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Everything posted by Katana67

  1. Noting that a lot of the flaws of Day Z, encompassing bugs and player interactions alike, are exacerbated in Chernogorsk and Elektrozavodsk, I decided to make a short list of why these cities should be avoided. 1. Deer Stands! -- These sources of loot/food are to be found ACROSS Chernarus. They are a proverbial one-stop-shop for everything from high-end backpacks, mid to high-end weaponry, ammunition, and equipment. -- Deer Stands spawn the same types of loot that the military tents and fire stations do. -- Some areas of the wilderness have two, three, and even four Deer Stands within 1000m of one another, so rarity shouldn't be a concern. 2. Fewer chances to encounter Bugs! (Generally) -- Fewer players, buildings, barbed wire fences, stairways, ladders, zombies away from the major cities. Most of the bugs that affect life and limb are exacerbated in cities. 3. Fewer chances to encounter other players and bandits! -- Pretty self-explanatory, if you move to lower-risk areas... you won't be liable to get shot nearly as often if there are no people there. -- If you don't like getting PKed, get the hell out of the cities. Otherwise, do not complain at all. Cities are meant to amplify the "shit hits the fan" symptom of post-apocalyptic worlds. 4. More vehicles at a lower risk! -- Vehicles out in the countryside are readily available and are often in isolated areas that present little risk from zombies and players alike. You can repair them largely at your own leisure, with little risk of players seeing you. 5. Medium-sized towns and other cities! -- Most of these cities have barns, which are a major source of weapons/food/drink out in the wilderness. -- A sizable portion of these cities have Supermarkets and/or Industrial buildings! Cities like Polana, Zelenogorsk, Vybor, and Pustoshka, among others, have supermarkets and industrial buildings. These are MAJOR sources of weapons/food/drink which refill regularly. -- Present tot he player a happy medium between the low-risk villages and the hyper-high-risk major cities. Be warned, cities with supermarkets are attractive to players, but far less attractive than a city full of them... or an immediately accessible city. 6. Small towns! -- Even small villages can yield really helpful loot. Most have at least one building/shed that is capable of spawning low-end weapons and food/drink. -- Low risk, in terms of overall zombie numbers and player-encounter likelihood. Enterprising groups of players may want to cordon off a small village to set up your own feudal post-apocalyptic kingdom! 7. High-End Loot! -- The best loot, as I'm sure most know, is not found in the cities. Those who are looking for that M107 to pump .50 BMG into bandits at 900m, or that Mk 48 to mow down swathes of zombies should look NORTH. -- Higher likelihood of finding multiple helicopter crashes, which spawn the top-tiered loot. 8. Abundant natural resources! -- If one wants to hunt the forests to survive, then one must get out of the city! A far more efficient way of re-attaining lost health is to hunt wild game! A cow will yield eight steaks, each (when cooked) will yield 800 health. That's 6400 health per cow! One can find multiple cows, sheep, boar, and goats within close proximity. 9. Remain stealth! -- If a player simply takes his/her time to disappear into the forest, that player is at a much better advantage than one that disappears into a building that could very well be surrounded by zombies or sighted in by a bandit. -- Remaining stealth gives you the opportunity to get the jump on people, something that is much harder to do in a city where everything is chaotic. 10. Start your own camp! -- A tent in the middle of a city square, or even near a city, is liable to get robbed... or camped. If a player moves into the wilderness, his/her tents will be much safer. TIP - The food/drink you spawn with ALONE will sustain you for linear hike covering over half the map. If coupled with additional foraging, this can be extended indefinitely. Point being, you do not need to go to the cities to survive. DISCLAIMER - Personal experience may vary, personal skill level may vary.
  2. Katana67

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    What about those of us (most of us) who DO know where to look, and find nothing? Or have vehicles, only to have them disappear? It depends highly on personal experience, and because you've found vehicles... doesn't mean that everything's kosher for everyone else.
  3. Katana67

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    People see servers with a far too cavalier attitude. Take some time, ten minutes to thirty minutes... find a server you like, and STICK TO IT. I've been on the same server for a month now, because I actually took the time to find a decent one... and once found, I stuck with it. People who are complaining about poor server browsing are founded in their criticism of the interface, but it's an ARMA 2 issue. But, if they'd just pick a server and stick to it... it alleviates the need to constantly be looking for a good server each time one logs on. Plus, it cuts down on server swapping. Take a significant amount of time, find a good server, write the name down... and stick to it. Day Z/ARMA isn't like most games whereby you can just hit "Quick Match" and get into a suitable game, you're going to have to invest some time in finding a decent server.
  4. Katana67

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Well, there's several steps that need to be taken. I agree with you though. Elektro/Cherno need to be quarantined, and packed with more zombies. Loot inside needs to be tweaked slightly as well, to discourage people from immediately going there. Spawns also need to be tweaked to be spread out along the ENTIRE coast at all times. In my experience, spawns are pretty fixed depending on when/what server. I've spawned near Kamenka six times in a row with many others, so I think the spawns just need to be spread out and used more often. Thanks god you are not a developer of this mod. Dont touch cherno and electro. Go to forest and play there. I have fun killing in cherno. We can't all be cool, sorry bud. Glad you're not a developer for this mod either, can think of a few AAA companies that might want your services though. Good job actually detailing why you think I'm wrong, solid work.
  5. Katana67

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Well, there's several steps that need to be taken. I agree with you though. Elektro/Cherno need to be quarantined, and packed with more zombies. Loot inside needs to be tweaked slightly as well, to discourage people from immediately going there. Spawns also need to be tweaked to be spread out along the ENTIRE coast at all times. In my experience, spawns are pretty fixed depending on when/what server. I've spawned near Kamenka six times in a row with many others, so I think the spawns just need to be spread out and used more often.
  6. Katana67

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    and to all those saying ohhh its not realistic shut up. If it was real we wouldnt have to repair cars and other viechles would we. BRING BACK THE MAKAROV AT SPAWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't think it's so much a matter of realism as it is just a gameplay choice. Rocket wanted to try something different, it wasn't a realism thing. Granted, I haven't died since this change was made... and have a FAL and M107... so I don't really know what it's like to spawn without a pistol. But, I can imagine it would add another level of difficulty and add a rewarding experience in finding weapons. I'm indifferent on the issue, but I don't think it should be reverted back simply because people find it not to their personal liking. Day Z isn't supposed to be -your- mod, and yeah, certain aspects are shaped by the community. But, there are things in Day Z which are frustrating and difficult (i.e. feeding yourself, bones breaking, etc), because overcoming these difficulties is intensely rewarding. This is what makes Day Z unique.
  7. Katana67

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Nobody cares what you hate. Nobody owes you anything. I agree with the sentiment, but, to Sartormc. They're not operating on a fixed timescale, Rocket may say "Hey, this is projected for Monday"... but he's not a robot, it'll come out when it's ready. It's Alpha, we're constantly in the development process. If you're being adversely affected by or whatever it is now, then this still applies.
  8. Katana67

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    It works 80% of the time... every time.
  9. Katana67

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Randomly generated percentages aside, most people shoot on sight. There's nothing wrong with it. However, cohesion should be encouraged... but not preferred. They should just be different methods of survival.
  10. Katana67

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Actually' date=' I think most deerstands and barns are razorwired in solid by now. On some servers I feel like the entire map is covered in razorwire, three deep from border to border. Hopefully the bear traps will be easy to set off without dying (which is what happens if you break a leg without morphine atm). [/quote'] It must depend on the server, because I haven't seen one set of barbed wire that wasn't at the NWAF. nah, there's a lot of barbed wire around. pretty much every fire-house. but I've never seen it around a deer stand Again, this is based on personal experience and server. You may have seen tons of it, yet I haven't. So one can surmise that it depends on a varying set of circumstances.
  11. Katana67

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Actually' date=' I think most deerstands and barns are razorwired in solid by now. On some servers I feel like the entire map is covered in razorwire, three deep from border to border. Hopefully the bear traps will be easy to set off without dying (which is what happens if you break a leg without morphine atm). [/quote'] It must depend on the server, because I haven't seen one set of barbed wire that wasn't at the NWAF.
  12. Katana67

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    I think Rocket needs to put out a solid Day Z lore, so that we can properly judge what behaviors zombies should and shouldn't have. As well as what properties are reasonable with Chernarus.
  13. Katana67

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Well... It is Russia. Hence why I said "Not using that as a justification" and "post-Soviet or not". Russian weapons proliferation may be lax, but I'm willing to bet that the majority of weapons, particularly assault weapons, are in rural areas and military installations. Not in cities. Plus, from a gameplay perspective, it would make sense to get people out of the cities. Which, would alleviate a lot of the bitching and crying that we all love.
  14. Katana67

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    toolboxes are not that hard to find, comon people! We need this stuff to make our own bases and shit, I know it sucks that some people are being dicks and trolling / griefing with it, but like I said toolboxes are not that hard to find at all, I found 6 last night in cherno alone. And I see barbed wire as being for keeping people / players out, not zombies, zombies walk right through the stuff anyways, much like they walk through walls and doors. it is kinda the point of a base, to keep your friends and yourself safe, and keep other players you don't know, especially hostiles / bandits out. If toolboxes are so easy to find, what does it matter for your base making then? Attackers can just dismantle the barbed wire with said easy-to-find toolbox. I say make it step-overable. Just make barbed wire non-deployable indoors. Problem largely solved.
  15. Katana67

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Sure, tone down the barbed wire. But players should totally be able to control towns and buildings, just needs to be made effective.
  16. Katana67

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    This will (obviously) add scarcity to ammo. In terms of rebalancing' date=' it might be worth implementing ammo conversions between other compatible types of rounds (in addition to .45 ACP). [/quote'] Yes please, add the ammo conversion for the same calibers weapons, especially for those 9mm ones .. ie: makarov > bizon .. they are exactly the same bullets, while the bizon mags are impossible to find (on the other side the STANAG SD in example are pretty common and much more effective). If this is implemented for the 7.62x51 NATO mags, it'd be great. Could switch the DMR mags for FAL mags that aren't on the regular loot tables for some reason. I think suppressed M4's should be able to use non-SD mags, but the benefits of the suppressor would be rendered useless when in use.
  17. Katana67

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Wolves and deer/elk. That's all the wildlife additions we need methinks.
  18. Katana67

    So, what am I doing wrong?

    What dumbass told you to go to Cherno? Cherno is where newbies go to die and bandits go to lulz. You spawned? GO NORTH! You spawned next to Cherno? GO NORTH! Hell, you don't have to go to the NWAF... but just get away from the god damn coast. You'll have a much easier time negotiating zombies and players alike. I can make it to Pustoshka/Vybor on the rations you start out with, so that is not an issue. If you've got no weapon, or even if you do, crawl around zombies. Hell, just stay away from zombies in general. Fewer zombies = fewer players = fewer deaths. When you have to go into a town for food/water/weapons/whatever, do your business and GET THE FUCK OUT! Don't linger and try to find better loot. I've done that many a time, I've gotten greedy in the Stary Sobor tents, stayed there to see if I missed anything that spawned... and have been killed every single time I get greedy.
  19. There are two main schools of thought surrounding this debate. You have on the one end, people that find fault with others that want aspects of "realism", and say that these people are hurting the game's playability. Thus wanting to make the game more forgiving. Conversely, you have people touting realism as the objective of the mod and an expression of the spirit of the mod. These people often neglect to see the whole picture, but are nevertheless expressing a more correct view of the mod (in my opinion). I'm more from the school of thought of, making the mod more difficult and giving the player fewer crutches to stand on is what MAKES this mod so unique. If we make everything revolve solely around playability and "gameyness", then we lose sight of the true spirit of Day Z as a realistic depiction of the zombie apocalypse as it were. Furthermore, we betray the simulator roots of the mod in general by watering down ARMA 2. Where there is little being done, is in the realm of prudence. Obviously, because someone wants an -aspect- of realism, doesn't mean that they want the game to be wholesale realistic. I doubt, besides a few trolls and idiot-faced realism junkies, anyone wants to have bowel movements and sexual urges to fulfill. Nobody is seeking to find a fusion or synthesis between playability and realism, which can be sought. But most people are either in one camp or the other, there is no middle ground. However, I will say this, people need to stop taking the approach of "This isn't the way I like it, so let's change it". Instead, they need to weigh the empirical consequences of in-game mechanics and judge them based on whether they add something to the game. I don't like having hunger and thirst, but it adds something to my experience when I have to forage for food and drink. Things that are difficult, risky, and things that are often irritating are what makes life interesting and rewarding. Things like spawning without a weapon add something to the mod, they add a different aspect. I personally could care less if you spawn with a Makarov, or nothing. To be honest, Day Z isn't going to be -your- mod. Sure, we as a community may determine certain things, but one must consider the objectives of the mod and the spirit of the mod before considering personal preferences.