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Everything posted by Katana67

  1. Well I'd argue that if they were to have full-on south spawns (i.e. from Skalisty to Kamenka) they'd have to remove the Pavlovo, Zelenogorsk, and Green Mountain high-value loot locations at the very least. Otherwise, southerly spawns would be wholly advantageous compared to easterly spawns. Especially now with no solid Stary Sobor mid-range analog to even things out for the eastern spawns. Although, one could argue that we don't really need a Stary Sobor anymore because we've got a police station/fire station in every other town now, so the loot that was once at Stary Sobor (i.e. mid-range military/police) has been spread out across the map. However, if the Pavlovo and Zelenogorsk military bases remain, people spawning in the south will go directly to those locations rather than spending time in the cities. Personally, I think the absolute southern limit (if Pavlovo and Zelenogorsk are to remain) for spawns should be Elektrozavodsk.
  2. Katana67

    The LMG/GPMG Thread!

    Holy cow. Back from the dead.
  3. Katana67

    Rejoice! 5.45x39mm is coming to Dayz

    They said that about the PKM, not the RPK. I don't think the RPK has been mentioned as of yet.
  4. Katana67

    Rejoice! 5.45x39mm is coming to Dayz

    Not for nothing, but the AKM and RPK-74 use different magazines and calibers. However, it is sort of a moot point given that the AKM already has a 75-round 7.62x39 mag available. And the M4A1 already has 10-60 rounders available. RPK could be more accurate at range as well, as it has a longer barrel. There are plenty of ways to differentiate between the AK-74M/AK-101, AKS-74U, AKM, and RPK/RPK-74.
  5. Katana67

    Rejoice! 5.45x39mm is coming to Dayz

    I mean, you can have your cake and eat it too. You like the "rustic" model of the MP-133? Cool! Don't paint it. That's the whole point of painting weapons, choice. I like my Remington 870, which has black furniture. I'll paint it!
  6. Katana67

    Rejoice! 5.45x39mm is coming to Dayz

    Now all we need is this... (45-rounder) And this... And the AKs can get some rest for a while.
  7. Now that I look at the map, does the western wilderness seem... stretched westward? Might just be virtue of Senchi's map being stitched together from a bunch of maps, but there seems to be some activity in the west. Indicated... Current... Below the yellow line as well, west of Myshkino.
  8. Called it, Tisy Military Base, NW corner.
  9. Katana67

    Rejoice! 5.45x39mm is coming to Dayz

    Hey, neat! Glad it made it in. All that's left is for the planned .308/7.62x54R divide to happen and we should be in business for the most part. Model looks great. And like others, I wonder if they'll keep the AK-101 or re-name it back to the AK-74M. And if the rumors of the M1 Garand are true, and the implication of .30-06 comes to pass, then we'll have (ostensibly) .30-06 for hunting rifles, 7.62x54R for uncommon Pact weapons, and then .308 for NATO stuff. Personally, I don't see much utility in a 5.56x45 AK if we've got 5.45x39. But, the more the merrier. I'd like them to give the AK platform a rest for a bit after this, or after they add an RPK.
  10. Katana67

    The 'war on snipers'

    There's no background enforced on our avatars. Not one of an "inexperienced survivor" and not one of a "SOF operator." There's nothing either way. In the absence of something (i.e. a "military" background), you can't infer the presence of something else (i.e. a "civilian" background). Our avatars are nothing, paper dolls, marionettes, empty vessels for the player to manipulate. However, if we acknowledge some sort of quality ascribed to being a "survivor" it would be competency in the areas required to survive in a hostile environment. Said areas might (and likely do) include firearms proficiency. If the player is good at X, he/she will be good at X. If he/she is bad at Y, he/she will suck at Y. Problem is, there isn't a robust framework for the demonstration of "skills" yet.
  11. Katana67

    AKS-74U confirmed... could this mean...? no...

    Just received a reply to my inquiry about the plan for the AKS-74U. Can't say specifics as it was a PM, but we may be "happy" when the AKS-74U rolls out.
  12. Katana67

    The 'war on snipers'

    But I don't think sniping is a problem because it's easy. I think it's a problem because it doesn't require a lot of investment on the part of the player to acquire the ability to snipe effectively. In other words "everyone can be a sniper, at any time" if they wish. I want that not to be the case, by making the process of getting a fully-functional sniper rifle and shooting position (as well as tangential issues, like having zombies be a deterrent to firing a weapon over and over again in the same spot) much more involved. I agree that the actual act of long-range shooting could use a bit of a bump in terms of the overall skill level it takes to snipe. But it doesn't fix anything if everyone can still be a sniper, at any time if they wish... if the bar is raised. People get good eventually. They cannot, however, speed up the gearing process through legitimate means.
  13. Katana67

    AKS-74U confirmed... could this mean...? no...

    I wasn't saying they were! Hence why I didn't even mention 7.62x51 NATO in the above post. At all. I was speaking in terms of the game. Seeing as how they have to re-name the rounds (i.e. .308 rather than 7.62x51) in order to make it more straightforward. And there are .308 civilian variants of pretty much every 7.62x51 weapon anyhow, so, I'm not worried. Not that I would be in the first place, for the reason I stated above (i.e. talking about the game, not reality).
  14. Katana67

    AKS-74U confirmed... could this mean...? no...

    Well, if the M1 Garand rumors are true... and assuming they include .30-06... then we'll have 7.62x54R, .308, and .30-06. Which is ideal, in my opinion. .30-06 for the common hunting rifles and low-rent battle rifles. 7.62x54R for the uncommon Warsaw Pact gear (i.e. Mosin, SVD, and PKM), then .308 for the rare NATO stuff. Once that's done, or even if they don't add .30-06, all that's left in my opinion as necessary is a dedicated sniper rifle round. I mean, we're really only talking about adding a handful of calibers (three or four depending on what one views as necessary). If they do add the M1 Garand, they may not include .30-06 right away. So, we'll see. Just don't want people freaking out any more than is absolutely necessary.
  15. Katana67

    The 'war on snipers'

    While I don't believe sniping should be overly complex (even windage is a bit of a stretch, although still a fun one on occasion) I think there are ways in which it can be made more consequential. Rather than just made more tedious. You want to bag that bambi at 1000 yards? Better craft yourself a decent shooting position. Want to dominate a city from afar? Better find a rare-ass DMR with some rare-ass magazines, a rare-ass scope, and some hard-to-find ammunition. Want to linger in a spot for a while? Better have that ghillie all crafted, better bring a ton of food/drink, and better be ready to fend off zombies if you're firing too many rounds without moving. Long-range shooting as an act in and of itself doesn't have to be made harder (although, I think there's room for improvement in this regard) but getting to the point at which one can snipe effectively should not be an easy undertaking.
  16. Katana67

    M4A1 Can i be added back to Genral Military?

    I think eventually it maybe should be a rare barracks spawn, but for now, I'm fine with it being a helicopter only spawn for the purposes of testing out helicopter spawns. But, just as a general rule, I don't consider any assault rifle to be worthy of being all that high-end. Said it in the past, but they're inherently middle-of-the-road intermediate jack-of-all-trades weapons. They are mid-range by definition. Don't care if it's "western" or not, if it isn't any better than an AK-101 or AKM, then you won't see me crawling across the map (i.e. player mobility, which is a major emphasis of a loot hierarchy in DayZ) just to get a weapon that's merely on par with everything else. Rare weapons have to be better in some way, in my opinion, than their uncommon/common counterparts. The M4A1 really isn't in my opinion, currently. The AK pattern weapons are nearly as modular, to the point of rendering the M4A1's modularity irrelevant. Assault rifles cannot be this way, if some are spawning in military bases whilst others are regulated and/or dynamically spawning at helicopters. The M4A1 isn't really all that "western" anyhow, considering (the case that I've made a thousand times now) how many post-Soviet countries use, purchase, and produce AR-15 platform weapons now. What I categorically resent, though, is the poisoning of the M4A1 with the notion of it being only a hacker's weapon. Which is silly, and people who dismiss it as such are pretty much the most illogical human beings on the face of the earth.
  17. Katana67

    AKS-74U confirmed... could this mean...? no...

    Haven't seen it in a while, but I'm marginally sure that Vz. 58 had some kind of STANAG magwell adapter. I think the proprietary clear 5.56 mags for the Vz. 58 give it a unique look. But a 7.62x39 version would be just as good, if not better. Checked... it did.
  18. Katana67

    AKS-74U confirmed... could this mean...? no...

    Well they're never happy about anything, but, regardless... just from an aggregate (across the forums, DayZTV, Reddit, Twitter, etc.) I'm seeing a consistent amount of folks saying essentially "Oh, another AK." An outlook that I don't share at all, the more the merrier. I'd agree that it's somewhat more significant, in the sense that the M4A1 is inherently more modular (in having an easily replaceable upper receiver). But that's more to do with the reality, rather than the concerns of DayZ. As far as DayZ is concerned, they're both just weapons. There's no swapping of receivers or anything fancy. You've got an AK, and a SBR variant. You've got an AR-15, and a hypothetical SBR variant. The AKS-74U is a hardcore SBR, its got a shorter barrel than a G36C. There's no real exact parallel to be found in military-issue AR-15s, but the principle (i.e. a SBR variant of a service rifle) is the same.
  19. Katana67

    AKS-74U confirmed... could this mean...? no...

    Just out of curiosity, and I don't really intend on being too provocative with this. More just curious. But, do you think people would be as receptive if they were adding say... a Mk 18? Which, to be clear, is just an SBR variant of a weapon/weapon platform we've already got in the game (i.e. the M4A1/AR-15). Much in the same way that the AKS-74U is just an SBR AK.
  20. Which is why I despise the MASKA, it reminds me of riot gear... rather than combat gear. Which, there's nothing wrong with, I just don't like that aesthetic. Have Russians never heard of the term "lightweight"? /joke
  21. If it was just a joke then why are we having this conversation? Hint - Mine was in jest too!
  22. Katana67

    More spray anyone ?

    This is the only reason why I wouldn't want 100 round magazines for assault rifles. Because that's one of the major distinctive advantages of an LMG. But the same could be said of the M249 being able to be fed by STANAG mags. And even then, I'm okay with it if they're rare in the first place... spawn empty... and if LMGs have some sort of performance distinction (i.e. longer range, less wear-and-tear, etc.) And I don't necessarily agree that there's a big difference in being able to spray 30 vs. 100 rounds. You're still spraying, and if it takes more than 30 rounds to bring somebody down... then it's pretty much the target's fault anyhow for not being able to kill the spray-er in that amount of time.
  23. Taviana, Namalsk, and Lingor are not in the lore of ARMA II at all, in which Chernarus+ has been situated. They're user-generated maps for mods. Plus, the south is densely populated (i.e. more people to turn into zombies). Whereas the north (until recently) has been sparsely populated. Interesting theory though! I'm all for folks putting forth their own interpretations. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/186377-framework-for-lore-discussion/