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Everything posted by Katana67
This. There isn't any reason to store anything yet. Partially because everything is readily available (this being an alpha). Likewise, there's no distinct high-end items which can be hoarded to good use. Why would I go through the trouble of popping a tent, tracking down an M4, tracking down ammunition/magazines, and then store it... when the SKS/Mosin/AKM that I've already got as a primary, is just as good if not better. Plus, (and this is related to the first bit) we don't have any reason to hoard survival supplies. Because they can all be readily found just on the move. There's no advantage to storing something in a fixed position, yet.
[Official] Stable Hardcore Servers.. why so few?
Katana67 replied to Irish.'s topic in General Discussion
For the same reason people gravitate to modded, 1000 vehicle, spawn-with-loadout, and insta-bloodbag servers. Because it's an easy experience. Hence why things like fast food are popular. But are they good? Debatable. I don't particularly think that TPV is somehow the last straw when it comes to deeming something as "easy." At the risk of sparking the absolutely haggard, beaten-to-death, inevitably vitriolic debate about TPV vs. FPV... I will say this, I like both for different reasons. -
Paramedic Clothes Spotted and Maybe More
Katana67 replied to Etherious's topic in General Discussion
Also this -
Always thought signs would make an excellent addition to DayZ. I've used this example before, mostly in the context of discussion regarding player construction and/or control of territory, but imagine coming up along a roadblock adorned with bones, skulls, and bodies, with a few signs painted "KEEP OUT." It can work both ways, it can be used by bandits to intimidate... and can be used by survivors to warn of bandits operating in the area. In my opinion, it can't be something as forgettable as a note. It has to be pretty dern visible.
They mentioned it not long ago, perhaps a month or so back. Not going to search through the entire Reddit feeds of Rocket/Hicks for two months. But, they mentioned that they're looking into changing it. I suspect they'll do as you say, in having R chamber a single round in the absence of a magazine.
Armed Helicopters Are NOT Overpowered
Katana67 replied to [email protected]'s topic in General Discussion
There's a vast difference between the attack helicopters (i.e. AH-1Z, UH-1Y, AH-6, AH-64, etc.) and just helicopters with door-mounted weapons as was the case in the mod. Some consider the very inclusion of something that flies, to be overpowered. I've never assigned much merit to that argument. The act of flight isn't, in and of itself, unfair in my opinion. And even if it were, DayZ isn't meant to be a fair or "balanced" experience outright. My main issue with armed helicopters, and helicopters as they were in the mod, is that they were too inconsequential to operate. Ammunition refilled automatically on restart, vice having to forage for ostensibly boxes of 7.62. It didn't take much to fly them. Their parts were generic, not all that rare, and interchangeable with parts from normal vehicles. Graphics settings could be tweaked to maximize aerial visibility. Objects on the ground, like tents and vehicles, were insanely easy to spot owing to a variety of issues (poor graphical contrast, a lack of camouflage options, and relatively sparse woodland areas). There were no volumetric atmospheric effects or weather systems to hamper flight. People could bail out with inconsequential given parachutes and deploy folks on the ground readily. I have no issue with armed helicopters, or with anything really, insofar as they're made rare/difficult to operate/consequential to use. I have no issue with a clan being able to traverse the entirety of the map, raining death upon unsuspecting survivors, so long as they had to work for that capability. Now, things like FLIR and pilot-controlled weapons, I feel shouldn't be included because of my own subjective considerations of how they behave in-game. I don't really like giving a single pilot or pair of pilots that capability. Utilizing an armed helicopter effectively, should be a marked collaborative effort. No one man should just be able to hop in a vacant AH-1Z and fly about with a full complement of Hydras. Which is why I think single-double seat attack helicopters are unwarranted, but certainly not helicopters with door-mounted small arms. Helicopters are one of the most consistent tropes in the zombie apocalypse genre. So I also don't put much stock in the dismissive subjective "feeling" that they somehow don't "fit in the world of DayZ." Likewise, the argument that our "characters" are somehow not capable of flying a helicopter, owing to their inexperience, isn't an argument that I consider either. We play as nothing, our characters aren't "characters" in the traditional sense. They're vessels, marionettes, and avatars to be manipulated by the player in demonstrating his/her own skill. We're not acting, or rather, the game doesn't enforce a background to our characters. We play as nothing. Not 160th SOAR pilots, and not some brainless moron who doesn't even have a driver's license. If they want flying a helicopter to be difficult, then make it difficult for the player. Obviously, folks are going to get good at it... because it's a video game. But they're going to have to invest some significant time in getting really good at it. It can be both hard to do and hard to master. It shouldn't just be plug-and-play. -
Rocket makes statement about Navmesh/Zombies/Animals and Respawning
Katana67 replied to Irish.'s topic in General Discussion
Well, a lot of servers have been around for a while. Server that I have my public hive mod character on has been around for at least a year. That, and leaving your barricade/structure/fortress alone whilst you're offline is a risk you take. Nobody needs to have 100% impenetrable fortresses any more than they need paper-thin walls that can be punched through with a light breeze. Hence why there's a middle ground to be found in terms of locking doors, and having certain items be able to defeat those locks via rarity. Plus, it's sort of on you to hide your stuff well. I've had untouched camps on full servers for weeks, and that's in the mod where tents stick out like sore thumbs. -
You Are Dead works fine for me. No need, or desire, for frills. Certainly no killcam, ever. Ever. Ever. EVARRRR
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Rocket makes statement about Navmesh/Zombies/Animals and Respawning
Katana67 replied to Irish.'s topic in General Discussion
Neat. Hopefully it'll finally allow them to bump the zombie numbers up and actually begin tweaking how they behave. - Zombie world navigation - Zombie numbers (hopefully in the thousands, as was first shown off way back in March of last year IIRC) - Zombie animations (i.e. slashing, swiping, biting, running, etc.) - Zombie behavior and aggro (i.e. stealth, audibility, line-of-sight, tracking, etc.) - Zombie balance (i.e. damage, bleeding, speed, etc.) That's how they should approach things. -
What are good game mechanics/ features from other games that work in dayz ?
Katana67 replied to gibonez's topic in General Discussion
My only concern is that this will just translate into a generalized "injured" state. So no matter your injury (gunshot to the shoulder, broken femur, sprained ankle, grumbly tummy, etc.) you'll just enter into a generalized "injured" state where you hobble around on one leg. If my leg's broken, I want to see that bone poking out of my leg. If I'm bleeding from my forearm, I want to see that. If my finger's broken, it should be offset. Wound identification is half the battle. And right now it's just "Welp, I'm wounded" or "Welp, my leg's broken somewhere." -
Why you don't need to server hop to get geared.. ever.
Katana67 replied to Irish.'s topic in General Discussion
This is a massive generalization. Sure, there are awful private hives run by awful people with awful rules. But there are great ones ran by great people with great (preferably none, aside from anti-hack) rules as well. Most private hives that I chance into, have attentive admins who do not abuse their power. Moreover, they have vibrant communities composed of a variety of clans and individuals. That is anecdotal as well, but I'm not using it to say that private hives are any one thing. Sure, I've seen my share of raging admins as well. But I've seen my share of DayZ-purist admins who don't care about anything but hacking. What you said, has nothing to with the fact that servers are on private hives. It has everything to do with abusive admins and questionable donation/membership policies, which happens on public hive as well in the mod. Likewise, the ability to modify a server as to suit one's needs is also an issue which is not inherent to private hive, but is a general attitude/endorsement of free-range modding. Private hives can solve a variety of problems. -
Why you don't need to server hop to get geared.. ever.
Katana67 replied to Irish.'s topic in General Discussion
Which is more difficult than the current system in the mod. And either way, the loot is spawned serverside in the standalone. Whereas in the mod, loot spawned based on the location of the player. Which facilitated the whole process. Now, you're right in saying that if the loot respawns based upon player location within the quadrant, then it will still be possible. But it's therefore less dependent on the player's location and more dependent on the location's proximity to the "border" of the quadrant. So one could be walking 8k to the border, or 1k. It depends on the location of the loot spawn. However, we don't know how they're implementing the quadrant system. Personally, I'd rather they look at having exponentially less loot likelihood overall. Meaning, that if a tin can spawns at 25% and an M4A1 spawns at 5%, I want the tin can to spawn 10% of the time and the M4A1 to spawn .0005% of the time. I think just conventionally tweaking the loot rates has been an underestimated approach to solving a myriad of problems with DayZ. However, like most things, it can be done in conjunction with things like the quadrant system. -
Why you don't need to server hop to get geared.. ever.
Katana67 replied to Irish.'s topic in General Discussion
But, to me, the fact that groups can loot farm is not necessarily a distinct problem. Because they're still vulnerable to attack and/or the overall consequences of being on the server. In other words, if I want to disrupt them... I can, by shooting them... or mobilizing others on the server. With the addition of server hopping, you're circumventing risk by existing in two worlds. One where risk is minimal, the second is where people are vulnerable to the abilities you've acquired via a low-risk environment. I can't stop people from blending back into the milieu of thousands of empty servers and then returning to a high-population server with their gear. I can't stop that process. Whereas with private hives, I can. And it therefore makes it less attractive at most, and fair at least. The imbalance with loot farming and groups, is the fact that there's safety in numbers. Sure, loot farming is an issue. But not it's not an imbalance in and of itself. The problem arises when the security of a group is combined with the ease of loot farming. I can't stop admin abuse either, which is a separate issue with no clear solution in my mind. But, if a group has to loot an entire quadrant of the map just to have loot respawn in the barracks at NWAF, then loot farming will stop. Because it's not possible without having looted a quadrant dry. This is all an assumption, mind you. Personally, I don't think that a "quadrant" system will work very well. Going days without decent loot in a massive swath of the map will be untenable in my mind. -
Why you don't need to server hop to get geared.. ever.
Katana67 replied to Irish.'s topic in General Discussion
If they implement respawning loot like they say they will, meaning it'll respawn on the basis of a quadrant vice an individual building... then farming/recycling won't be easy/expedient. So, it's less likely that we'll see it if at all. Because in order to force a loot respawn, you've got to loot the entire area. And in my opinion, loot farming is only really a detriment when it's done in conjunction with server hopping (i.e. loot farming on one unpopulated server, and then moving to a populated server). It wouldn't really work on private servers/hives, because you've got a higher overall population for one... and then you've got that population focusing (as they always do) on high-value areas. -
What are good game mechanics/ features from other games that work in dayz ?
Katana67 replied to gibonez's topic in General Discussion
Relevant area 3D Map, able to be viewed whilst in a vehicle (Far Cry 2) Visible wounds (Far Cry 2) Dynamic blood stains on clothes (Red Dead Redemption) Offensive animals (Red Dead Redemption) -
What are good game mechanics/ features from other games that work in dayz ?
Katana67 replied to gibonez's topic in General Discussion
Agreed. Needs to be the case, in my opinion, before things like barricading and construction are put in place. Fences become insanely unfair if they cannot be vaulted/scaled. They become 100% insurmountable obstacles, rather than providers of concealment and the impediment of motion. The only reason why fortresses were so ridiculous in the mod(s) (not just Epoch, different story entirely) was that simple things like a HESCO bastion couldn't be climbed at all. -
Trust me, compared to some of the other folks on this forum (i.e. Gews) that was a layman's explanation of suppressor acoustics. Realism may trump movies for you, but realism doesn't trump practicality for me in terms of DayZ. Which is why I don't mind a simpler solution of rendering suppressors as ubiquitous attachments which quiet all rounds, on all weapons, across the board.
A lot of the issues with damage now has to do with two things - the netcode/desync/lag/whatever AND/OR the actual damage protection bit (i.e. with clothes mitigating weapon damage). I agree that the weapon damage needs to be tweaked sooner or later. But, this is one of those rare times when the "it's alpha" excuse is actually applicable. If you're looking for a balanced/wholesome experience now, it just isn't going to happen.
Hopefully! I'd like to see some sort of military backpack as a high-end item. And, just some reasonable packs that aren't bright purple. The hunting pack is okay, but it gets old, and it looks a bit wonky. But yeah, I think crafting should play a bigger role. I'm not going to craft a pack if I can just find a Taloon pack around every corner.
Save The Trees Man! Marginalized Wilderness
Katana67 replied to Katana67's topic in General Discussion
I'd like to know if it's possible as well. It wouldn't have to be much, just a spare 3-4km outside the western boundaries (which would be about 45 square kilometers extra so maybe it is a lot). -
Eh, not really. 7.62x39 and 7.62x51 are very different rounds (in real life and in-game, more importantly). So, it'll behave differently. I suspect the main delineation will be simple damage. But, it'll also allow the developers to balance the ammunition-weapon relationship differently (or at least just separately) from that of the Mosin. The hunting scope would work just as well on both the CZ 527 and the B95, for me at least. I was just saying that the hunting scope model that we've seen in the game files is reminiscent of the Zeiss scope that Blaser offers for the B95 in real-life.
All weapons carried by the player should be, more or less, visible on the player. If I'm carrying an M4A1, an MP5K, and a 1911... I should have the M4A1 in my hands, the MP5K on some sort of sling, and the M1911 in a holster. I don't want the precedent of amorphous "spaces" being carried over, where weapons just magically zorp into existence because a backpack has 30/30 slots and a weapon only takes up 15. And yes, I recognize that in real life you can conceal weapons. But until that's actually represented in-game with a given item, I want all weapons carried by the player to be visible whilst being carried.
Is Controlled Spawn points still in the Road Map, any news?
Katana67 replied to blazed's topic in General Discussion
Hopefully not. And it's not clear what is meant by "Spawn systems tied to controlled locations" even means, or how they plan on implementing it. It can mean other things and not just "spawn wherever you want" or "spawn near your friends." -
The DayZ zombies are resembled alot by the 28 weeks later movie
Katana67 replied to TheWizard14's topic in General Discussion
I do think we need some full-on sprinters. And it's only really a matter of having an animation for "sprinting." Because the zombies are no slower in the standalone (at least by my estimation, they're still right at my heels just as in the mod), but the animation doesn't reflect a "sprinting" action so much as it reflects a sort of "shambly jog." -
Why you don't need to server hop to get geared.. ever.
Katana67 replied to Irish.'s topic in General Discussion
As others may have said, the objective of server hopping isn't to express the ONLY method of gearing. It's just the easiest and most expedient. Nobody needs to gear up via server hopping. But they do, because it's the easiest method. It needs to be stopped, hard. I'm normally on the extreme side of things (i.e. make every server a private hive or make each character tied to a specific server). But, I still favor the solution of resetting positions to the coast when server hopping. There are some disadvantages (mainly in throwing ostensibly geared players to the coast). But, I feel those disadvantages are for one... overstated... I wouldn't want to throw myself back into the PvP clusterfuck of the coast if I'd just spent a whole lot of time gearing. And second, I feel they're outweighed by the benefits of making server hopping no less tedious than regular ol' looting. It's a matter of stopping it altogether, or, making it no less bothersome than looting normally.