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Everything posted by Katana67
I don't answer direct questions which are irrelevant to the discussion. Sorry. If you want to dick-measure "tactical/firearms" resumes, you'll have to find someone else to do it with. Seeing as they've included a hefty lineup of "military" gear already... either the developers don't know what their own vision is... or you're off-point. The line is subjective. I don't feel LMGs to be pushing any "line" at all (and neither do the developers, as Chris Torchia has said... in this very thread... that they plan on implementing LMGs). You do. That's cool, but it's not any more based in reality than anything else. Even if operating an LMG were difficult, which it isn't, you have to consider that the developers aren't trying to simulate reality. Hence why we're getting helicopters, hence why there are zombies in-game, hence why we play as non-descript avatars (not traditional characters with backgrounds).
Again, what's your point? Simply because it's hard (operating the weapon and lugging it around are two separate concepts), doesn't mean it should therefore be impossible in DayZ. Why not have a stamina system to, I don't know, make using a LMG (and subsequent amount of ammunition) have consequences?
SD, or subsonic ammunition, is not required to make suppressors useful. 1. They could just make them "Hollywood" in that they silence supersonic or "regular" ammunition 2. Suppressors still reduce the dB level of supersonic ammunition (by 30 dBs average). They don't magically make it subsonic. They don't make it quiet, it's still really loud with a supersonic round, but it does reduce the dB level of supersonic rounds. Likewise, they modulate the sound of a rifle's report to be more difficult to ascertain the origin of a shot down-range. 3. Lest we forget, they also minimize the muzzle flash of a weapon, which is substantial in DayZ.
Though I disagree with your characterization of anything, really, in DayZ being "western tacticool," (partially because "tacticool" is the n-word of firearms, and, partly because I don't see anything wrong with being an "operator" no matter where one comes from) yes, the unreasonable discrimination against "military" gear does not stop.
/giggle What do you mean by "janky shit"? And the game doesn't need assault rifles. Or anything really. So what's your point? And, luckily... the game isn't attempting to be 100% realistic. Aaaaand it really isn't rocket science to fire, load, and clean a LMG. Hence why uninitiated/average human beings have been doing so since they were invented. I don't know what in the game is "tacticool western operator" either. As opposed to what, an "Eastern" operator?
Would assume that they'd have to iron out the zombie aggro stuff before they can make suppressors decent as well.
What clothing set/weapons would you add if you could?
Katana67 replied to SomeCallMeNomad (DayZ)'s topic in General Discussion
1. Well, you start by highlighting a different issue. Rarity. You don't want everyone running around with a fully pimped out M4/SCAR? Fine! Make them rare. Don't categorically rule out their presence at all. This is always where people go. "I don't want everyone running around with the latest railed golden Barrett M107!" Errr... okay... then make it rare, so everyone isn't running around with it. 2. Stating that DayZ plays off of ARMA II's background doesn't require a "complex" statement. 3. The problem is, that some draw the bar insanely low with what constitutes something that's "plausible." Yes, choosing within the given settings. And we're debating what should be those given settings. One side wants to restrict the given settings, one side wants (or just doesn't have an issue with doing so) to broaden them. 4. That and I don't consider having a variety of weapons to be "watering down" anything. I consider it to be making the weapon lineup more robust and various. And again, you're muddling rarity with the mere presence of a weapon. I won't have to choose between an M200 or a Mosin most of the time if I only come across one every month. That and there's FAR more to the setting than the weapons. Acting as if the weapons are somehow the cornerstone of making or breaking "the setting" is just sort of insulting to the rest of the game. 5. Having something in the game, doesn't automatically mean that everyone will have it. Hence why we have rarity. And hence why not everyone has an M4A1 currently. 6. Ironically, the notion of something being "tacticool" means that it has no purpose other than being "cool". Making something "tacticool" in order to make it an "instrument of mass destruction" (i.e. better/powerful) is a contradiction. You can't have something be simultaneously better, and "only for show." So you're either misusing "tacticool" (vitriolically in the first place, I might add) or you're contradicting yourself. -
Neat! And yeah, I would sure like a man-portable LMG/GPMG. Installing them on vehicles would be great, but I'd rather have it be able to be used by individuals as well. I would think that you'd go for something like a M2 or DShK if you were going for a "vehicle-mount only" type of deal.
What clothing set/weapons would you add if you could?
Katana67 replied to SomeCallMeNomad (DayZ)'s topic in General Discussion
My money is on it being a placeholder. But I'm marginally sure that the flashbang and frag grenade that we have now, are all-new models. Could be way off, they could be ARMA III models for all I know. -
I'm saying the names were taken from reality, and applied to different and separate fictional locations, which aren't real. If I were to suddenly call Moscow, New York City, does that make it real? Chernogorsk, in a country called Chernarus, along a sea called the Green Sea, bordering a country called Takistan... does... not... exist. It's fictional. That's all I'll say, you can keep thinking... whatever it is that you're thinking. I will have no further part in it.
/facepalm You missed the point entirely. Thanks, bye.
Any of you guys wonder what time period dayz is in.
Katana67 replied to Azzerrrr's topic in General Discussion
The FNPs and Magpul attachments pretty well rule out a 90s setting. -
You mean they took names of cities and applied them to other, fictional, cities? Show me on the earth, the real Earth, where these countries are... Show me the cities, named Novigrad and Chernogorsk... located in a country called Chernarus. I'll wait.
What clothing set/weapons would you add if you could?
Katana67 replied to SomeCallMeNomad (DayZ)'s topic in General Discussion
Yeah, I mean, just having a generic "Claymore" type explosive would be fine for me. Doesn't really matter what alphabet is used on the front. But yeah, it would be cool if there was a mix of NATO and Russian/Chernarussian helicopter crashes. Because, while I'd like to see "Western" gear as high-end stuff... I'd also like there to be some "Eastern" high end stuff as well. -
There's more to Chernarus than the items found in-game. And I mentioned geography above. It doesn't bother me at all, I don't recall ever saying that. I'm saying Chernarus =/= Russia. Chernarus only = Chernarus, not anywhere else. Because it's fictional. Just like Tatooine. Just like Narnia. Just like Middle Earth.
Any of you guys wonder what time period dayz is in.
Katana67 replied to Azzerrrr's topic in General Discussion
I don't expect them to elaborate on it (though I'd rather they do), but some simple fundamentals would be great for context. What year it is, is a big one. Establishing the ARMA II link is huge as well, I'm glad it was done. Personally, I'd rather the player be the one uncovering the lore via the environment. But the environment, as yet, doesn't tell us a story. -
What clothing set/weapons would you add if you could?
Katana67 replied to SomeCallMeNomad (DayZ)'s topic in General Discussion
I agree, people hear DMR and they think DMR from the mod (as if it could never possibly be balanced in such a way as to assuage any concerns about it being "overpowered"). And the only reason I even bother deviating from my argument of DayZ being fictional (which provides for everything), is to show the folks who claim that "Western/NATO/whatever, weapons are immersion-breaking because they would/could/should never be found in Eastern Europe and/or post-Soviet countries (i.e. it's unrealistic)" how wrong they really are. And hey, lest we forget, twelve former-Soviet or Balkan countries are now part of NATO. -
Any of you guys wonder what time period dayz is in.
Katana67 replied to Azzerrrr's topic in General Discussion
How? It was the most substantive statement we've had about DayZ lore and the background of Chernarus, ever. Do you want them to write a book about it? -
Zombies are pretty fictional, and they're in DayZ. There's nothing "real" about DayZ. It's fiction, pure and simple. It may be reminiscent of reality in certain ways but it exists only in its own universe. Chernarus, the landscape, is based on the Czech Republic (specifically Usti nad Labem). Chernarus, as a geographical location, appears reminiscent of Georgia. Chernarus, as a geopolitical entity, appears reminiscent of former Yugoslavia. Chernarus, as an exemplar of Russian interventionism, appears reminiscent of Chechnya. But either way, the story of Chernarus is one that Bohemia penned. It is fictional. The history. The culture. The politics. The zombies. Every single thing about Chernarus, is fictional.
But it isn't based on Russia. It's a fictional amalgam.
What clothing set/weapons would you add if you could?
Katana67 replied to SomeCallMeNomad (DayZ)'s topic in General Discussion
Thank you. This is why I will never understand the desire for one weapon archetype over another. You can choose. It is one of the, if not the absolute, hallmarks of open-world non-linear games. You can choose, right? If you, for some reason, don't want to use Western weapons (and therefore see them all day, because one will be in your hand) then don't. You have that choice. You like bone-stock AKs? Wonderful! Leave the wooden furniture on! No worries! Don't punish those of us who don't discriminate, and don't feel violated by the mere sight of a weapon made/designed somewhere outside of mother Russia. Russians sure don't. -
This is why I have my signature.
zombies no clip - sorry if already done
Katana67 replied to boonaroony's topic in General Discussion
I find it insanely annoying. It happens every time I draw aggro when inside a building. And zombies do clip through walls, it's just harder for them to do so. There are still major issues with the navmesh, which I foresee will be remedied. -
Find a map in-game. Probably the most accurate and up-to-date version you'll find. Why take the fun out of looting? Or land navigation? Or piecing together a map?
What clothing set/weapons would you add if you could?
Katana67 replied to SomeCallMeNomad (DayZ)'s topic in General Discussion
And Russia!