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Everything posted by Katana67

  1. Katana67

    Why we Should Compare SA to the MOD

    How does any of what you listed make it any less of an anti-game? The moniker of "anti-game" comes from a lack of rules, as it were. Vice an emphasis on "realism." And please, please, for the love of god... stop pretending to speak for anyone else but yourself. I played ARMA before DayZ. I played the mod since April 2012. It's not somehow an affront to what DayZ is to have these things.
  2. Katana67

    Why we Should Compare SA to the MOD

    To this I'd say there's a difference between a discrepancy of CAPABILITY and a discrepancy of VISION. The vision is the same, but the capability (what you're highlighting) has been enhanced. Helicopters, were a part of the vision of DayZ. A wide variety of weapons, were a part of the vision of DayZ. These things were WILLFULLY added and tweaked. I think people forget that, as if Rocket and the developers were somehow forced into making inclusive design choices in the mod out of necessity.
  3. Katana67

    Why we Should Compare SA to the MOD

    So you're talking about weapon RARITY not the overall number or variety of weapons in DayZ.
  4. Katana67

    Why we Should Compare SA to the MOD

    Are you implying that survival games cannot be compatible with a wide variety of firearms?
  5. Katana67

    No "Specialized" Cartridges [Torchia Tweet]

    "what it comes down to is us really wanting to have the lowest possible number of calibers spawning in the game. Thats why we've only been adding in the most common types (9mm, .45, 12ga, 5.56, 7.62, etc...) and why we've been grouping similar kinds of ammo into one. Its the reason we haven't made a distinction between the mosin, blaze, longhorn, or eventually SVD ammo types. In reality these four are firing two different kinds of 7.62mm rounds but the performance characteristics are more or less the same. There was a time when we weren't even going to delineate between SKS and Mosin ammo but after some "enthusiastic" discussions, 7.62x39 was added (thankfully :)). So if we add a Makarov pistol, its going to simply fire 9mmP instead 9mmM. If we add an AK74, it'll fire 5.56mm, not 5.45mm. Thats why I haven't added those in. Those of us who are real gun nuts would revolt (but I have a feeling the wider community dosn't give a crap as long as it looks cool :) )" - Scubaman3D (Chris Torchia)
  6. Katana67

    Accuracy comparison: DayZ vs ARMA 2

    Well the Troy Battle Ax CQB stock (the CQB stock in-game) is actually quite heavy (they make a lightweight version, but it's still heavier IIRC than a Magpul CTR stock). I think they just called it a "CQB" stock for game reasons. The only things I'd like to see make our weapons better at CQC (i.e. weapon handling in close-quarters) is the length of the barrel (or even just OAL), presence of a foregrip (in terms of overall weapon handling), and perhaps a sling for faster transitions.
  7. Katana67

    The Battle Rifle Thread!

    Question - Are we assuming that the PSO scope available to the AKM will be the same available to the SVD? Or will the SVD PSO have higher magnification? I haven't got my hands on the PSO in-game, but it appears to be more reminiscent of the LRS vice an ACOG. Or, do you think we'll be able to mount the LRS to the SVD instead?
  8. Katana67

    Why we Should Compare SA to the MOD

    I agree that people saying "This isn't the mod!" or "This isn't supposed to be ARMA!" are missing the point. However, on the flip side, we can't read the circumstances and happenings of the mod into the Standalone as if they're perpetual and unchanging. Which happens A LOT (see the rage about helicopters, DMRs, other weapons and the like).
  9. Katana67

    M4 spawns

    Pretty rad, but I think there are a few factors that need to happen before it (helicopter spawns) can be effective. Likewise, I think there are a few things that need to happen as well with regard to the weapons. 1. Helicopter spawns need to actually spawn useful weapons. Right now, there's no real utility in using an M4 versus an SKS versus an AK versus a Mosin. There aren't enough "high-end" weapons included to justify a fully significant helicopter spawn. In other words, I won't go searching for helicopter crashes unless something useful/extraordinary spawns there. And the M4 just isn't that useful/extraordinary by comparison to weapons spawning elsewhere. 2. Magazines, first, should be separated from ammunition. I don't necessarily want to find a full magazine every time I come across one. Second, I'd like to see STANAG mags, 5.56x45, and M4 attachments still able to spawn outside of helicopter spawns (albeit at a lower rate). 3. Helicopter crashes need to be divorced from server restarts. They need to be randomized and/or dynamic, only. Server restarts, ostensibly, will become infrequent. So they need to be dynamically allocated to the server.
  10. Katana67

    Accuracy comparison: DayZ vs ARMA 2

    We play as nobody. Our avatars have no background as enforced/endorsed by the game. They're neither untrained civilians nor military folk. They're just vessels, stand-ins, paper dolls. Any "background" given to a "character" is purely conjured up in the player's mind, and has nothing to do with the avatar rendered on your screen as far as the game is concerned. Our avatars are neither inept nor skilled, they're nothing. So, all that should be done is to render the shooting mechanic in a straightforward manner as to reward player skill. If a PLAYER is inept, he/she will already be inaccurate. If a PLAYER is skilled, he/she will already be accurate. An arbitrary and uncounterable "spread" value just muddles the entire system and screws over people doing the right things.
  11. Katana67

    Accuracy comparison: DayZ vs ARMA 2

    Yeah, it's just silly and arbitrary. Needs to stop ASAP. Would like to hear something from the developers on whether it's "working as intended" or whether they intend on changing it. Because right now, most of the insinuation behind it being indicative of a "direction" is just hearsay.
  12. The only use I ever saw in private hives, is in how they mitigate the detriments of public hive (i.e. server hopping). Which could be addressed within the public hive. As for modding, yeah, it's great and all... and DayZ owes its existence to modding, but inevitably... it just perverts the experience and hemorrhages players away from DayZ proper. People will take the path of least resistance in modding as BP, Overwatch, and Epoch will indicate. They want an easy experience, which is often found in mods which are profoundly NOT DayZ. I'd rather the developers postpone modding for a long while, if they are going to pursue it at all (they are).
  13. Personal preference? Jesus, always somebody.
  14. Katana67

    after death run back to storage ?

    Agreed. That and people act like re-gearing is ALWAYS easy, and ALWAYS inconsequential. Getting geared TWICE over in one life is often times an insanely risky prospect. EDIT - @Tenebrous, I do agree with you as well. However, there is an issue in folks [at least with public hive] putting their persistent storage on an empty server, and then swapping to that server to re-gear. So in some instances, it can have the opposite effect.
  15. Katana67

    after death run back to storage ?

    I wasn't suggesting removing player spawning, though. So... I'm still confused as to what you're asking. You're still not hearing me. Deleting storage/persistent items on player death = Removing gear for players who would have come across your stash or who killed you to get to your stash Keeping persistent storage/items = Allowing folks to re-gear (detrimental) Both have serious negatives. With one, you're arbitrarily removing items/structures from the game which would otherwise be available to others. With the other, you're allowing folks to re-gear.
  16. Katana67

    after death run back to storage ?

    Errr, I'm not sure what you're asking. Yes, realism isn't possible. So we need to consider it from a balance perspective, vice a "realism" perspective as outlined in the OP. Again, if you're deleting tents or having them persist... you're screwing somebody over (either the player [in not being able to re-gear from a previous life's storage container] or other players [in not being able to find and loot storage containers of folks who have died]).
  17. Katana67

    Helicopter crashes are now in experimental

    Now all they need to do is add a robust line of "high-end" weapons to make helicopter crashes worthwhile in competition to the massive amount of barracks, tents, and police stations. With residential buildings and police stations spawning weapons on-par (in terms of lethality) with "military" weapons, it makes all "military" or "high-end" spawns a bit unattractive. And actually make it so that we see the helicopter crash (if it's still smoking/on fire, it'd be a fairly recent crash). And make dynamic spawns. And divorce the spawns away from server restarts, by making server restarts far less frequent. And maybe put in a few different crash models (i.e. UH-1, Mi-17, some kinda' civilian-use helicopter, etc.)
  18. Katana67

    after death run back to storage ?

    Yes, but your avatar isn't remembering where your tent was. You are, the player, and that can't be changed. Simply by virtue of respawning, the entire idea of persistence is made "unrealistic." The only way it could be made realistic, is if you were forced to switch servers (i.e. worlds) when you die. Which isn't practical. As I said, you're deleting something from the world arbitrarily (unrealistic). Or you're having something persist in the game world, which can be "remembered" after death because players can come back as many times as they can respawn (also unrealistic).
  19. Katana67

    Easter Eggs? Aliens? Mysteries? [Official]

    Might've been the Gorka stuff, it's on Reddit now and is pretty badass. https://imgur.com/a/EeRTe http://gyazo.com/a2f8db87e9828adb71d318bd76a24646
  20. Katana67

    after death run back to storage ?

    This is one of those things that walks a thin line between "realism" and "balance." It's not very "realistic" either way you cut it, because to my knowledge, reincarnation (i.e. spawning) isn't a factor in real life. So, any deletion or persistence of storage items is already inherently acting in an unrealistic manner. You're either deleting something that has no "realistic" explanation for disappearing from other players. Or you're leaving it there for someone who "remembers" where it is because they just respawned. Either way is just as unrealistic as the next. I just think it'll have to be addressed somehow. I'm not entirely opposed to deleting camps upon player death, but I want the ability for other players to stumble upon... and loot those camps. Perhaps a proximity deletion would be in order (i.e. if a respawned player comes close to his/her previous camp, it deletes... if not, it persists). However, there are also loopholes with that solution as well.
  21. Katana67

    Any news on 100 Slot servers?

    Well, a lot of things need to happen before they can up the player counts. Not only just optimizations, but the map needs to be completed before we can actually gauge what it'd be like. That and spawns need to be tweaked, loot needs to be tweaked, vehicles would have to be added, player structures need to be added, storage options need to be added... just so we can gauge the effects of upping the player count on the overall experience. I've always maintained that the map, even a map as big as Chernarus, is too small for 100 players. I encounter folks a lot in the mod in larger count servers, even just out in the woods. Which I'm not against. But I can only imagine how often people's vehicles/structures would get robbed if there were more people per server. Simply adding enterable structures doesn't increase the map size, or even player density. It doesn't matter if someone's IN a building, or BESIDE a building, that player is still there. But I'm always willing to try out new things.
  22. Katana67

    Easter Eggs? Aliens? Mysteries? [Official]

    Well, I'd assume that the SVD/DMR would do more damage than an SKS, simply by virtue of firing 7.62x51 in-game. I'm not sure if it'd be that big of a difference, but I think they could be made different. Plus, I'd assume that SVDs and other dedicated DMRs would be able to mount something a bit better than a PU scope (i.e. a LRS). I don't really care much for the "real-life" aspect of rarity, and am more concerned with how certain weapons should be balanced in terms of the loot tables as to justify their power. Granted, I agree with you, that Torchia's statement isn't really what I wanted to hear. I personally think the only weapons which should be limited by the loot regulation, are weapons like anti-materiel rifles and such. Even LMGs aren't all that great, as to justify them being hyper-rare and limited. The rest can be mitigated just by tweaking the loot percentages as to make certain things markedly less likely to be found (i.e. DMRs) than in the mod.
  23. Katana67

    Easter Eggs? Aliens? Mysteries? [Official]

    I definitely agree with you, and think that it's generally how things should work. But I just don't think it's the right time right now. There's not really any advantage in running an M4 (or presumably an AK, haven't tried it) versus a Mosin. So whatever weapons they could make specific now, it wouldn't really justify any advantage that they give. I mean, it is perhaps more applicable to attachments. Because they actually can add capability. But weapons now aren't as varied as I think they need to be in order to justify having some be full-on rare and only found in certain areas. That and the weapons, like DMRs and such, will be regulated once the loot system is up and running. So it may not be wholly necessary right now (although would still be beneficial) to have certain weapons be spawning in certain areas. Now, granted, they could work with what they have. I don't want to see M4's spawning in office buildings anymore, so they could theoretically move them fully to airfields and barracks. But that's pretty much all they could do. Until, and if, we get things like DMRs, LMGs/GPMGs, SMGs, and full-on sniper rifles, I just don't see it being worth it at this time. Plus, I think the overall abundance of weapons in-general (as they've not balanced the loot) is the most detrimental aspect at this time. If that could be curtailed, as to be more in-line with the mod, then perhaps it'd be a good stop-gap approach until they build up a more robust "high-end" stock of weapons. That and there's a lot to be said about the efficacy (or lack thereof) of what you're proposing at this time so long as things like server hopping for loot are still unmitigated.
  24. Katana67

    Easter Eggs? Aliens? Mysteries? [Official]

    Yeah, there aren't enough rare items nowadays for them to really justify helicopter crashes (although, I think it's a good time to start implementing and tweaking the system itself). But they need, more than ever, a wide variety of "high-end" loot to put at these places. Otherwise, they're no more advantageous than the vast amounts of military spawns we've got all over the map now. Never mind that folks can get an AK in a police station. Granted, this all depends on how they balance the loot. But I expect to find some pretty gnarly stuff at helicopter crashes, reminiscent (though not as overwhelming) of the mod. And that sort of stuff just hasn't been implemented yet.
  25. Katana67

    Easter Eggs? Aliens? Mysteries? [Official]

    Any feedback would be most appreciated! I'm without a decent PC for a few weeks.