marines, Walking Dead USMC is now in full recruitment status.


  8. I want to thank each and every one of our 1st Battalion 9th Marines members, also know as The Walking Dead USMC as well as all of the DayZ players that have frequented our server. As of today our server is 31 days old and we are extremely proud to anounce that in that short time our server has reached 45th position (98th pctile) out of all DayZ servers.

    In addition, as of today our personal Website http://wdu.enjin.com/home, is coming up on 5,000 unique hits.

    We are pleased to say that recruitment has been hard on the admins here. With the amount of applications that we have coming in, our game play time is severely dropping. However, to those members of WDU that have made the cut and have proven to be among the few that are qualified to join our ranks, you are making our jobs easier due to your dedication and commitment and we would not be where we are at this point without each of you.

    To comemorate, the 1st Battalion 9th Marines, Walking Dead USMC is now in full recruitment status.


  9. I want to thank each and every one of our 1st Battalion 9th Marines members, also know as The Walking Dead USMC as well as all of the DayZ players that have frequented our server. As of today our server is 31 days old and we are extremely proud to anounce that in that short time our server has reached 45th position (98th pctile) out of all DayZ servers.

    In addition, as of today our personal Website http://wdu.enjin.com/home, is coming up on 5,000 unique hits.

    We are pleased to say that recruitment has been hard on the admins here. With the amount of applications that we have coming in, our game play time is severely dropping. However, to those members of WDU that have made the cut and have proven to be among the few that are qualified to join our ranks, you are making our jobs easier due to your dedication and commitment and we would not be where we are at this point without each of you.

    To comemorate, the 1st Battalion 9th Marines, Walking Dead USMC is now in full recruitment status.


  10. these guys are free kills.

    i killed 7 of them and died through a bug at theyre camp. and two of them where stupid hackers. got no kill (friendly fire shit) + dead bodys did despawn instant..

    Wow. You get that on fraps because I was online yesterday and never saw that happen. Cool story though.

  11. I saw 2 of them somewhere around 11:00 PM PST and continued to encounter them until I stopped playing at 1 AM. They spawned in with M107s with 6 clips of NATO rounds, some morphine, blood bags, and a coyote pack with a M4A1 with a silencer with 3 SD STANAG magazines and had ghillie. I had killed them once, and they returned with the exact same equipment, and after I tried to kill them again, they could not die nor bleed, no matter how many times I had shot them. I can identify two of them as |GG| Damage and LeeRoc

    Both are permanently banned from our server.

    I was not on at the time but another our night Server Admin was so he caught the logs to confirm.

    Thanks for the info guys.

    • Like 1

  12. What server was this on? I just caught that you stated this happened on two different servers. Mind you the most I can do is inquire with Archer. Our log files only show events caught on our server. We kick our own guys that are found duping gear or using exploits. I will definitely direct him to this post so that you can speak with him regarding the issue.

  13. I have also found that very strange events follow this clan about, we set up on us 35 and make a camp, i sign on one day to find a member of the clan was looting our tents, how he found it i have no clue it was perfectly bugged within a tree, he was alone so i quickly kill him, then within the next week or two i go onto our new server and our new camp which is in a new place, i hear one of our vehicles being driven away and quickly notice that all 3 we owned were missing, i looked at the player list and there were 5 player online, one of the WAS THE EXACT SAME GUY, i had killed at our other camp on us 35 several days earlier. I am in no way trying to call all of you guys cheaters but i find this EXTREMELY suspicious. The member was called Archer.

    We have a large amount of members on our server. Enough to make a sweep of the map to scout locations. Keep in mind that no camp will ever go undiscovered. WDU has had around 8 camps in the last 20 days, all of which we have been attacked at. Archer is online a good amount of time so it's not out of the question to see him occasionally, or myself, or any of our other members. US35 is run by WDU, so if you log into our server, you will have contact with at least one of our members.

  14. Our server has been having issues as all currently are. ViLayer (our server host is fully aware of the issues.) Our server is restarted every 4 hours as recommended by ViLayer staff to maintain upkeep. With the latest two patches that have been released tents are no longer permanently destroyed along with vehicles. It's more of a pain in the ass than anything because we have maybe 100+ pitched tents on our server that we can't get rid of. As I stated, ViLayer is well aware of the issue as well as DayZ staff. I also want to mention that the latest script detection .txt that has come out with the latest patch also has errors. It works in catching majority of hacks now, but once someone runs an unauthorized script, instead of kicking that individual, it kicks everyone from the server. If you would like to provide a time and date for the incident your referring to, I would be happy to see if I can find the log files confirming that. This has happened 3 days in a row now and while a inconvenience, I'd rather have everyone kicked from the server for a few minutes than have everyone nuked and lose all that they have worked towards.

    If you want to PM me I would be glad to send you all of our old camp site coordinates so that you can see this for yourself.
