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Everything posted by Katana67

  1. Katana67

    Player spawn is the cause of all evil

    http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/204402-why-randomly-spawning-all-over-the-map-is-a-bad-idea/#entry2053649 Spawning all over the map, randomly, is a caveman solution to a problem which requires multiple, subtle solutions. Which include dynamic loot spawn, increased need for survival items, vehicles, etc. Plus, it creates a whole slew of new issues. No thank you. The developers have the right idea. Spawn in the east, move to the west for better gear. Now all we need is a reason to go back to the east, and all over, and boom... non-linear mobility. Spawns shouldn't dictate the player's path, the player should.
  2. I also love how people are under this illusion that military gear is... A. Super rare in the real world, even though most military gear is (by definition) mass-produced and mass-distributed. B. Would magically disappear and/or be used up indefinitely in an apocalypse. I'm sure the thousands of AK-74's that are being used throughout Eastern Europe would just poof if there were a few zombies running around. C. Is somehow contrary to "survival," as most military gear is designed expressly to facilitate the operator's survival. D. Is somehow superfluous, useless, or otherwise unnecessary. E. Has no presence in the civilian world. F. Is somehow "against" the notion of a zombie apocalypse, when almost every single entry into the genre (even the broader post-apocalyptic genre) features military gear, tactics, weapons if not including the military outright.
  3. I'd be in support of being able to duct-tape flashlights, if it had some sort of downside compared to mounting a flashlight properly on a rail/mounting point. Maybe just having it decay over time would be a good idea, so that looted rails and dedicated weapon flashlights can maintain a distinct use. And while I want the ability to cut down most weapons in DayZ, I wouldn't want things like the M4A1, AK-101, or AKM to just have their barrels cut off and that's the end of it (like the Mosin). I'd be more than willing to sacrifice a bit of "realism" if when I "sawed off" the barrel of my M4A1, it just turned into a Mk 18 (with flash hider and all). Same applies for the AK-102 and AKMSU respectively. But, if that were the case, I'd just rather they be included as distinct variants.
  4. Katana67

    Spawn Areas

    http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/204402-why-randomly-spawning-all-over-the-map-is-a-bad-idea/#entry2053649 Spawning randomly all over the map is an absolutely terrible idea. Spawn along the entire east coast, from Svetlo to Skalisty. All of the high-value locations are now on a north-south axis in the west (NWAF, Veresnik/Dichina/Kabanino, Zelenogorsk/Green Mountain, Pavlovo, Balota). I don't want people randomly spawning on top of my tent, or on top of my vehicle, or nearby a barracks building... simply for pressing the "respawn" button. There are much more wholesome and subtle solutions to encouraging mobility than just plopping people all over the place. It totally undercuts any semblance of utility in having persistence. Amongst other things. If you make spawns entirely random across the entire map you have a 1 in 2 chance of spawning on the western half of the map, just a lazy jaunt away from barracks galore.
  5. Katana67

    101 vs AKM

    I like the AK-101 because I think it looks cooler. /shrug
  6. What about the super duper high-end hyper rarity you just mentioned? Hrm? Again, again, again, like... again... the mere presence of a weapon (or weapon type) doesn't have anything to do with how rare it is, will be, or should be. And again, last I checked, they have already thrown in a hefty assortment of "military" weapons.
  7. How? I'd agree that it gives you an advantage (because that's what it's supposed to do), but not an "insane" advantage. That's the entire crux of DayZ's tension in my opinion. I can be killed in one smack by some dude with a Mosin with iron sights, even if I have a kitted out M4A1 and NVGs. And again... traditional survival mechanics (food/water and medicine/disease) do not care if you've got an M240 or a rock in your hands. That and one's definition of "high-end" is subjective. I personally don't think there's much of an argument for things like assault rifles being anything more than mid-tier weapons.
  8. The weapons, are, and will be tiered in such a way as to make it (at the very least) a three-pronged approach. So it makes sense to have them be spawning in residential buildings, military buildings, and then dynamically. You'll have so-called civilian, a middle area (likely M&P), and then some sort of "high-end." Apparently, the original plan was to have "civilian", "M&P," and then "black market."
  9. Either way, either way... and this is where people who make the argument that "military gear = fewer/worse/whatever survival mechanics" are at massive fault. Having an M4A1 in my hands doesn't remove the need for food and water. Having a tactical vest doesn't make my avatar immune to all diseases. Having a scope on my M40A5 doesn't give me ammunition. Having NVGs doesn't make you invincible. I mean, military gear doesn't make survival any less of an effort in terms of the overall factors which weigh on survival. Doesn't matter if I'm bagging a deer with a Mosin or a Mk 17, I'm still in need of food. Survival mechanics are dependent on needs, not gear.
  10. Okay, so if server hopping is a problem in tandem with a certain loot distribution... why would it not be appropriate to just fix server hopping? You're chopping the whole tree down rather than pruning a few branches.
  11. /facepalm Again, most of the weapons included in DayZ, and weapons you've been a proponent of in the past, are hallmarks of "99 percent of bro shooters." If anything, it's a 50/50 balance.
  12. Want to stop server hoppers? Try solution 134 of 1000. Weapons aren't the problem. Want to stop duping? Fix effing duping. Make "military" stuff rare, sure. I'm all for that. But don't act like it's the root of all these problems you cite.
  13. Katana67

    Mosin burlap wrap with grass

    Personally, I think it's just a lack of coordination with some of the artists. Not out of incompetence or anything like that. Just like painters have different styles, but it just shows in-game when certain items (of clothing specifically) just clash because they're rendered differently. But yes, I would like it if they had things get dirty.
  14. Should just let us have a SBR option for every weapon and call it a day.
  15. Again? When were they "overpowered" before? They have issues, but can be defeated with nothing more than a proverbial light breeze.
  16. Katana67

    Mosin burlap wrap with grass

    It's not that. Items created early on were just rendered differently. They have folds, grit, maybe even a different kind of normal map/shader/fuck if I know. Just look at something like the High Capacity Vest, or, one of the new bandanas. They are far too clean, so much so that they clash heavily with the previous clothing items. #dayzfashionpolice
  17. Katana67

    Mosin burlap wrap with grass

    It looks great. But, again, I can't help but say that the new items/clothing as of late seems to be too... clean. It clashes really harshly with the previous objects. A ragged old burlap sack magically transforms into a starched piece of fabric, that's supposed to be camouflage? Would love to see this type of thing on more weapons, like the assault rifles.
  18. Katana67

    Consoles... How They Will Ruin DayZ

    I've been playing DayZ, which doesn't support controllers with any semblance of accommodation, for two years. I kill folks just fine. Never felt at a disadvantage. DayZ doesn't require hyper twitchy shooting. One's guile and approach is far more important than one's reflexes.
  19. Given the ubiquity of "sawn-off" shotguns abroad (not just in Russia, even though I recognize that's what was being asserted) I would venture a guess and say that sawn-off shotguns (of all varieties) are more common overall. The obrez is a pretty region/country-specific modification. It requires a Mosin-Nagant to accomplish, one type of weapon. Whereas sawn-off shotguns are just that... shotguns, it's not based around a specific weapon platform... only an archetype. Either way, whatever is more "common" doesn't really have any relevance in terms of DayZ. That and I've seen folks say the opposite, that Eastern Bloc lands are completely bereft of "Western" weapons. Or that assault rifles are hyper-rare. Without posting a single statistic. But again, real-world circumstance =/= DayZ circumstance.
  20. Katana67

    Lost my rifle TWICE now

    Well luckily, DayZ is not really a shooter which demands full-on twitchy accuracy. So, I don't ever feel disadvantaged when going up against folks with KBM.
  21. Katana67

    Lost my rifle TWICE now

    Not would, I do. I also play with a controller, keyboard, and mouse... at the same time. Get on my level. Anywho... Yeah, I play on a bed... with my 46" television as a monitor. Controllers are more comfortable for me, and I've never really felt "in need" of a keyboard/mouse since I started playing ARMA II and DayZ respectively. Folks say that controllers can't handle ARMA/DayZ's "complex control scheme." Welp, sorry to say to everybody... but they can. In the vanilla mod, the only things I really needed were to map the lean keys and the inventory key (which I totally could've done, with 5+ buttons unused on my controller and Xpadder). And even then, I got by just fine. Add in function keys, double clicks, hold functions, and a controller can more than accommodate the demands of DayZ.
  22. Katana67

    Whats your player type?

    I didn't see an option for Joker. The card that everyone immediately tosses away from the rest of the deck. Spends most of his/her time in the woods as a mean ol' hermit. So I didn't vote.
  23. Katana67

    DOF Effects Based On Entities When Aiming

    Yeah, it's kind of annoying. If you're off by a blade of grass, your target will be blurry. The DOF and HDR stuff (which could be totally unrelated) in DayZ have always been wonky. Because we all know, if you're running vaguely in the direction of the sun... the world is just completely shaded and dark.
  24. They did say, that the events of ARMA II factor in to Chernarus plus.
  25. I could see the actual utility of it, if there were barrel-environment collisions rendered in DayZ. But yeah, I suppose now, the sacrifice may end up being accuracy/range for the ability to store it in one's backpack. I'd love to see some, perhaps purpose-built (rather than outright modified) SBRs kicking around as well.