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Everything posted by Katana67

  1. Said who to what now? The persistence idea is an interesting one, but there are limits... and I'm not sure whether it would be exceeding them.
  2. Good read. There is no spoon, so people need to stop acting like their spoon is better. Survival is complete causality, cause and effect. If you can't deal with the effects of your actions, then you're not going to survive very long or have a very rewarding experience.
  3. Does that mean just voice chat or text? Both? Because I would really appreciate not seeing a wall of blue/white/green spam in the lower left corner of my screen. I'd love for Direct Voice/Text chat to be working, that would be fine. I just hate the freakin' wall of text. I think it'd lend to the hardcore/survival/realism aspect of Day Z to get rid of that.
  4. Katana67

    Tents & Vehicles General

    I find them occasionally in Supermarkets.
  5. I love how difficult Day Z is. However, the night time is just useless for those without NVGs. Which, correct me if I'm wrong, spawn in two hyper-campable barracks at the NWAF. Flashlights work, but they don't work well. Sure, they go quite a long way... but that doesn't change the fact that the area outside that beam of light is PITCH black even on a cloudless and starry night. Chemlights are alright, in that they allow you to see the grass below you... Flares are idiotic, and unless you're marking a general area... you shouldn't be using them. They certainly are not for land nav unless you want to get shot. The nights are too dark for the game and for reality. Stop hiding behind "I like the difficulty", it'll still be more difficult at night even if the nights were less-dark. Also, bear in mind, people that want brighter nights aren't asking for easy mode... they're asking for something that's at the very least, playable. Of course, all of this is overridden by jacking up your gamma to 2.0. Which I shouldn't have to do to have remotely realistic night-time.
  6. Katana67


    Straight up... maybe. Could serve as an identifier without causing so many people to shoot on sight. You'd actually have to observe the target before killing them if you care about that sort of thing.
  7. People generalize survivors and bandits way too much, it's 90% gray with 5% sociopaths and 5% adorable altruists on opposite sides of the spectrum. I'm a bandit, because I've been fucked with before by other survivors. It's out of experience that I've become a bandit, not out of malice. If you're in my way or not making your intentions 100% clear... you're getting shot no questions asked with no remorse felt... This is survival and I don't want to die. If you're just in transit, make your intentions 100% clear, or haven't even detected my presence, you may go along with no harm done. I'm not out to ruin the game for you, but I'm sure as shit not going to let you ruin my good time without some serious down-range love from my Mk 48. Survivors and Bandits don't have varying intelligence levels that makes one more apt than another, they're just different playstyles. Survivors and bandits alike, stop thinking your brand of scotch is better than everyone else's and just be cool with the way you are. Don't try and justify it by being all "Oh, I'm teaching these people a lesson to never trust again". People don't NEED you to overtly teach them that lesson, they'll learn through individual experience if it plays out that way for them. You just be cool with what you do and don't apply arbitrary justifications to make yourself feel better or mask what you're doing with some ill-conceived sense of honor. There are many reasons for being a survivor or bandit. Loot, survival, strength, control over land, control over resources, etc. All can be achieved through different methods in being a bandit or survivor. Some become bandits for sport. Some for blood lust. Some for survival, some for loot, and some for safety. Some become survivors for safety, survival, and teamwork... but some survivors are solitary. Point being, there's certainly no black and white with survivors and bandits. Furthermore, there ARE carebears... and there are people who just kill because they're assholes, so stop trying to justify that with "it's freeform gameplay". Sure, it is, but you're still a pussy/prick to me. Not saying you're not entitled to do that, just be cool with what you are.
  8. Katana67

    Wildies vs Coasties. Which are you?

    Wilderness > Coast. It really is starting to piss me off seeing all these new people go into the big cities. I have to this day, never been into Elektro or Berezino. I went into Cherno once, for all of two minutes because I saw an ALICE pack in an apartment. GET OFF THE BEACH! It takes me all of fifteen seconds to get off the beach and disappear into the fucking wilderness, so it really bugs me when I hear people bitching about getting killed along the beach. All I've ever heard, judging by the chat that I see, are bad stories coming from the coast. So and so sniped me in Cherno, so and so is a bandit and won't stop spawn killing me on the beach, so and so just shot me in the back as a survivor. Get away from the coast unless you need blood bags, and even then... just kill animals and get blood back that way.
  9. Mk 48, M249, or M240. Slaying bodies... all day long.
  10. Katana67

    Leaderboards? ...

    ^^ THIS ^^ Rocket has stated that this is the anti-game. Leaderboards seem to be the opposite end of the spectrum.
  11. Bandits get shot at by everyone... Survivors get shot by bandits for being dough-eyed deer... Seems pretty fair to me. As to the "you can't read people" argument, then why trust people that you don't know?
  12. Oh, you misinterpret. I support the right to question things you don't like in games. And I'm not saying this is you, but I'm just angry at the people with idiotic reasoning, as if one aspect of un-realism dictates a desired aspect of realism, and vice versa. They do not invalidate one another.
  13. Katana67

    Takistan map?

    I'd love to see Takistan with zombies all over. Unsure how well it would do though, probably would need an insane amount of fog...
  14. Katana67

    Gamplay Goal?

    People really don't have any grasp of open ended/open world games. There's no "win", there's no "end". It's an experience, one which you create the way you want. That's the goal... to play.
  15. Katana67

    CZ appreciation station

    I think the fact that there's different rifles chambered in different rounds is great! Makes scrounging for the ammo you need not a guarantee. Scrounging for ammo should be hit or miss, as survival goes. I shouldn't be able to find ammo for high-end rifles all over the place, might as well put an M4A3 CCO in every barn if you're going to make ammunition ubiquitous. Besides, CZ and Enfield ammo is all over the place. Wouldn't be fun if they all used the same ammunition. I -do- think, though, that there should be some system in place where you can use the ammunition in the mag... not just the magazine. But, as I understand it, ARMA's ammunition is tagged with the magazine... not the ammunition itself.
  16. I mean, if I had my way... we'd have configurable player loadouts. Meaning you could change your LBV, headwear, boots, gloves, clothes, etc. All would have effects on how much you could carry, and obviously how you look. So if one wanted to look like a "bandit", one could do that. But I'm sure there's limits with the engine at how this can be done.
  17. Cause Day Z, and by proxy, ARMA, is fucking better than everything else on Steam... And *gasp* It's in ALPHA! Something massively significant to be said about that.
  18. Maybe stick piles like the loot piles we've got now, but out in the woods? Plus fallen trees, and regular ol' trees. Unsure if adding that many more interactable objects will have an effect on performance.
  19. Katana67

    Amount of bandits on each server now

    Question 1 - Are these "somewhere good" spots Cherno, Elektro, the NWAF, or Stary? If so... stop right there and never expect to waltz into any of those places and have no bandit presence. If not... proceed to Question 2. Question 2 - Are you securing the area first? If so, then you're probably not doing a very complete/thorough job of it. Doing this can allow you to get the jump on Bandits. If not, DO IT. Question 3 - Are you moving rapidly? If so, STOP... slow down and observe your surroundings. Be patient and wait for the Bandits to make a mistake... don't let them take advantage of you. If not, proceed to Question 4. Question 4 - Are you properly armed? If you're running into a hotspot trying to take over with a Makarov and a crossbow... something's gone wrong. If you expect to get killed by a player, expect to be able to kill them before they kill you. CZ 550, Enfield (If there is a low zombie presence), and/or any assault rifle will do.
  20. Katana67

    Crashed heli no loot?

    Which type of chopper is it? UH-1B [sic?], or UH-1Z Viper. Does it look like it belongs in Afghanistan or Vietnam? I've been looking to find one of these, as I need to snag some M240 ammo.
  21. Katana67

    Are they taking away Bandits?

    The game really does challenge the paradigm of consensual conflict in video games. Everyone's used to the "It's the Marines/Rangers/SF/Delta/SEALs vs. the (Insert any nationality outside of the US and Western Europe). Here, it's you against EVERYTHING. Plus, it's unrealistic to have a murderer morph to an exact type of dress. If that was how it was in reality, we'd have a lot easier time catching serial killers. That's the point, it's not how it works in reality, you don't know who's altruistic or malevolent. The phrase... never judge a book by its cover... comes to mind.
  22. It really boggles my mind at how people assume that because a game has AN ASPECT of realism, that it therefore needs/wants to be wholesale realistic at the expense of fun. "Oh, you put a system whereby firewood is necessary to feed a fire" "YOU MUST WANT TOILETS AND REALISTIC BOWEL MOVEMENTS" ... Even as a joke, it's not even exceeding elementary school level of humor. Obviously, the firewood mechanic isn't fleshed out and is being worked on. Hatchet things sound great, and I personally (along with people who play Day Z for something more than deathmatch) relish in the idea of foraging for firewood to survive. Shit happened on BF3 forums all the time pre-release, "Oh, you want realistic bullet mechanics... You must want a 9-12 month waiting period before you can respawn then". Fucking morons. Or, conversely, "I want realistic bullet mechanics". "We've got fuckin' medbags that heal you magically, what the hell we need realism for?". As to the person who suggested a more specific healing deal, somewhat sarcastically. This is exactly what I'm talking about by differentiating between aspects of realism that are beneficial, and those that are merely a hassle or won't work. We've already got a pretty unforgiving health system, making it less forgiving isn't going to help anything and it'd make medical supplies obsolete if nothing could be done to say... clamp a torn artery.
  23. Katana67

    First loot I found in 1.5.8..

    I found a Coyote Backpack as my first post-1.5.8 loot too! 'Cept it was on the back of a bandit-skinned player crawling into Stary that I shot in the back with my M1014... He cried after.
  24. Katana67

    Are they taking away Bandits?

    Sure, the bandit morph worked... but it wasn't what they wanted. Screwing a fat chick works, but obviously you're going to want to bang a supermodel. Looking forward to selectable skins, player choice for the win. Be a bandit through action, not a silly KSK skin.