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Everything posted by Katana67

  1. Katana67

    Timing of Patch 1.5.8

    You can't buy something indirectly, its like saying you bought a car to indirectly support a specific brand like porsche. Just stop complaining for once, just be happy Rocket even created this awesome modification. If someone has Gun, and says "If you bring me a bullet, i'll give you this gun for free", i will go buy the bullet, to get the gun. This is the same solution. Silly analogy. Bullets are essential for the operation of a weapon, mods are not essential for the operation of a game. As a (somewhat) better analogy, it'd be like buying a gun and then expecting a company to give you an optic, suppressor, foregrip, etc for free.
  2. Katana67

    How to make Survivors trust you?

    "Hey y'all! Just went through Stary, I left behind an M4... took some of the mags though, if anyone's interested" Works like a charm, everybody loves a free M4.
  3. Katana67

    Timing of Patch 1.5.8

    I still don't understand. Where is anyone saying "WAHH! GET THE PATCH UP YOU ASSHOLES! I'M TIRED OF WAITING!" I see people who are very excited and want the patch now... I have yet to see a single person complaining in a "I DONT GET IT" way that the patch isn't up yet. The most I saw was someone saying "aw' date=' thought I'd wake up to the patch, oh well, back to waiting!". [/quote'] This. Just proves that on the interwebz, opinions no matter how mild, and having them... is all under the domain of "complaining".
  4. Katana67

    Perceived usefulness of Weapons.

    I feel ya' dude. Everyone thinks that more mags = better. It's much more of a burden on your inventory once you get 6+ mags of anything. I've got six or seven for my M4A1 that I use for general-purpose shooting and having that many mags really cuts into how well I can manage other things. I even had to straight up ditch a full STANAG SD mag because I really couldn't make it work with my inventory. I've had situations where I don't have room for food/water supplies. With my main inventory stuffed with mags and medical supplies, my pack stuffed with a DMR and three/four mags, plus cooked meat for health regen, I don't really have much room for illumination or food/water. It really makes it tough if you want to roll out armed for any situation and not have to dip into towns every hour to grab beans and water. I think four is the sweet spot for primary weapon magazines, depending on how big the mags are.
  5. Katana67

    Perceived usefulness of Weapons.

    It is entirely, ENTIRELY, situational and up to the player. Sure, if a player's gonna' stay around the smaller towns and kill only zombies, then the Winchester/Revolver combo is going to work most of the time. But, sometimes, the loot just isn't in my favor and I have to make due with an Enfield. Which is fine, but situational. Furthermore, if I see a DMR with three mags... I'm obviously gonna' pick that up. I have very little trouble finding ammunition for AK's, AR's, and M14's up north. Deer Stands are your friend in this regard, just as much as barns are. It's all about how you want to play. You present a lot of reasons that present the Winchester/Revolver combo as great. Rightfully so, but survival is inherently situational... and Day Z is at the whim of the player more than most games. Hell, I don't even kill zombies if I can sneak around them. I fire very little of my ammunition, as I'm saving it for emergencies and player encounters. Thus, a Winchester isn't as important to me as something that is more versatile. Revolver is great though, I frequently use it as my secondary no matter what. There aren't really any good alternatives for secondaries. G17 doesn't drop people, neither does the Makarov, and neither does the M9. Only real option is the M1911, and it's only got one more round per mag and is often a two-shot kill. Plus the PDW blows in my opinion. So I stick with the revolver, using it to kill zombies and my primary to kill people. But lately, I've been opting for a second primary stored in my pack. I'll roll an M4 as a general purpose primary, and keep a scoped rifle in my pack for when I need it. It's kind of irritating though how cumbersome the inventory is in this regard, but I make it work... slowly.
  6. Katana67

    Death By Laddar!?

    Climb with a primary. It's simple, don't go on ladders until you've got a primary if'n you can't figure out how to holster a pistol. Getting a primary should be one of your first goals anyhow.
  7. Katana67

    Bandits > Survivors.

    I got into a debate, well more of a me being reasonable, and someone else arguing something else entirely and interpreting my point as his... the other day in a server. He called me a hypocrite when I was merely making the point that Survivors and Bandits alike need to stop applying psuedo-comforting reasons to why they do what they do and just... do what they do. You're killing to teach people a lesson to not make mistakes again? Idiotic reasoning, that can be seen by the other side as just being a prick. So where does that leave us? Right back where we started, so it seems the only solution is to just think and act... not judge. In the words of Col. Kurtz, "It is judgement that destroys us". People need to stop glorifying/reasoning/bargaining with their chosen lifestyle to justify it somehow and just be cool with it. I'm a Bandit, you're a Survivor. Not more valid than each other, but we behave differently.
  8. Katana67

    Any chance on the RH weapons?

    I personally would love more weapons, but it's way down on the list. The lineup we've got now is great. I would love to see more though, Mk 18 FTW! Slaying zombies CQC style.
  9. Katana67

    Timing of Patch 1.5.8

    There is a very, vehehehery fine line between good-intentioned criticism and outright complaining in ignorance. 90% of the people have some very good-intentioned criticism leveled at the Alpha. Some is misguided and not applicable, but good-intentioned and somewhat thought out most of the time. The other 10% are just complaining selfishly without realizing that this is an Alpha, and they aren't in control of development. That being said, a sizable portion of so-called "forum presences" or "constructive posters" mistake the large swath of good-intentioned criticism as complaining. Which is unfortunate, as polite responses and educated debate would serve the community far more than brash typical internet trash talk. Obviously, those who can't simply wait... or demand things from the development team, rather than suggest them aren't doing any good either. But, I just ask that those take each post a bit less like it's a personal attack or ignorant view, and prudentially sort them out rather than just going off knee-jerk reactions. Enjoy seeing what 1.5.8 has in store!
  10. Right on. Looking forward to whatever mechanic y'all cook up! Interested to see how the lootable/selectable skins work out!
  11. Katana67

    Dev may stop?

    People really have no grasp on sarcasm/subtlety. Grow up in New England and you'll get accustomed to that real quick. I don't just say that out of misplaced pride, but I've been all over the country and people in the South, West, Midwest, have no real concept of sarcasm. The effect is exacerbated by it being the interwebs.
  12. Katana67

    Zombies are to intelligent and fast.

    I think they're too DUMB and SLOW. Seriously, you can outrun all zombies in the game. It's like you're the fastest person alive. You might not lose their interest, but you can outrun them wholesale without taking any damage. They're pretty dumb as well. When you recognize that all of the "behaviors" you attribute to them (zig-zagging, hearing you through walls, etc) are simply engine issues and not intended aspects... they really have NO thought to them other than the typical interests of a zombie. Either way, I don't attribute zig-zagging and the like to intelligence. If they were using firearms, that'd be symbols of intelligence... using tools... all that. But they're not, they're running at you and making you shit your pants when they do like that type infected usually do. I think they should zig-zag LESS, but it wouldn't be very sporting if they just ran at you head on 24/7. Think of them as animals, not single-celled organisms. They are capable of rudimentary, situational, adaptation... they have instincts... etc.
  13. Katana67

    Clear Sky Nights are TOO DARK!!!

    I agree, I've tried all the suggested fixes... tweaking the HDR, etc. None work. I love the night time, but it's a bit much. I'd rather not HAVE to jack up my gamma like a punk bitch to see anything at night. And yeah, I use chemlights, flares, and flashlights... there's something wrong with the darkness, I don't know what more to say.
  14. Brian Eno - Roman Twilight Norma Jean - Memphis Will Be Laid to Waste Johnny Cash - Hurt (Tupac and Biggie Mash-Up) M83 - Asterisk Nas - Surviving the Times (Oll Zen and Osmoose Remix) Nujabes/Force of Nature - Death Wish Cunninlynguists - Valley of Death Jedi Mind Tricks - I Against I Bob Marley - Could You Be Loved -- If you don't see the irony/awesomeness in slaying bodies to Bob Marley, you're a bad person. FYI - I really detest all of the "LET THE BODIES HIT THE FLOOR" music that people play when they're killing things. Idiotic. You're already killing things, the music should be about sending a message or setting a tone that is complimentary, not a duplication. For example, opening scene, Apocalypse Now. "The End", by the Doors. Song isn't saying "Aaaand the napalm lights up the juungle!". Wanna' know why? Because the screen is doing that for you! The song is there to cast a general overtone of despair, antagonism, and futility... not to outline specifically what's going on. If you listen to typical, "LET THE BODIES HIT THE FLOOR" music when you're slaying things... it just signals to me that you've got no imagination, along with no taste in music. If you're one of these people, consider your tastes to be officially judged, weighed, and found insanely wanting. /condescending and rightfully self-righteous unfounded judgements on people over
  15. .: So why have you chosen to walk the path of “darkness"(was it for the beans =p?) - Because, through several characters, I've found that others cannot be trusted. .: Lets talk about tactics, what are yours? - Stay hidden, don't engage unless forced to or something's in my way, be willing to let a target go if they're not presenting a threat, be willing to ice someone if they are a threat in any way. I tend to stay as far away from my objective until the last possible moment. .: Do you prefer to hunt alone or in a pack? - Alone, banditry packs don't interest me. Partly because bandits cannot be trusted any more than survivors, and partly because it's unsporting. .: Your preferred hunting ground(s)? - Anywhere on the map that's north of Zelenogorsk .: What are your weapons of choice? - M14 DMR, M4A3 CCO, CZ 550, M14 AIM, Revolver. .: Your greatest strength as a Bandit? - Stealth, as always. .: Now how about a weakness of yours, come on everyone has one? - Throwing stealth to the wind to cross fields sometimes... pisses me off but time is money. .:Lastly, how about telling us your greatest moment(s) as a Bandit of Chernarus? - Sniping two survivors from 500m with a CZ who were in my way, inside a supermarket in Zelenogorsk. Observed for 30 minutes at night, took the shots, observed for 15 more minutes for backup/other survivors.
  16. Link? That'd be awesome. As to the person wanting forced HC/Veteran. Absolutely not, it should be an option up to the player's discretion. If you want to play HC/Veteran, the servers are listed blatantly as such. Stop trying to force others to only play the way you like to.
  17. Katana67

    Deer Stands

    Deer stands are great. It really isn't an issue of any significance that there's 3 zombies around a deer stand. I'd rather that, than no zombies outside towns. Hell, they even spread out after a while. You're asking for the system to think, it's the same thing with military bases. Oh, there's going to be some loot there... I'm going in. That predictability is balanced out by it being infested with zombies, infested with players, and the loot is up to chance. Deer stands are somewhat different, in that they're balanced out by being tough to spot even with three zombies, as they don't spawn until you get close anyhow. It's also balanced out by being incredibly concentrated loot, meaning one pile most of the time, making it less likely to find something awesome. Half of the time when I climb up into a deer stand, there's nothing but cans or a bodybag... or outright nothing at all. You have to remember, that even though this mod focuses on freeform gameplay and realistic simulation, it's still a finite game... and thus... there are going to be game mechanics on some basic level that are contrary to the unpredictable nature of the real world. And I really don't get where people enjoyed the game more before 1.5.7. It was a glorified deathmatch with bugged zombies that never left their spawns and made towns as undangerous as it gets. Zombies are, and should be a MASSIVE threat to life and limb, on par if not exceeding the threat of other players. Ammunition consumption, I find, hasn't even been touched relatively. People don't fire their weapons unless they have to, whether they're knee deep in a horde of zombies... or staring at one through a scope. Point being, there are always ways to deal with situations that don't involve firing a weapon, it's up to the player... not the game to decide what is done. That's what makes Day Z so awesome, it's what you make of it... not what it makes of you.
  18. Katana67


    Survivors who've survived more than ten days have a 50% chance of looting an M107 equipped with a tactical Fleshlight to whack it in the wilderness. But naw, I don't think there should be more incentive... just more shit to do. - Hunting needs to be made more sporty - Fishing - Crafting/Cooking/Repairing - Building shelter -- Shelter would have to be made significant, meaning it should be beneficial to hunker down in a tent by a fire at night.
  19. Katana67

    Safe Zone (No shooting/No Zombies)

    I think, like the rest of the game, "safe zones" should be player created and player enforced. Picture this... You walk up to the wilderness up north, far away from any town. You come up on the crest of a forested plateau and come to a clearing. There are barbed wire fences lining the entire clearing, guard towers on either end. Inside the fencing is a town, with tents for shelter. Walls for protection, people sitting by the campfire cooking meat, people trading. All of this being player placed and created. In order for you to enter, you'd have to be checked out and cleared by the guards who'd be manning the guard towers with rifles. If you get out of line, you get shot and are never admitted again. Obviously, this hinges on player behavior being reasonable. But I'm saying, instead of shoving safe zones down people's throats, allow them to have some say into when/where/how these safe zones are created on a server-side basis.
  20. Katana67

    Fitting Time Logout Mechanic

    Could a possible solution to "server scrolling" be making your login/logout location tied to a specific server? A la, the bug whereby a player is teleported back to the beach. If you log out on Server A, and return to Server A... you'll be in the same spot. If you log out on Server A, and switch to Server B... you'll spawn on the beach. Seems a bit draconian and encourages greater allegiance to servers which may/may not be stable, but I think it'd discourage loot swapping. I agree with everything in the OP, but I don't think it'll stop server swapping to any degree if I understand it correctly. I can hop on a 5/50 server and Alt-F4 in the NWAF barracks, with no risk during that 30 seconds, then jump on a 49/50 server and start out just fine. As an aside, is the NWAF the ONLY place with barracks in Chernarus?
  21. Cue sociopaths... "Sure bro, what server?" *connects* *Arrives at the location you describe, beats the living shit out of you with your own housepet then sodomizes you with a crossbow and takes all your beans* Place scares me...
  22. Katana67

    People with helicopters

    Five men is a juicy opportunity... One man is a waste of ammo! You gotta' clear them obstacles... make way for the tanks.