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Everything posted by Katana67

  1. Katana67

    What clothing set/weapons would you add if you could?

    Chris Torchia has said that a FAL of some type is on his "eventually" list. EDIT - Man, the potpourri of gear in Ukraine will never cease to amaze me. Very cool!
  2. Katana67

    What clothing set/weapons would you add if you could?

    I also giggle when people act as if weapon attachments are something new. Australian SASR (Vietnam) US SOF (Vietnam) Rhodesian SOF and/or Light Infantry (Rhodesian Bush War) Would be neat if they'd allow for cannibalizing parts, so that one could sacrifice a spare M4A1 to snag the grip for a makeshift foregrip.
  3. Katana67

    What clothing set/weapons would you add if you could?

    It appears to just be an M4A1 with an older stock. It's definitely got a railed upper (as you can see by the detachable handguard) and has the heavier barrel as is typical of M4s.
  4. Katana67

    What clothing set/weapons would you add if you could?

    Pretty sure I've put this out there before but... And a Rocket/Kiwi-friendly nod to the NZSAS! Because sometimes a beret isn't enough... And one of these of course! Or some of this, sans the already-included MP5K and M4!
  5. Katana67

    Whisper in direct comms

    Would be lovely! Now if we can just get some kind of miracle to happen where folks aren't allowed to use TS while playing DayZ! Maybe then would in-game communications be worth investment.
  6. Yes, they are completely different subjects, but they highlight exactly the same concept. You cannot use "differentiate it from the mod" as a blanket supporting pillar of your argument, while simultaneously wishing to retain other aspects that you like. Hence the contradiction. If they want to differentiate the standalone from the mod across the board, they'd put in a simplistic... twitchy... shooting mechanic. But they're not. If they wanted to differentiate the standalone from the mod, they'd add more civilian weapons/gear. Which they have. It's not at the cost of military gear that this change was made, hence why we've got military gear (both "Western" and "Eastern"). So, if everyone's accommodated for, what seems to be the issue? And, again, here's another contradiction. You want them to focus on "regular, ordinary, survivors" yet you want them to include something that's only the purview of trained and skilled marksmen. Hardly regular, ordinary folk wouldn't you say? And please, please, don't say that it's easy enough for "ordinary" folks to do. Because that would provide me with yet another contradiction to highlight (because you just said it's difficult in the above quoted post). Long-range shooting is a specialist profession within the military, which requires just as much training to be proficient at in the civilian world (aside from the physical requirements entailed in sniper school). It isn't something "regular, ordinary" folks can just pick up and do. But they can pick up assault rifles and fire them. They can put on vests and stock them with magazines.
  7. One of many ways. Luckily, they are reasonable and don't view the mere inclusion of military gear as some sort of illogical affront to their own vision (hence why they've added it). It's also worth mentioning (even though it should be blatantly obvious) that they've added more "civilian" gear than military gear as of yet. So, which is it... is DayZ absolutely flooded with military gear or does it already have a distinct focus on "civilian" gear? Because I've seen you use both arguments, even though they're contradictory. And can regular, ordinary, humans get military gear? Yes! Can they wear it? Sure! Can they fire an assault rifle? I sure can! I also find it ironic that someone who's campaigned vehemently for the "realistic" and in-depth long-range shooting of ARMA/ACE is now decrying the very thought of DayZ as having originated from ARMA. Should they toss that too, because it was in ARMA?
  8. Katana67

    Tent Placement

    I always place mine near Myshkino. But, it can get a bit crowded at times oddly enough. I'm not really interested in tents, though, until I can control where they're placed. Not have the game dictate to me where my, already insanely visible tent, gets placed.
  9. Katana67

    Ammo is way too scarce

    Yeah. Several things need to happen... 1. Ammunition (and most items for that matter) needs to degrade over time, thereby creating a lasting demand for it vice a static point at which you're fully geared until death. 2. Magazines, ammunition, and weapons need to remain as separate spawns. 3. Magazines need to spawn without ammunition most of the time. 4. And yeah, all of the above need to be made a tad bit rarer depending on what abilities they confer upon the player (i.e. balance) There are also tangential issues (like server hopping, duping, loot management systems, and private/public hives) which weigh on rarity in general as well.
  10. You can sideline the argument all you like. The language used to dismiss the AK-101 was based in the fact that it's an export model chambered in 5.56 (a "Western" round). Not a domestic model chambered in 5.45x39 (an "Eastern" round).
  11. All of which, has to do with the fact that it's not called the AK-74M and that it fires 5.56x45 (a "western" round). You complained when they added rails for the AK. You complained (and still do) about the LRS being on the Mosin. You complain about every... single... thing. You post vitriolic, rule-breaking, and unnecessary images to deride something that you don't like. It would be different if you just had an opposing view from me. Honestly, I have no issue with that. I disagree with Gews plenty, but he has two things you do not - consistency and reason. You wield things like "community," "feeling," "realism," and "settings" as if you are talking about fact. When all you're talking about, is your own personal idea of what DayZ should be. Which in any other context would be fine, if it weren't being purported as fact. And, if it weren't used in a disparately broad context to indict the developers whenever they do something you don't like. As if they're somehow betraying what DayZ is, or was. That and you apply your arguments inconsistently. Which I demonstrate on a daily basis.
  12. What he feels to be out of place. That's it, and that's all.
  13. No, you complained far worse when the AK-101 was added (a weapon manufactured in Izhevsk). And I don't recall people complaining about the M1911. Or the FNX. Or the Amphibia S. And even if they did, doesn't mean they know what they want... or are talking about... and it certainly doesn't mean they're correct. Speak for yourself. Stop hiding behind the "community" which you cannot speak for.
  14. Katana67

    Too Many Zombies

    Yeah, insta-respawning zombies are awful. Worse yet, they're pre-aggro'd. But it's WIP. Zombie numbers need to be persistent, not insta-respawning. That way... you can actually assess the area before going in. Rather than now, where the same shit happens every time when you encounter zombies.
  15. Katana67

    NSPU NVG Scope

    Right, but I think having the player choose between using night-vision for close/long-range is a good thing. That could be manifested if the player had to choose between using a weapon with a scoped NV optic, or, using NVGs and having that be useless for anything other than close-range. I absolutely agree, both should be rare in the first place. And they should require optic-specific batteries to power, which would of course run out eventually. I'm pretty sure though, that I'd want it to be a regulated item. But I'd be willing to concede that NV optics (vice NVGs) do not necessarily need to be regulated, because their use is limited by the fact that you have to first spot your target regardless of whether the optic is night-only or not. But the true rarity should be manifested in having the player find/maintain both items (i.e. NVGs and a NV optic) separately. And yeah, I think the night-only optic would be a good idea too. Like the FAL w/ NVS from the mod.
  16. Which has nothing to do with what firearms they add. Fix duping.
  17. Could very well be. Been a while since I've seen a crash site in DayZ. However, the grass in DayZ is wonky too.
  18. Katana67

    NSPU NVG Scope

    While I'm quite sure they'll be adding head-mounted NVGs (as they're in the game files, with a whitebox model) I'm not really convinced they should. Or at the very least, I'm not sure it should be the only form of night-vision. I think that night-vision should absolutely be added. I'm just unsure as to what form I want it to take. Now that I've given it some thought (thanks to your thread), I'm going to go ahead and say that they need to look into having NV optics for weapons (rather than NVGs). It's a case of having NV only work when you're scoped (weapon-mounted) or unscoped (head-mounted). And I think being able to use NVGs whilst unscoped is a bigger advantage (especially when both are combined, like we saw in the mod with the DMR). Target identification is everything, and head-mounted NVGs help tremendously with it initially. But NV optics only help you see your target once you've already identified it. So perhaps that might be a good way of balancing it. One option gives the player the ability to use NV while sighted. The other gives the player the ability to use NV while running around, but not sighted. The only way in which it could be considered overpowered (I don't consider it to be, if it's appropriately rare/difficult to acquire/maintain both abilities separately) is if the player can both use NV optics when sighted and use NVGs while running around.
  19. Burnt grass texture sounds good to me.
  20. They look fine to me. Helicopters don't necessarily create a big crater when they go down. Most of the time it's the airframe getting smashed to bits, not the ground. I do think that the model needs a refresh, and could use a bit of variety (rather than all of the crashed being UH-60s). I think the UH-1Y looked a lot better than the charred UH-60s. But I don't think ground deformation is entirely necessary to have the crashes be convincing. EDIT - I also believe they are placeholders, and I'm marginally sure that they've said specifically that they're working on new crash models.
  21. Katana67

    NSPU NVG Scope

    Why not? Even though the thing looks about as silly as an optic can get. Although, I have been considering the utility of head-mounted NVGs versus weapon-mounted NV optics. No doubt, head-mounted NVGs are more flexible. So maybe NV optics might be a good way of mitigating some of the benefits that people cite with head-mounted NVGs (i.e. being able to use them all of the time). Perhaps it'd be better to have the optic be night vision rather than forcing weapons to utilize head-mounted NV. You'd have to spot the player first, without the assistance of ambient NV whilst unscoped. Might also give further use to looted rail systems in being able to put a NV optic in front of a normal optic.
  22. Roger that mods, you're cleared hot for lock! Lock inbound, comin' in hot!
  23. Exactly. Doesn't matter if I have a Mosin or an M107 in my hands, I'm still going to grease that bambi/bandit no questions asked. Military weapons/gear is not the issue with KOS. A lack of consequence (i.e. zombies jumping all over you for firing a round in a city, for example) and lack of compounding maintenance factors (i.e. widely available ammunition, relatively common weapons overall, and zero environmental factors) are the two main drivers in wanton KOS in my opinion. The more significant one being a lack of consequence (not punishment) for killing someone.
  24. Far from a confirmation, but interesting nonetheless! Seems like the "Russian" equivalent of a lupara. Could be neat! A little unsure as to why it'd be needed, as we've got a heavy-hitting rifle-round-firing pistol type thing in the Longhorn already. But hey, seems cool to me.