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About DesertEMT

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  • Bio
    Hello all. I'm an EMT from WA. State and an ARMA1&2 Veteran. Also had some fun in the Air Force. Hit me up if you see me in game. about 70% of the time I'll be more inclined towards being friendly and grouping up and if i'm not feeling it that day, I'll let you know if you ask.

    good luck out there!
  1. Bugs: 1. Log off exploit 2. Graphics artifacts from wire fence kits. (May already be fixed... Or I just haven't seen one in a while.) 3. Working downed helicopters Features: 1. Inclusion of some limited features from ACE mod. (IE. Fatigue/weight effects, packs that function in space available instead of slots, ACE interaction menus, ballistics.) 2. Inclusion of ACRE mod. (Ability to find radios to communicate with other people with radios+ various channels, Dynamic direct chat so you can hear someone's radio if they turn the volume up.) 3. Zombies that wouldn't be able to run down Usain Bolt.
  2. I agree!! Look at the Call of Duty series' date=' it blew up with Modern Warfare, but died off pretty quick after that... [/quote'] That's not what I meant, I was talking about the eventuality that it will happen, you remember Minecraft look how well that went 1 year down the track (I make Minecraft an example too much(sorry)) What you said is open to interpretation since you didn't qualify it in any way. It sounds like that was what you meant to say to me. To him it does to. And to you and yours it looks different. Lets all just sit back and let Rocket do his thing, with his mod. By the way, since We're dealing only in absolutes here(according to this new interpretation that you just supplied ie."I was talking about the eventuality that it will happen..."), The mod is doomed to fail anyway according to you so should we all just leave now?
  3. DesertEMT

    pitching a tent

    NOW it's the thread I thought it was!
  4. DesertEMT

    pitching a tent

    Oh, this thread isn't what I thought it was about...
  5. DesertEMT

    Build 1.5.8 rolling update

    Use the action menu. They always worked...
  6. DesertEMT

    Build 1.5.8 rolling update

    You won't be missed if you decide to stop playing.
  7. DesertEMT

    When to trust people

    I'd say never trust anyone you don't know irl. I only trust my friend that i role with when we're in Teamspeak.(Yeah yeah yeah I know... "People still use teamspeak?" You all suck. =P) It's OK to work with other people, I do it all the time. But I'll never take my eyes off of them. Even if we agro a town or take fire from bandits, either myself or my friend on TS are always watching whoever we pick up in our group and we'll split off on our own if we think we're not safe but don't experience anything outwardly hostile. A couple of things to remember... *All of these points are things to remember when dealing with players you don't know. *Other players don't tolerate you aiming at them. That includes pistols so aim away if you don't want to get ventilated. *Don't keep standing behind a player that doesn't trust you. *Don't stand close to a player that doesn't trust you. You can look into other players' backpacks and steal from them so stay out if you don't want people to think you're a thief. *Watch chat and respond whenever spoken to from someone in your group.
  8. Oh ARMA, how I love you. Anyone seen the wrist bug yet where your wrist breaks like 90degrees while you sprint?
  9. I usually play with one other person with me and we have been switching between survivors and bandits every other life. When I play with him we end up playing a bit more casually and take more risks. Right now though he's off at AIT so I've been having to develop my own way to play the game without him. One thing that surprises me is that I like to play with the bandit skin, but I'm not a be all, end all bad guy. It's kind of an added challenge to try and meet up with people and get them to trust me when i have bandit skin. And if people trust me, I'll leave them alone(Note that I didn't say I'd trust them...) and probably help them if i need some help myself. Some people can attest to this as for a couple of days now, I've been running with groups of survivors that I've just randomly linked up with in servers. Other times I just feel like being a loner so if you don't identify or act in a threatening way, I'm blowing you away. It all depends on how I feel that day.
  10. DesertEMT

    Ruining ARMA 2?

  11. You can feast on my delicious tears of JOY Rocket! Thank you!
  12. Oh I just laughed so hard. Thanks for that post. This forum need it.