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Everything posted by Katana67

  1. Katana67

    No "Specialized" Cartridges [Torchia Tweet]

    I just think they need to find a happy balance between a specific and general approach. I mean, they're going to have to add new rounds eventually. Now, it doesn't have to be near proprietary rounds like most PDW rounds or 9x39, but they need to at least broaden their horizons a bit... eventually. Otherwise, we'll have a pool of five or six rounds which can be found everywhere... and no matter how rare they end up making the weapons themselves, we'll be stuck with the same dynamic in the mod where one can rearm a DMR from residential/industrial buildings. Plus, I don't want to give the realism folks a larger soap box to spew vitriol from (I want to give them what they want, but am [ironically] realistic about what can be done). I want the game to be as "realistic" as is prudent, not possible. If that means sacrificing suppressors as to be "Hollywood," so be it. If that means that a Mosin has to fire 7.62x51, so be it. But if it doesn't mean that then we should be advocating for the "realistic" aspect. I think when/if the AK-74 comes out, we'll get a better idea of where they're going in terms of ammunition. Because if they just have it take 5.56x45 that's already in the game (vice 5.45x39) then it'll be pretty evident that they're taking a more homogenous approach overall. However, I wouldn't necessarily mind if they had the AK-74 take 5.56, as 5.45x39 isn't really used in that many weapons platforms which are aesthetically distinct from the AK-74. Plus, there are a decent amount of AK-pattern weapons able to be chambered in 5.56x45.
  2. Katana67

    No "Specialized" Cartridges [Torchia Tweet]

    You seem to be confusing the overall number of weapons in the game... With how rare they are going to be in-game (once they actually balance the loot, which hasn't been done at all)... More weapons overall does not mean common weapons in-game. Specialized calibers would actually be a great way of making weapons rarer.
  3. Katana67

    Torchia's Mega Vest Sneak Peak

    I like this... This... This... And this! Don't see any reason why we need to chop it up and be discriminatory.
  4. Katana67

    Your fav sidearm

    Without a workable suppressor on any of the others, the Amphibia S. If they get around to making the suppressor work on the FNX, the FNX.
  5. Well the BHD ones make more sense in my opinion, because they're using 727s and 723s with fixed carry handles and unmagnified optics. Plus, the TOTS optic is actually magnified (IIRC), which makes it even more useless given that it doesn't actually need to clear the front sight post. But it's a movie, and probably either the only optic they had on sight or it fit a particular "sniper" aesthetic. Plus, around when the movie was made, that setup was more prevalent than it is now. Which, as cool as you might think it is (I'm certainly not against it), it's not really practical from both a development point of view [i.e. already having a rail mount on our M4A1s] or a practicality point of view in-game. Although, given that they are rendering the front sight post as visible through an ACOG, it may have a use in being able to clear the front sight post. However, I'd rather they just render the ACOG and front sight post realistically as it wouldn't be visible through a 4x optic. But, it's Chris' reasoning for dismissing the suggestion that I find suspect.
  6. That and the same result can be achieved via the current mechanic in the game [i.e. the KAC RIS allowing the attachment of a flashlight]. Or, as others have suggested, a "combination/crafting" mechanic wherein one finds an ACOG and Docter/RMR sight separately, then combines the two into one item via the crafting system we've got now. Granted, I don't think this is that big of a deal, I could live without Docter/RMR sights for optics, optics on the carry handle, and all of that. But I still find his reasoning for dismissing these concepts incoherent. The following dismissal of the concept was based on the carry handle and optics specifically. However, his initial dismissal was with regard to attachments in general. And it's inaccurate, one can have an attachment on another attachment already [i.e. KAC RIS and flashlight].
  7. Katana67

    No "Specialized" Cartridges [Torchia Tweet]

    This is sort of why I've been very critical of Torchia's reasoning for dismissing a lot of things. If it's not practical to develop right now, due to priorities. Just say that. "Not ruling it out for the future, but we're not working on it currently." Just say that. Don't muddle the reasoning with irrelevant "well nobody has purchased it in the real-world [with regard to the AK-12]," or "we can't have attachments for attachments, attachment-ception [with regard to carry handles and optics, even though the idea of attaching an attachment to an attachment is already in-game]."
  8. Less unnecessary vitriol would do wonders.
  9. Katana67

    Torchia's Mega Vest Sneak Peak

    Yeah, and Rocket himself started out (IIRC) as a mocap... er.... guy for BIS. Could be way off.
  10. Again, it's not about the actual content of the conversation, but Torchia's reasoning for dismissing the concept as a whole. Especially when it already exists in principle in-game. The priorities discussion isn't specifically relevant, either. Nobody's asking them to prioritize anything, or deviate from their current plans. Don't get too hung up on the carry handle/optic content, and try and just look at what reasoning he uses. He's saying that they can't have attachments for attachments. Which isn't the case if one just looks at the RIS and flashlight already in-game. And bear in mind, I'm not saying we won't see these things. I just find Torchia's reasoning for dismissing something (as expressed in the tweet) suspect... again.
  11. Katana67

    Torchia's Mega Vest Sneak Peak

    But, a tactical vest isn't god's gift to man. And it has civilian applications. And is a fairly widespread item, you can buy them for $25 bucks from a Chinese manufacturer. They aren't really the sole purview of the military. Point being, there is a MASSIVE grey area. And ultimately, what someone says when they don't want too much military gear... is regarding the visual aesthetic, and not necessarily the functionality. I have no issue with "military" gear being rare, inasmuch as its rarity justifies the actual advantage the item itself offers. Whether it's got a "military" or "civilian" aesthetic is irrelevant to me by comparison to the advantage it offers.
  12. Much in the same way that optics replace the carry handle... And much in the same way a suppressor could replace the current flash-hider... They're all attachments, both in actuality and in terms of the game mechanic itself. They all ATTACH to the weapon.
  13. Katana67

    Torchia's Mega Vest Sneak Peak

    But it's about a militarized country. And you act as if it's a bad thing, as if it's somehow worse than having a purely "civilian" world... which DayZ has never claimed to be... ever.
  14. Well there are no foregrips in DayZ. Railed FOREGUARDS/ENDS, sure. But they are an attachment. They follow the same principles as the other attachments. They are able to be attached to your weapon.
  15. Katana67

    Torchia's Mega Vest Sneak Peak

    What constitutes military gear for you folks? Last time I checked, the tactical vests they make for civilians are near indistinguishable from the ones they use in the military. Same applies for holsters. Short of making a leather holster with a pearl-handled .45 in it, what would be a "non-military" holster? I mean, even hunting vests are just sort of... normal vests, painted orange. Either way, I never understood why folks have such a beef with "military" gear... as if it beat up your sister. That and people have an insanely low and/or inconsistent threshold as to what constitutes a "military" item.
  16. Sure they are, what else would they be?
  17. Which is why I don't see how Torchia's reasoning is coherent, as it's represented in-game and can be represented further in-game. If they wanted to add a carry handle with an optic, they could, just via combining the two objects into one. It's the same end result, but [the presence of two attachments] with different methods [one stacking on top of the other vice combining]. Like I said in the OP, I don't find much utility in having the ability to mount an optic on the carry handle of the M4 [which the original tweet was about]. But his reasoning for dismissing the concept wasn't based on utility, it was based on the concept of using two attachments in one slot being unfeasible. When it's clearly both feasible and indeed a concept expressed in the game already.
  18. Katana67

    M4 Silencer

    Honest to god I don't think the comp actually does anything on the Mosin. I can't tell either way, but I haven't used the Mosin as much as I've used the M4 in-game to tell. But yes, ostensibly, it'd be to reduce recoil. EDIT - DayZwiki says it reduces recoil, unsure to what degree.
  19. Right, but why couldn't that same principle be applied to certain sights? You have a certain sight, it allows you to attach X. Likewise, if they've got a hard limit on what attachments slots there are, I suppose we can say goodbye to foregrips.
  20. Katana67

    Torchia's Mega Vest Sneak Peak

    Looks like the old Tactical Vest was removed because it didn't fit the character models properly.
  21. Katana67

    Torchia's Mega Vest Sneak Peak

    Looks neat! That may explain why they removed the Tactical Vest. As this seems to just be a beefed up version of that. Would love to see some MOLLE-pattern vests, but hey, not complaining.
  22. Not that I'm aware, it doesn't modify the exterior of the weapon. But attaching a flashlight [attachment] to the KAC RIS [attachment] is a form of "attachmentception" already in-game.
  23. Katana67

    M4 Silencer

    On the contrary, your ignorance reveals you know nothing. In addition, it tells me that you're unswayed by new information out of pride. Enjoy your life, not going to continue engaging someone who won't acknowledge simple facts. Toodles!
  24. Katana67

    M4 Silencer

    No, because you assumed I knew nothing about it... I assumed you knew nothing about it. Treat others the way you would like to be treated, hypocrite. You can keep on making this a dick-measuring contest, like you started, or you can engage the discussion in a mature fashion (as to justify your supposed "years" of experience). I never said it makes the round subsonic, you must have misread. It said it lowers the dB level. The round is still supersonic, but studies have shown (on .22LR in this instance) that suppressors can lower the dB level of a supersonic round on the order of 40-50 dB (30 dB for 5.56x45). http://silencertalk.com/results.htm Read what I actually wrote please. "It's still loud, sure. But it's a different kind of loud from an unsuppressed weapon." "Suppressors do decrease the dB level of supersonic ammunition."
  25. Katana67

    M4 Silencer

    Actually, I have. I've never been shot at by someone using a suppressor (for which I'm very thankful), so I can't personally vouch for the aspect that suppressors modulate the sound as to make it more difficult to ascertain the origin of the shot. Given that you're going on about silencers, I'm going to wager that you haven't though.