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Everything posted by Katana67

  1. Katana67

    Intresting article on DayZ on Wired

    I didn't say anyone should be "punished" in DayZ.
  2. Katana67

    Intresting article on DayZ on Wired

    Besides being implicated in attempted murder. By your own admission, the consequence is getting caught, and therefore found guilty of breaking a law. Hence why, in addition to acknowledged moral imperatives, why people don't go around stabbing folks without considering the consequences. This is a different type of consequence than I am asserting should be included in DayZ, and is more of a "punishment" in the traditional sense.
  3. Katana67

    What is the ingame map good for?

    Hopefully, it'll allow folks to write on it... or mark locations. And then be persistent, so it can be dropped/looted and read by other players. However, third-party map programs... can, do, or could allow for that function anyhow. So, unless browser map access is made more difficult... I don't see in-game maps ever being useful.
  4. Katana67

    Military Unit Stationed at Gorka? [Lore]

    41st Internal Special Purpose Detachment (отряд специального назначения, OSN), Black Forest (черный лес). Unit History Formed in 2007 in response to instability caused by ChDKZ (Chedaki) guerillas in the eastern regions of Chernarus, the 41st OSN drew upon Chernarussian Defence Force (CDF) veterans and created a new special internal paramilitary unit. Based out of FOB Sokol (сокол), in Gorka, the 41st OSN saw action in multiple operations against ChDKZ guerillas. In 2009, after the Chernarussian Civil War, Minister of the Interior Arseniy Ryazanov re-purposed the 41st OSN for peacekeeping operations. The unit was mainly engaged in counter-insurgency operations, conducting small-scale raids in Gorka, Novy Sobor, and Guglovo against suspected ChDKZ remnant forces. The 41st OSN was therefore transferred to the NATO Chernarus Force (CFOR) command, working alongside Russian and Georgian contingents out of FOB Berkut at Krasnostav. Later, during the outbreak of 2014, the 41st OSN was again subsumed under the command of an international organization, the newly formed UNOCHER (United Nations Operation Chernarus). The unit was ordered to construct roadblocks along the road from Novy Sobor to Gorka near Altar in order to enforce UNOCHER quarantine protocols. As the infection containment measures failed in the west, originating near Myshkino and Zelenogorsk, the 41st OSN became inundated with refugees flowing east towards Berezino and Krasnostav. In this hectic climate, elements of the unit were alleged to have carried out unauthorized killings of civilians, as per the reporting of South Zagoria Independent journalist Olga Poroshenko. The 41st OSN was then divided into a roadblock and garrisoned contingent, with the bulk of the unit remaining within the makeshift perimeter of Gorka. As the infected began to outnumber the refugee population, the 41st OSN was authorized to use lethal force by UNOCHER command. Radio contact with UNOCHER command was maintained until 12 May 2014 at 0300 local. Platoon leaders reported being trapped by infected personnel inside of FOB Sokol and the Gorka police station.
  5. Katana67

    Intresting article on DayZ on Wired

    I agree, but to me, consequence isn't punishment. Or at least, it doesn't have to be. And, it can be natural and/or derived from the environment. For example, trying to kill someone in a city. It's easy, you just sight them in and fire. They go down. But, if there were crowds of zombies flooding the streets, rushing after the first twitch of sound (much less a gunshot), and you only had a few rounds to spare... the consequences for engaging that player increase dramatically. You can still do it (kill folk), but there are complicating factors which have to be weighed by the player as to judge whether or not something is prudent. The issue is, that most systems in the mod were consequence-less (inventory, travel, weapons, etc.) They (the developers) haven't really had a chance to implement these things in concert, owing to the piecemeal approach of "early access." But that's a different issue entirely.
  6. Katana67

    Intresting article on DayZ on Wired

    Eh, for one... the author is a bit late to the "psychoanalysis of DayZ" writing game... there were a ton, an absolute ton, of articles just like this around April-May of 2012 when the mod came out. Second, I think there's only one factor which dictates people's behavior in-game. Consequence. With a lack of consequence, people will do anything. It's not necessarily a commentary on their psychopathy or even their mental state. I mean, there is no consequence to killing someone in a video game. Not even a subtle, moral, "Huh, should I have done that?" At least for me, perhaps that makes me a sociopath. But, I never once thought the act of killing another player in-game was some sort of moral conundrum in any circumstance. Partially because I don't do it very often, I try and stay away from folks as much as possible. But partially because, at the end of the day, I'm still aware that this is just a game. This is not to belittle the very real aspect of "trolling" which can indeed have emotional effects on victims, akin to "bullying." But, when you're entering into an open-world environment, you've got to accept that you're fair game... and others are equally fair game. I think the article gives too much legitimacy to the concept of mental state, when in actuality I think human behavior in DayZ is functioning just fine in terms of the environment. There are no consequences for killing folks, or even mistreating them. Do I think DayZ needs to have more consequence to action? Absolutely. Because, in my opinion, adding consequence adds depth. Instead of just acting, you're weighing the pros and cons of a situation, and then acting. We haven't really ever had this, outside of player-enforced retribution.
  7. Katana67

    Weapon accuracies

    Yeah, I was a bit perplexed by this one as well. It's not like there's a game developer MOS, 1337 "Tactical Game Developer - Special Operations Capable." - Active Duty position only - Tasked with interfacing with moronic community on Reddit and Twitter - Must be able to make the same logical assertions over and over again in the face of ravenous imbeciles who won't listen to anything - Must also develop a game as per C2 requirements - Must attend mandatory four-year training course in C++ and CQC tactics brah, slay bodies, good to go?
  8. Katana67

    Remove In-game Player List

    We will have vehicles, and the concept will be repeated from the mod (i.e. being able to communicate to folks on TS across the map, for rides and pinpoint accurate exfiltrations). Nope, I don't want to claim the "realism" argument. I want to make the argument that it is detrimental to gameplay, in having the unfettered ability to contact one's teammates across the entire map via an unregulated third-party program that has nothing to do with the items/abilities you have in-game. Likewise, any method of easy meta-communication inherently undercuts the efficacy of in-game inclusions, like walkie talkies... radio stations... and the like. I don't like the idea of a third-party program DICTATING the usefulness of what is, and can be, included in the game. In other words, why even include walkie-talkies if people are just going to use TS? Why care about your life if you can just insta-negotiate a ride up to your clan's stash and re-gear? How would you feel, if you had blown away three clan members, then had the other six that were already inbound get informed of your exact location/heading, and track you down to murder you?
  9. Katana67

    Crows Are Coming

    Eat lead pheasant! You saw it man, it was coming right at me! I had to! I think it was one of those zombie pheasants! But naw, I definitely would like to see bird hunting. But more importantly, where the piss are those cornfields Buchta was talking about? Do want.
  10. Katana67

    Remove In-game Player List

    Because people can't whisper for a pickup from their clan five cities away, and can't whisper to inform their teammates of bandit/survivor positions across the map.
  11. I say nay, sirrah! Better anti-ghosting solutions out there.
  12. So yeah, an intrepid Reddit poster has linked these images, which are present on the new DayZ website. http://imgur.com/a/HL4Jh http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/26izc4/dayz_standalone_new_fog_system/
  13. Katana67

    Fog Inbound for DayZ? [Reddit]

    I like how fog could potentially simulate the obscurity of being in a forest as well. It's sort of hard to recreate real forests in games, for pragmatic reasons. I was recently thinking this while hiking the other day, no game has ever really... really... done a forest right. I think fog could simulate that obscurity, seeing a shadow dart through the treeline and not be sure what it is. Readying yourself to blow away a zombie, only to see a harmless doe trod in. I just like the idea of variation in experience, which hasn't really been an aspect of DayZ. It's always pretty dern easy to see, and always pretty nice out. Even in the mod, the weather was just one shade away from being a perfectly sunny day.
  14. Katana67

    Secrets of DayZ in the Last 4 Months

    Ermergerd. My old "Myshkino Lights" story! http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/22703-day-z-urban-legends/page-10#entry312509 /respect
  15. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/196915-cows-mysterious-sign-and-uh-60-heli-crashes/ It's where the old pyramid was (i.e. terrain that was oddly shaped/bugged to be a jagged pyramid). Hence the pyramid graphic on the sign.
  16. Katana67

    Please, say NO to helicopters.

    That's just the beginning bit of "Die Walküre." Actually I stand corrected, "Ride of the Valkyries" is in Act III of Die Walkure.
  17. Katana67

    Fog Inbound for DayZ? [Reddit]

    No, because they've got a decent "ripple" texture/effect on the ground for when it's raining. And rain is transparent, whilst snow is white, which contrasts more so with the natural terrain.
  18. Katana67

    Please, say NO to helicopters.

    One, yes... all the yes in the world, they need to add loudspeakers to helicopters. Two, anyone blaring "Fortunate Son" or "Die Walkure" will be shot down and mercilessly torn apart for being so god damn cliche. :D
  19. Katana67

    Fog Inbound for DayZ? [Reddit]

    I think I may be imagining this, but I swear Rocket mentioned something about weather (and snow specifically) at Rezzed (maybe it was in the Q/A session afterwards, as it's not on the Roadmap presentation). I recall him talking about getting snow in, but not being able to have it accumulate. Not sure I care all that much for snow if it doesn't accumulate or change the textures of the landscape, it doesn't ever turn out looking that great in games. EDIT - Never mind, it is in the Roadmap presentation, around 18:30.
  20. Katana67

    Winning a gunfight [TIPS]

    Only thing in my experience that will help you win firefights, is just seeing the other person before he/she sees you. It's the most significant thing in my opinion in terms of just being able to control what happens from there on.
  21. Katana67

    Fog Inbound for DayZ? [Reddit]

    Well, for one, you can wait until the fog clears. Second, your post says "camp in a building," not "scope out a building from afar." Camping =/= sniping as well, and neither one = bad.
  22. Katana67

    Fog Inbound for DayZ? [Reddit]

    How will fog prevent people from camping a building?
  23. Katana67

    Fog Inbound for DayZ? [Reddit]

    I hope they're attempting to implement ARMA III style fog, vice Breaking Point style which was client-side and awful.
  24. Katana67

    Please, say NO to helicopters.

    Well, in fairness, folks who don't want helicopters (at least on this thread and my own on the subject) aren't citing their lethality in their being "overpowered." I rarely got killed by them, and when I did, it was usually my own damn fault. They mainly cite the visibility gained in flying a helicopter, therefore making it unduly easy (in their opinion) to spot tents, structures, and players. I've listed many a reason why this isn't perpetually the case, as in the mod the visibility was dictated by a number of shortcomings and factors (i.e. a lack of camouflage for vehicles/tents, a highly flexible third-person view whilst flying, and ultra-flexible graphics settings which have detrimental effects on the ground and the air, amongst others). Likewise, they also cite the ability to move from A to B rapidly in a helicopter as being inherently, and irrevocably unacceptable. And the ability to deploy troops rapidly (mostly via parachuting, which could also be remedied by not giving every player the innate ability to parachute, and instead make a parachute a looted/crafted item). All of these "pros" can be balanced, like you say, via rarity and difficulty of use. Never mind the other issues that I listed above, by remedying those (mostly to do with making objects on the ground harder to spot from the air) I think helicopters could be a great addition to SA. I have no issue with someone, or a group, being able to fly around the map if they've put enough time/effort/risk into getting their chopper up and running... and are accepting of the risks of operation anyhow (i.e. other players, fuel requirements, etc.) The issue for me, is that in the mod, it was too easy to find, repair, and operate a helicopter... on top of the other issues listed.
  25. Katana67

    Remove In-game Player List

    You should see some of my posts on threads dedicated to TS and browser maps then! I am vehemently, vehemently, against it. Almost unreasonably against it haha. But, like you said, I've yet to see a practical solution. My solution is just to effing close DayZ when you alt-tab and/or to disable the toggle for direct chat... so that when you're speaking into your mic, you're always audible on both TS and direct. But that has issues as well. However, I've also yet to see a developer even attempt to mitigate these issues... simply because they've had no real effect on gameplay, and therefore weren't viewed as "issues/problems" at all. Whereas DayZ is different, and (in my opinion of course) actually warrants an addressing of these issues. But yeah, off-topic, I still disagree with TS and browser maps, but I've been living with it for two years now! Still here :D