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About forbesy

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  1. forbesy

    Arma II - Not Responding

    because you are only running operation arrowhead, you need to launch combined ops, which can be done through six launcher
  2. pls pls pls do not let us spawn with more items such as map, compass watch etc etc game is already easy enough
  3. forbesy

    Make EVERY weapon a lot harder to find.

    or at leasy make some of the more common weapons harder to find
  4. No But i would very much like it if we started with very limited supplies 1 can of food, 1 drink, 1 magazine
  5. forbesy

    Soda tweak

    Idea I had was to allow stacks on hydration (Up to three) -First drink hydrates you for 45mins (or whatever it is now) -Second 45+10 -Third 45+10+10 Benefit to this is it would raise the usefulness of canteens as you could build full stacks at a water source (Same could be done with soda, but would require you to consume three sodas) Just a thought
  6. forbesy

    Rocket needs to make this game harder

    I agree, we are too babied from the get go
  7. forbesy

    How well geared are you?

    And you kick people from ther server who are found to be shooting at said members. This has personally happened to me on the Legion server' date=' "You were kicked from the server." I don't play there anymore. [/quote'] I dont think anyone with self respect does
  8. Also, play this game when you're high, gets pretty intense
  9. I don't think it's a simple fix
  10. forbesy

    We've got it too easy

    agreed. too easy, and too many vehicles
  11. forbesy

    0.19% or Why I stoped playing

    Sorry it didn't live up to all your standards, I'm sure they'll get right on it
  12. forbesy

    How to loot hospitals?

    Keep shootin
  13. forbesy

    Noticeably lower FPS on 1.6.0

    bout 5 FPS overcast weather near elektro
  14. forbesy

    Add Takistan

    No thanks