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Everything posted by Katana67

  1. Katana67

    Where do I find the AKM?

    Neat, yeah there's definitely something wrong with the texture. I think it's not overlaying properly, or something... The fact that the actual "pistol grip" bit isn't able to be painted black will annoy me to no end. But I suspect it'll get covered by the avatar's hand anyhow. Definitely interested in seeing an all-black AKM in-game. The rail system looks pretty rad as well. I still think they need to put up a foregrip, having everything flopping with a bipod is kind of annoying. I'd like a bit more flexibility with the rail systems in-game.
  2. Katana67

    No one cares about the new city?

    I plan on heading there as soon as the damn update finishes. Will be nice to have a relatively rubberband-free experience in those cities.
  3. Katana67

    My plea to remove military gear

    Yeah, I never really understood this. In an unforgiving game, like DayZ, the advantage conferred upon someone using a "military" weapon versus not, is minimal. For example, arguably, the Mosin-Nagant is the best weapon in the game as it stands. It's a bolt-action "civilian" (even though it was military issue, further underscoring the reason why I put military and civilian in quotations, as it's meaningless) rifle. Folks drop when they get shot in DayZ, it isn't like you're just patently screwed if you're using anything less than an M4 to fight someone with an M4. EDIT - And either way, why are people so damn afraid of an asymmetric experience? Not everything has to perform the same, a la BF4. Weapons give people advantages, if someone expends enough effort/time/risk... they should be rewarded, not thrown in the same soup as every other newspawn who picks up a Sporter. Point being, even if we acknowledge the advantages given to the player by "military" weapons, it's rightful if it's something born out of the expenditure of time/effort/risk.
  4. Katana67

    My plea to remove military gear

    I agree with that, there is too much ammo in terms of rarity/availability. But it doesn't really have anything to do with "military" gear, as stated in the OP. Likewise, I disagree heavily with the developer's emphasis on making as few calibers as possible (and therefore, making them more ubiquitous [meaning one can use, assumedly, 7.62x51 in everything from a break-action pistol, to a hunting rifle, to a double rifle, to a battle rifle or DMR, to a GPMG, to a high-end sniper rifle]). Which I believe to be detrimental, overall, in being able to balance the weapon-ammunition relationship.
  5. Katana67

    Where do I find the AKM?

    Side-issue Can we currently paint the stock of the AKM? Or is it not working still?
  6. Katana67

    My plea to remove military gear

    With the amount of shit I take just for advocating for something as inane as weapons without wood on them (even though I welcome all weapons, things, colors, people, ways of life, etc.) and not being discriminatory when it comes to firearms in DayZ... I think I can pepper my posts with something a bit rough every now and then, but you're right. Fair enough, sirrah.
  7. Katana67

    My plea to remove military gear

    Well, the reason my post count is so high... is that I've spent my entire two years of posting combatting the silly supposition that DayZ needs to cut back on "military" gear. I was short, because I've already contributed far more input to threads just like this one... that I wanted to express the futility of it. Rarity =/= removing military gear.
  8. Katana67

    My plea to remove military gear

    Dear god. It just doesn't stop.
  9. Katana67

    Removing spawns is making this game bad

    I mean, there's more options than "INLAND" and "BEREZINO". For instance, making everyone spawn along the entirety of the coast. Vice just one relatively centralized location. Or even just, the eastern coast (as the developers have indicated they're pursuing). People shouldn't be spawning randomly, and people shouldn't be spawning inland. Any advantage, based on chance, of getting even one footstep closer to my tent/storage/vehicle/whatever is unacceptable. People who've spawned and made their way inland get to dictate how likely their stuff is to be found (through their own personal management of player traffic in hiding their stuff), not chance.
  10. Katana67

    A case for proceedural/random loot sites

    Right, but rarity is always contextual. AS50s were rare in DayZ, relative to SMLEs, even though their appearance was a "common" occurrence. If people were interested in hoarding SMLE's (spawning at, for example, 5%), they could do so easier (and thus get more of them) than say an M4 CCO SD (spawning at, for example, .0000001%). You're right, folks will eventually get something rare simply by virtue of the spawns repeating themselves. But it's not insignificant, the rate at which something spawns is a good (albeit flawed, as are [arguably] all approaches to loot) method of making things rare in terms of the effort required to obtain said item. You still have to expend time/effort/risk in order to constantly be looting something, in search of that weapon which spawns .0000001% of the time. Far more time/effort/risk expended than something which spawns 5% of the time. The issue of respawning loot in a persistent world is a good issue for you to bring up. But ultimately, even if there's a fixed amount of loot (i.e. 5x AS50s per hive/server, versus AS50s spawning .00000001% of the time) there's still a percentage at which you're likely to see/encounter a given item at any given time anyhow. In other words, if you're likely to see 1 out of 15 AS50's .0000001% (insert whatever variable you wish) of the time, then that could be simulated by making AS50's spawn .0000000000000000000000000001% of the time. I think a lot of the problems with the mod's respawning loot were to do with the fact that, for one, loot spawned pretty dern quickly. Second, loot could be transferred to safe servers visa-vie public hives. And third, the loot percentages weren't adequately taking into account the fact that loot respawns. So, you can have loot respawning and rare items, the rates just have to be different from a "fixed" loot management system.
  11. Katana67

    A case for proceedural/random loot sites

    I think you misunderstand the implications of "rarity." It's not just X amount of people have Y because it spawns. It's X amount of people are likely/unlikely to have Y, at any given time, because it spawns at Z rate. In other words, it's less about how many of said item are out there at any given time... and how LIKELY it is for someone to have them, at any given time. That's not to say that it's incompatible with a fixed loot management system as is proposed by the developers. But you're throwing the baby out with the bathwater in your dismissal of the concept. If something has a .0000001% chance of spawning, then you're going to see that weapon less often than something with a 5% chance of spawning. EDIT - On-topic, though, I'm not sure procedural/dynamic loot spawns are necessarily the way to go. I mean, you don't really seem to be even describing a procedural/dynamic loot spawn type of system in the OP either. You're essentially, from what I can make out, just advocating for two things - high-end loot spawning at "random locations" (i.e. helicopter crashes) and an overall loot bias tweak inland. If it were procedural/dynamic, then the loot spawns would be allocated based upon need and/or vacancies. Vice quality.
  12. Katana67

    Loving the Amphibia S

    I know, hence why I distinguished between the two above.
  13. Katana67

    Any News on Global Chat?

    "ANY1 IN CHURNO?!" "WTF WHY WON'T YOU PICK ME UP HELI?!" "LEL THERES A GIRL IN THE SERVER" /joke But seriously, this is how sidechat actually is.
  14. Katana67

    Loving the Amphibia S

    I doubt they will too, Chris Torchia has said explicitly that they're not interested in adding subsonic ammunition at this juncture. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/183483-subsonic-and-supersonic-rounds-torchia-tweet/ I wasn't suggesting that they add subsonic rounds. I'm merely suggesting that, in lieu of subsonic rounds, they (in my view) have two approaches available to suppressors. 1. Make them "Hollywood" (i.e. silent/suppressed whilst using supersonic ammunition) 2. Make them "realistic" with only supersonic ammunition (i.e. slightly quieter, but still very loud, and a more modulated sound as to make it more difficult to ascertain the origin of a shot).
  15. Katana67

    Loving the Amphibia S

    I still think they need to get suppressors functional on other weapons. I want to see how they approach it sans subsonic ammunition. Will they just do it Hollywood style? (Wouldn't necessarily be opposed to this) Or Will they do it so that it makes supersonic rounds slightly quieter and diffuses/modulates the sound? Plus, a lot of it has to do with how they handle zombie aggro as well.
  16. Katana67

    What should be the civilian 5.56 rifle ?

    He never cited an actual tweet, to my knowledge, Rocket has never said that. If you can find the tweet, I'm all ears.
  17. Katana67

    How well do you know Chernarus?

    I mean, I don't think many people have that mentality. However, people (such as myself) do frown upon metagaming (i.e. the use of maps which are not the result of in-game item acquisition). Not to derail the conversation, as it's not explicitly relevant, but those are my personal feelings.
  18. Katana67

    What should be the civilian 5.56 rifle ?

    Well, in fairness, the Mk 12 is being phased out in favor of (among others, like the Mk 20) the M110. At least within SOCOM. Pretty sure the USMC uses the Mk 12, but I'd have to look at the projections again to see if it was just SOCOM. But the most important bit is that the Mk 12 was in ARMA II. I'd rather have a 7.62x51 AR-10 variant, or SCAR variant, than an SPR. But, in lieu of that, and in conjunction with Torchia's recent mulling of a "mid-length AR-15" to replace the M16, I think the SPR would be a good way to go. But then again, this thread is specifically dealing with "civilian" spawns. And I'm not sure I'd want a Mk 12, or Mk 12 analog, spawning alongside Mosins.
  19. Katana67

    What should be the civilian 5.56 rifle ?

    Not at all. It just doesn't have to come at the expense of something else, meaning "western" weaponry/ammunition. We can, and do, have both. Likewise, "tacticool" as is used on these forums (meaning, in a serious matter-of-fact manner) is insanely vitriolic. How would you like it if I dismissed your precious Warsaw Pact weapons as irrelevant outdated garbage? I don't believe that, but it's the same derogatory meaning.
  20. Katana67

    Do you want pooping in this game?

    While I've become disinterested in this potential inclusion, people really haven't come to the table with anything but grossouts, "hurdurrealismsucks," and vitriol. Stop thinking of it as a thing born out of realism, and stop being so put off by your silly taboos. Everybody poops. Think of it as an additional vector for disease. Sure, there are "better" ways of doing it (i.e. lugging a rotting animal into a pond) but I want there to be multiple methods of inducing disease.
  21. Katana67

    What should be the civilian 5.56 rifle ?

    Nobody. But we can have both. Not sure how a round can be cliché, 7.62x39 is every bit as cliché as 5.56x45. Granted, I think 7.62x39 is a much better stand-in for 5.56x45 if it were to be applied to "civilian" weapons, as I want 7.62x39 to be "Uncommon" vice "Rare" with 5.56x45. But, no reason we can't have both "eastern" and "western" rounds be equally as prominent.
  22. Katana67

    How well do you know Chernarus?

    Memorized it long ago. Less of it, now, obviously (at least north of NWAF where they're adding things). But, I've memorized that west-east corridor from Svetlo to Lopatino that they're adding stuff on anyhow. Bring back the wilderness dammit!
  23. Katana67

    What should be the civilian 5.56 rifle ?

    /facepalm Says the guy who has no idea what he's talking about (sway =/= natural deviation, i.e. MOA dispersion of a weapon after having fired), or evidence to support his claims. Not even going to dignify your tripe with a long-winded answer, when you're just wrong to begin with. Here's a bit from Rocket, actually. Not made up out of thin air. "I completely agree that weapon handling and accuracy balancing is way, way off, and that a pass needs to be done" ~ Rocket2guns http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/276qqv/can_we_get_a_straight_answer_regarding_weapon/chy1ms6?context=3
  24. Katana67

    What should be the civilian 5.56 rifle ?

    Direct me to Tweet then, troll. And again, how does sway = downrange accuracy?