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Everything posted by Katana67

  1. Katana67

    New attachments?

    I believe Rocket has mentioned foregrips in passing, no idea when/if they're coming. They've probably discussed more as well. I wouldn't mind an EOTech.
  2. Katana67

    Ghillie suit, rangefinder ?

    Unsure if joking. Ghillie suits were invented in Scotland, and used from the Second Boer War onwards.
  3. Katana67

    Ghillie suit, rangefinder ?

    I suspect you'll draw a lot of hate. But, not sure WHEN or IF these items will be included. Plus, weapons are too inaccurate now in my opinion for a RF to be of any use. However, I'd be in support of these items if they were suitably rare, hard to craft (in the case of the ghillie suit) or difficult to power/maintain (in the case of the RF).
  4. Katana67

    Falling 1 story to your death.

    Aaaaand don't be so easily offended champ. It's still your own fault for falling off of things. Know this. Deal with this. Recognize that I agree with you about the damage, but think that... if you have an issue with falling off of things in the first place... take steps to stop doing so. If a certain action causes you to fall off, then don't do said action when in a position to fall off of something.
  5. Katana67

    Go to the forest of trees

    Well, I agree and disagree with you. The woods are certainly NOT thinner. They've done some extraordinary work at doing the exact opposite, making them thicker. It's great, and I'm not sure how you could arrive at that conclusion. There are more groves inside of the woods, heavily wooded areas, etc. than there ever were in the mod. Not to mention the grass-rendering distance has been upped. I agree about the towns marginalizing the wilderness though in the north. Not only are there going to be large towns close to the so-called "wilderness", but there are now high-value areas which cause people to path through previously seldom-traveled areas. Not sure about your characterization of the lake in the NW as the only one. There's plenty of small creeks and ponds now that have been added. That and sidechannel was toxic and short-changed the experience. No thank you. People crying for rides, airing silly grievances, trolling, and asking if there were people in Cherno like idiots was 95% of the traffic of side. 5% was actually useful. No thank you. If they do implement a form of side-channel, it should be IN-GAME. Like one loots a walkie talkie type device, then can text to those listening. It shouldn't be an artificial "meta" system, too detrimental to the experience. Side-chat was one of those things that was popular, but AWFUL. Like Justin Bieber and McDonalds.
  6. Katana67

    Where are my ambient sound? :(

    Uhhh. There's ambient sounds in already...
  7. Katana67

    Loving the New Zombies

    Zombies still have a long, long, long way to go. But I'm in support of making them a significant threat. However, this is a placeholder, and a flawed one at that. I love the new speed. Sprinters should be the norm, shamblers (if ever implemented again, via crawling/prone) should be abnormal. Definitely not liking the spawn mechanic, but it's WIP. Can't wait for them to fix the collision and aggro issues and finally be able to up the overall number (rather than spawn them dynamically pre-aggro'd).
  8. Katana67

    any limit to berries per bush?

    I would think there'd be a limit. If there isn't already, there should be. Likewise, berries shouldn't fill you up a whole lot. They should be enough to keep you going, not bring you up to 100%. I have yet to stumble across a berry-yielding bush. Partially because I haven't really needed to. But, question, is harvesting berries a menu option or does it just show up when you're in the inventory screen as normal loot would?
  9. Katana67

    Falling 1 story to your death.

    This doesn't really have anything to do with pure realism. If you're sick of falling from a flight of stairs, only to die, then why don't you... I don't know.. NOT fall off of things? But yes, the fall damage is silly. Plus, I don't like how it roots you to the ground for a second when you land. Needs some work later on down the line.
  10. It's a well-known bug. Attachments disappear/flicker in third-person when looking around. Is this occurring in first-person?
  11. Katana67

    How Do You Get Your High In DayZ

    I just fantasize about what DayZ will ACTUALLY be once it enters beta/release. Fun as it is, by virtue of being an Alpha, it's incomplete. Even the mod was incomplete. So I don't think any one of us can really know, yet, what would be a defining/exciting experience.
  12. The only thing I change when transitioning from rural to urban is my headgear. I go from a TTsKO boonie to a tactical helmet. In urban environments, you're pretty much sticking out like a sore thumb regardless if you're on the street. Inside a building, camouflage is negligible.
  13. Katana67

    Go to the forest of trees

    Yes, but I'm making the case for the wilderness shrinking with the addition of said cities. I'm all for adding cities to the north, but the margins between cities and the wilderness are shrinking, thus causing the wilderness to be less "wild". Moreover, with the shrinking wilderness, it also marginalizes potential opportunities for construction. In other words, it'd be easier to find tents/backpacks/stashes/houses/etc. if the wilderness shrinks.
  14. Katana67

    Do you want a Bike now!

    Nope, bike sitting out in the elements... parts go bad. Tires deflate and crack. Chains lock up. Brakes get mushy. I used to store bikes in a small open shed for the spring/summer, and then in an attic for the winter. Come the following spring, I generally had to do at least one repair procedure to keep the bikes going. Can only imagine what repairs a humdrum bike would need if left outdoors for an extended period of time (i.e. zombie apocalypse).
  15. Katana67

    Do you want a Bike now!

    Yep! Would love a bike. That said, they should be suitably rare, and should be rarely (if at all) found in 100% operable condition. At the very least, you should be scrounging for bike tires. Much less grease, or a front fork. And to the people saying "walking is annoying", ROFL, for so many reasons. That and they REALLY need to lock up vehicles saving locations before they implement them. It took them a while to get this down, and I still feel that my vehicles disappeared randomly in the mod.
  16. Katana67

    The Battle Rifle Thread!

    Sure it is! See the M39 EMR, and various M14 EBR variants being floated around. Even the SRSS Bulldog chassis saw some use in Afghanistan. I mean, there are myriad reasons. Chief amongst which, is that these weapons aren't all exactly the same. Rarity. Innate properties given by developers (which is controversial, see current M4A1). Happenstance in looting. The only similar weapon to the DMR in the mod was the SVD camo. Which was significantly rarer. Not to mention it had a different scope (personal preference) reticle. Not to mention a smaller mag capacity. And rarer ammo. In Overwatch, I carried a Mk 11. It was great. And the point of having multiple weapons with similar roles is variety. Pragmatism doesn't really factor in. The SKS can mount a PU right now.
  17. Katana67

    The Battle Rifle Thread!

    This is why I sympathized (although didn't agree with) people who hated on the DMR. I liked the FAL. I liked the M14 AIM. But there was almost no reason to use them over a DMR. Now, we've got weapons detached from optics. So it's more about what optics you equip to the weapon, than the weapon itself. I personally, if some decent battle rifles are ever included (the SVD isn't all that modular, as it's more of a purpose-built DMR), would fit an ACOG (or similar optic) to it vice a more powerful scope.
  18. Are you T-Boz, Chilli, or Left Eye (RIP)? Because clearly... scrubs are the kinda' guys gettin' no love from you.
  19. "These two bandits..."
  20. Katana67

    Arma3 Third person fix mod...thoughts?

    I think this would be a good stop-gap measure until they come up with a more wholesome solution. Plus, I've always thought that the actual POSITION of the camera was way too high.
  21. Camping =/= sniping Sniping =/= bad Camping =/= bad Fun though! Congrats.
  22. Katana67

    Arma3 Third person fix mod...thoughts?

    Very cool! If they could implement some sort of "fading" effect so that it's not as jarring as the person just zorping out of existence, would be awesome. Unsure of whether it should apply to zombies as well as players.
  23. Katana67

    What clothing set/weapons would you add if you could?

    Forgot about the shemagh/keffiyeh, definitely high on my list as well.
  24. Katana67

    What clothing set/weapons would you add if you could?

    Clothes A set of backward-facing baseball caps, or the ability to turn the existing caps backwards. Red Sox cap. Some sort of reasonable backpack that's not neon pink. A helmet with a flashlight fitted, or the ability to combine the current MICH helmet with the current headlamp. Some sort of OD poncho. Multicam stuff maybe. Weapons DSA FAL SR-25/AR-10/M110 G3 M14 (of some variety) DayZ needs more battle rifles.