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Everything posted by Katana67

  1. Only issue (well that's a lie, I have a lot of issues with it) I have with the concept of a "hive" is that DayZ cannot ever suppose itself as an MMO because of it. What makes a game an "MMO," to me, is the ability for all (or a at least a large slice) players to be playing in the same persistent world. With hives, sure we're all playing on the same map (i.e. Chernarus) but not in the same world. In my opinion, you can't keep a FPS server structure with a persistent world and call it an "MMO." It would be as if DICE just came out with one map for their next BF game and called it an "MMOFPS."
  2. Katana67

    Enfield & Winchester

    Would love to see both! For some reason, I always wanted to have the SMLE be able to mount a suppressor. The muzzle of the No. 4 always seemed to beg for a suppressor in my mind, even though I don't think I've ever seen a SMLE suppressed (aside from the DeLisle). I think once they throw in .410 that we'll see a few more lever-actions (although, I certainly could live without them). Maybe not the Winchester per-se, but certainly a decent analog. Or, they could always use .357 to supply their lever-action.
  3. Katana67

    How would you combat player suicide?

    Honestly, it just doesn't affect me. I'm seldom on the coast and even less likely to be partnering up with anyone. So I don't really mind people suiciding to roll a spawn as long as it's the result of an in-game action. Now, granted, the system was far too inconsequential in the mod where you could just hit "Respawn." But, at least now, you've got to actually climb up a mountain or something... it's a concerted effort vice just being a given. You can't really stop folks from jumping off of things. If you make the jump distance-to-death so high, it becomes inconsequential to fall off of anything. Likewise, nothing stopping someone from just running into a pile of zombies. Short of forcing folks to swap servers after death, which would solve a lot of issues, but is still cumbersome and prohibitive... there isn't really a solution. Moreover, the idea of this being a "problem" in the first place is up for debate as well. The only way that I personally could see this being a "problem" is if there were random spawns across the map, which, hopefully... will never be the case... as the idea is massively flawed in more ways than one. I don't really have any issue with coming across a bunch of dead bodies because people suicide. If anything, it'd be more immersive and/or spooky to come across a heap of dead bodies than not. I don't really think it has any tangible benefits, either. Sure, you can cycle spawns to get closer to your friends (which is more an issue of meta-gaming via TS and the like than suiciding). But so what? You're still on the coast, in a PvP clusterfuck at best and a PvP clusterfuck + threatening zombies + a lack of loot at worst.
  4. Katana67

    Ammo Calibration : Poll & Discussion

    Jesus... can you make me a moderator so I can actually say things like "Keep it on topic" and "Keep the discussion healthy" with some semblance of authority? People, you can make arguments and defend your point without being spiteful/insulting.
  5. Compensators are one of the few attachments that I'd definitely like to see affect weapon behavior, though. My friend threw a compensator and recoil buffer on his PTR-91 (well-made G3 clone) and it worked absolute wonders in actually lessening the recoil of the weapon. It wasn't some kind of placebo effect, the weapon just recoiled less, and it was wonderful.
  6. Errr... because I want loot in deer stands... and don't care if it's 100% plausible or not... because I value what it offers gameplay? That's why I made the thread... If you're willing to say that finding a firearm in an office building is plausible, then finding a firearm in a deer stand is plausible. You can read any number of scenarios into each, to make it plausible.
  7. Katana67

    MP5-K and Flashbang Obtained

    Neat, it's relieving to see some of the attachments be re-used. I half thought the M68, ACOG, and... whatever the hell the other RDS is... were going to be M4-only. Wasn't sure how they'd end up approaching some of the rail-compatible attachments. Still curious as to the foregrip and railed handguard for the MP5K. Really, really, hope they made the foregrip work for the AKM and M4A1.
  8. Katana67

    .380 ACP Coming To DayZ! [Torchia Reddit]

    I agree, which is why I said "I think it's a good thing that they did it [moved the M4A1 to helicopter crashes only], as it sets the precedent again for crash-specific weapon spawns." You're right, we don't have a distinct "high-end" yet. The two areas that I think need a bit more love (well, I think all weapon categories should have at least four weapons a piece) are the "high-end" and the sort of, mid-low "hunting" side of things. I've been trying to work up an overall weapon distribution list in my mind which takes into account the following concepts - NATO/Warsaw Pact/European/Civilian aesthetics, innate weapon capabilities, modularity, and ammunition availability. Whilst also trying to incorporate the weapons we've got already. Will be sure to post what I end up coming up with. There's a lot of inconsistencies (like not being able to have a "civilian" LMG, the line between "civilian/military" being meaningless in most cases, and a lack of specificity with regard to things like damage). But just as an example... 1. SVT-40 Common-UncommonUses Common-Uncommon ammunition (7.62x54R)Limited modularity, only capable of mounting one attachment or none at all (probably just an optic if any)High power, medium range, low rate of fire, high recoil10-round magazine capacity2. M14 Uncommon-RareUses Uncommon-Rare ammunition (7.62x51)Slightly increased modularity, capable of mounting two attachments (an optic and perhaps a suppressor or bipod)High power, medium range, medium rate of fire, high recoil20-round magazine capacity3. FN FAL or HK G3A3 RareUses Uncommon-Rare ammunition (7.62x51)Enhanced modularity, capable of mounting two weapon-specific attachments AND several generic attachments after looting a separate rail system (like the M4A1 and AKM now)High power, medium range, select-fire, medium-high recoil20-round magazine capacity4. SR-25 or Mk 17 Very RareUses Uncommon-Rare ammunition (7.62x51)Innate modularity, capable of mounting all generic attachments without looting a separate rail systemHigh power, medium range, select-fire, medium recoil20-round magazine capacity
  9. I don't doubt it, just saying, the evidence that was apparently used to demonstrate to the contrary... actually said "cz527".
  10. Katana67

    Ammo Calibration : Poll & Discussion

    I'm not advocating for this because it's "realistic," I don't care about "realism" if it's cumbersome and doesn't benefit gameplay. I'm advocating for it because I believe it makes for a better in-game experience and allows the developers to better balance their loot and weapons (but more importantly, the weapon-ammunition-utilization concept). Adding a modest few calibers, not all, mind you... would actually allow the developers to have their weapons and ammunition coincide with one another in terms of rarity. Vice now, where rounds are relatively ubiquitous and many rounds can be used in a variety of low, mid, and "high-end" firearms. 1. To the first rebuttal, it really isn't all that hard to know what ammo goes in what weapon. I mean, it just isn't. You don't have to be some sort of gun nut to know that X ammunition does/doesn't work in Y firearm. Even if the player is wholly uninitiated, he/she will find out pretty quick via trial and error. Hell, you could even go with the caveman solution of adding it into the actual description of the weapon and/or ammunition items (i.e. "7.62x39 is typically used in AK-derivative weapons") if it's too hard for people. I don't think it is, or would be, given what we've seen in the mod and how people can actually handle something like that. 2. To the second, this is exactly what I want. You're less likely to find the ammunition you need at any given time. Which does several things. One, it increases the value of ammunition. Two, it increases the rarity of certain weapons whilst still allowing for commonality of others (i.e. certain ammunition can still be made rarer/common relative to one another). Three, it decreases the likelihood that a player will be geared up at any given time and extends the process (which is pretty inconsequential now). You're saying that they'd have to make ammunition spawn more overall, or make some ammunition spawn more than others. The latter, is the definition of rarity. Which is what I want, certain ammunition spawning more/less than others. Which is the same scenario we've got now in the mod and in the standalone. The only issue is that it's not really tweaked to suit the advantages given by their respective weapons, hence why I think that needs to happen by balancing the ammunition rarity/commonality to better suit the weapon rarity/commonality... via the addition of a modest number of calibers. Like you said, and I've been saying all along... you can't have the ammunition be hyper-ubiquitous because it makes the use of "rare" weapons more common and inconsequential, in order to accommodate the "common" weapons. And you can't have the ammunition be hyper-specific because it makes the use of "common" weapons tedious in order to accommodate the "rare" weapons. So, you have to balance the system via finding a middle ground. We're not at that middle ground yet, in my opinion. Four new calibers is all I want (i.e. 7.62x54R, 5.45x39 [although this one is negligible for me], <insert hunting caliber here>, and <insert high-end sniper caliber here>) and feel is required to balance the weapon-ammunition-utilization spectrum. Not asking for every caliber under the sun. And you want to know why some things can be "realistic" and others can't? Because this is a game. We can pick and choose based upon what it adds to the gameplay. Certain aspects of "realism" benefit gameplay, others do not. Nobody's forcing us, or the developers, to abide by a blanket adherence to "realism" or "unrealism." We don't have to pick between one or the other.
  11. That does say cz527, not cr527. I hope they continue putting the real-world CZ weapons into the fictional CR lore item. Just a neat way of incorporating stuff into the lore of Chernarus.
  12. Hopefully this'll give them a chance to add in the hunting scope that's on file.
  13. Katana67

    Ammo Calibration : Poll & Discussion

    Pretty sure we've had both of these conversations before, and come to an "agree to disagree" conclusion. But, if that's not true... two things... 1) We aren't playing as anyone. Not a bumbling idiot. Not a high-speed low-drag tactical operator. Our characters aren't characters, they're avatars. Vessels. Paper-dolls. Marionettes for the player to manipulate in demonstrating his or her own prowess (or lack thereof). This is the idea of a "meta" experience, which has been touted by Dean in the past as central to the DayZ experience. 2) The second bit is a huge logical leap. Simply because the ammunition is specific, doesn't mean it HAS TO be so rare as to be wholly useless. See the mod. Point being, they can better balance the relationship between weapon and ammunition, inasmuch as it relates to the commonality/rarity of the weapon's use by having less-ubiquitous calibers. Because they're not therefore forced to make certain ammunition rare, which is used in "common" weapons. And they're not therefore forced to make certain ammunition common, which is used in supposedly "rare" weapons. If the mod teaches us anything, it's that people can handle a diverse, complex, and perhaps even cumbersome ammunition portfolio. It's not so confusing, or prohibitive, as to be game-breaking.
  14. Katana67

    MP5-K and Flashbang Obtained

    Like spewing out bile about how the game is turning into COD, flashbangs only have a use in PvP (as if that's somehow a bad thing), and the usual indictment of the developers over a perceived "direction" of the game... as if this is somehow manifested by non-lethal grenades.
  15. Katana67

    Crosshair movement as well as blurred vision

    Yeah, if you lose enough blood you'll go into blurry mode. Trouble is, you don't ever come out of it unless you fiddle with post-processing. I believe it's a bug, same thing happened in the mod occasionally.
  16. Katana67

    Running forward while in your inventory?

    Eh, torn on this one. I do think accessing your inventory should be something of a concerted action. But with the "vicinity" system, the fact that you can't really carry a second primary weapon, and the current need to reload via the inventory with some set-ups (which is being changed) I think it's necessary. But yeah, I hope the issue resolves for you Irish. I've never had an issue with it.
  17. Katana67

    MP5-K and Flashbang Obtained

    For the purposes of DayZ, as it stands now, absolutely. I don't really see any reason that the "realistic" divide between 5.56x45 and .223 Remington needs to be represented (which isn't really a divide, as there is a one-way-street crossover). EDIT - Here's a statement from CZ on that very subject... Although, I'm sure I could make the argument for it (akin to the .308/7.62x51 NATO divide that Torchia hinted at). But that's via an argument of benefiting gameplay, vice realism. Neat! I'd rather a suppressor, and an optic, but compensator might be interesting.
  18. Katana67

    MP5-K and Flashbang Obtained

    This is always what people say when they don't really have a well-formulated argument. It's "the direction" of the game, or "it feels wrong." Nothing about flashbangs suggests Predator strikes. That's a massive, massive, logical leap. But, granted, if you're already mentioning the vitriolic COD lolparison after a few posts, I doubt this will be a worthwhile conversation. I mean, the CZ 527 can be chambered in .223.
  19. I'd just rather the ammunition follow a general pattern (with certain exceptions, mostly in the case of LMGs) of corresponding to an overall weapon archetype. So you'd have 5.56x45 be the "NATO Assault Rifle" round. Which is why I don't want 5.56x45 being used in the CZ 527, because they'll be repeating the ubiquity of the current 7.62x51 situation, in having it be applicable to a wide variety of differently tiered weapons. With 7.62x39, there's less of a hard gap in my mind, because it's sort of supplying the same weapons... which are more common, and by implication, the ammunition should be more common as well.
  20. Again, the rarity of it's use is dependent on all three factors - the rarity of the weapon spawning, the likelihood of finding a magazine, and the likelihood of being able to fill or refill that magazine with ammunition. Just looking at two of those factors doesn't give you a full picture of how it would actually play out in-game. If the mod teaches us anything, it's that no matter how rare you make a weapon (even though, there are other factors which also play into this, like server hopping) that it will become pervasive if it is inconsequential to use. I've used this example before, but I'll use it again. The DMR and/or M14 AIM. DMR mags spawned all over the place in the mod. Forget the common criticism of the weapon having "no recoil" and having a ridiculous rate-of-fire. DMR mags spawned in industrial buildings, damn near every town had a DMR mag laying about somewhere. Weapons like the SVD and FAL suffered because of that, because they themselves were rarer... and, more significantly, their ammunition was rarer. Therefore making it unfeasible by comparison to arm/rearm these weapons over the DMR/M14. Just making the weapons rarer isn't a complete action. It has to be done in tandem with a myriad of factors, such as the ammunition for starters. However, I do sort of see the merit in having something be rare... because it's easy to supply/maintain. But, if it's just as easy to supply/maintain as more common/effective weapons, we're stuck with the same problem as in the mod that I demonstrated above.
  21. Katana67

    MP5-K and Flashbang Obtained

    Sheesh, people losing their minds about flashbangs. They're harmless.
  22. Katana67

    I miss the Cherno Bell.

    I didn't say it was random. :D
  23. Katana67

    MP5-K and Flashbang Obtained

    Neat! Has anyone found the rail and/or foregrip yet? Are they separate items?
  24. It's not a matter of "plausibility," it's a game, and I want clothes to spawn there because they're just marginally useful filler. Not anything too wild, but still useful to those who're just getting started. If you look at all the loot in DayZ, a ton of it is "implausible" to be found in its location (We all know, that all office buildings have a special room upstairs that contains a firearm...) It's for the purposes of the game, not making the loot "plausible."
  25. Katana67

    I miss the Cherno Bell.

    Personally, I would kind of like it to be something initiated by the player and not just an ambient noise. But yeah, this did add a bit of spookiness.