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Everything posted by Katana67

  1. Meet in the middle somewhere? Seems fair... And the guy above is right, if you're upset about wasting effort because you got killed... then you're not really grasping the theme of Day Z as an unforgiving mistress.
  2. I'm pretty sure the statistics indicate otherwise, what is it, 80% of all deaths roughly are non-PvP related? Can find that spreadsheet in the first few pages of this forum I'm sure. Anywho, it's not really about game flow with these decisions. It's trying something out for Alpha. I -love- no global chat, it's an immersion destroyer and I hate hearing "How do I fill my canteen?" and "WAI DID U SHOOT ME?!". It gets fucking old. The radio thing is a good idea, because it's a choice... rather than shoving global chat down everyone's throats. As for no weapons, I don't really get the logic behind this. If you don't have a weapon, how would you be killing people? Sure, you can get killed easily, but is it really that much of a hassle to just respawn? You haven't really lost anything, because you don't have a weapon... However, I will say that I am looking forward to Rocket revisiting the "bandit" system, or whatever iteration he releases. He's said there'll be more emphasis on team play, so we'll just have to wait and see.
  3. Katana67

    So I found my first AS50

    I stuck with an M14 AIM for a long time, great all-purpose weapon. I think we need more mid-magnification recce rifles.I used to use a CZ 550 as my recce rifle when they were common spawns, but have just opted to keep an AR as a primary and a sniper rifle in my backpack. Include the Mk 12 SPR! ACS modifications for the win! Day Z needs this! Would help to alleviate some of the balance issues if we just found bone-stock weapons and had to scrounge for the modifications!
  4. Try getting out of the city. These graphics glitches are, in most cases, tied to a glitch with barbed wire fencing.
  5. Katana67

    Romero Zombie vs Rage Infected

    In my opinion, Romero zombies are just really outdated. I enjoy the 28 Days Later sprinters far more than the shambling ones, simply because they represent more of a threat. In every movie with shamblers, when a person is actually -killed- by them... it's always pretty much the person's own fault. There's plenty of cases, whereby a person escaping from a zombie hoarde runs toward them... simply to die as a device in the plot, and it's just unrealistic. For the purposes of Day Z, I think there should be -some- permanent shamblers, but they should be a vast minority. Or rather, more oriented to cities. Makes sense from a gameplay perspective, to have a ton of shamblers in urban areas and have fewer sprinters out toward rural areas to simply cover more ground faster. But given the choice, I'd definitely go with sprinters. That being said, pathing needs to be worked on to make it acceptable. Also, zombie render range needs to be increased. It should be possible to snipe zombies from 800m out, as of now, they despawn well inside that envelope. I just don't see that much of a benefit to having shamblers. To be honest, I really despise all of the Romero tongue-in-cheek bullshit, even as revolutionary as his lore was to the genre. I really enjoy a more realistic approach to zombies, being infected, and don't think Day Z should deviate from it. I think Day Z is really oriented toward sprinters, and it fits with my personal preferences. EDIT - I think, if anyone recalls how zombies behaved in 1.5.7, meaning that under ten spawned per town and they were limited to interiors... I think that'd give people a good idea of how much of a low threat environment shamblers would cause.
  6. Katana67

    My first Kill

    You'll find that your evolution in behavior in Day Z will be very interesting. I started out as the dough-eyed "Let's work together!" type of player. Then after my first betrayal, I opted for total isolation. Then after my second betrayal, I opted for malicious death dealing to anything that moved. Which has slowly died down into a medium between isolationism, letting people go along if they haven't spotted me, or slaying them no questions asked if I think they're a threat. It's interesting to see people who've started out engaging first. My first player kill was on a bandit who was sighting me in, I just reacted faster.
  7. Don't care if it's popular, I care if it's good... and if Day Z manages to stick to its roots. Popularity is second to a decent end product.
  8. Katana67

    World too big for own good?

    This, if I can't easily access the borders of the map... then it is a good day.
  9. Katana67

    Droves and droves of cowards

    Guy operating within the confines of a game =/= people exploiting the fact that they can disconnect at any time, instantly, to avoid death.
  10. Katana67

    Sniper problem solved!! I think?

    Sniper and problem are in the same sentence far too often, same thing with "camping" and "problem". Nothing wrong with either of them.
  11. I think they should at least -TRY- above ground settlements before they embark on instancing underground stuff. Isn't that what we're all about? Trying new things? All the items/tools are there, just no mechanic for the player to use to create with them.
  12. Katana67

    LadeeZ Night

    Oh lawd! This sexism is killin' me inside! Oh wait...
  13. Katana67

    Do you play with a loot map?

    Used to, now it's all in the ol' noggin. Memorized the locations of all the deer stands west of Stary and around it, plus some other ones that I pass often. All I need to know
  14. Katana67

    Is losing everything... Enough?

    Meh, certain things need to be rarer and refocused whereas other things need to be made more common. List is too long here, plus server hopping needs to be discouraged, and Cherno and Elektro need to be made MUCH less attractive to new players.
  15. Katana67

    Why the hell no one talks in game?

    Because it's fucking irritating to hear every swingin' dick's voice like they think they're special? It's irritating as well to have a wall of chat when I'm just trying to enjoy my gameplay. Radios can be turned on and off, radios are a choice. There's a big difference between an actual radio, and the bullshit global chat. It is so much better now without having to hear or see every piece of chat in the game. "How do I fill my canteen?!", "WHAI DID U SHOOT ME!?", gets pretty fucking old real fuckin' quick. Sure the chat needs to be worked on, but I prefer it this way.
  16. Katana67

    Where'd you hide the animals, rocket?

    Might be server-specific sometimes, but I see animals all effing day. Two in the same field sometimes, with another in an adjacent field. They're too prevalent in my opinion, boars are everywhere too. Back around 1.5.8, you'd be lucky to find one. I don't think that should be the case, but we're living in a proverbial land of plenty.
  17. Agreed, until the map gets bigger... 100 should be the absolute ceiling.
  18. Katana67

    Hackers.. Again, AGAIN!

    I saw an AH-6 once... In all seriousness, when did the general discussion forum become the "bitch about the bad things that happen to me in game" forum. Hackers are whack, but if you can't report/name em' what's the point?
  19. Might want to rephrase "higher level" players. Just sounds wrong to me, for Day Z. But, anywho, Rocket has alluded to helicopters just being too taxing on performance as it stands... with the assumption being, he's working on it. I certainly don't believe that helicopters are off the table, or will be out of the game entirely.
  20. I think underground instances will suffice for this engine, but I'd really like to see above ground settlements. Hell, some of the smaller towns could already work as such... if there was a mechanic for permanently clearing them of zombies after a while, and fortifying them via foraging for construction materials and building walls. Perhaps we'll have to wait until ARMA III or standalone.
  21. Katana67

    Day Z Urban Legends

    The other night, I logged in along the broken concrete wall of the NWAF. I heard a pretty sustained firefight going on across the tarmac so I decided to head West on my usual route through Lopatino, south through the woods to a farmhouse at Myshkino where I spent a night once when I had just started out. For old time's sake... Fortuitously, I found a pair of tents across the field outside of the NWAF. One had a Coyote Pack, NVG, GPS, AS50, and a few other goodies inside. I left the AS50 and swapped my M4A1 for a M4 CCO SD that I found in the other tent. So, now I made my way off on my journey much more equipped than normal. I was pretty confident and was trying out my flashy new NVG's in the darkness. I made my way west to Lopatino, heard some of the church bells ringing, which didn't really sit right with me for some reason. But, I never actually enter Lopatino on my usual route so I keep heading West until I hit the large band of forest. I proceed to the forest without incident, and take the big left turn south toward Myshkino. North of Myshkino and Pustoshka, there's a house in the middle of a -wide- open field, which normally has a hatchback nestled underneath the awning there. Which I often stop to eyeball briefly, just to see if people have been repairing it. I whip out my binoculars, turn my NVG's off and have a look at the hatchback. It is not there. "Okay", I thought, "Somebody's been busy and has repaired the thing". I glass the area around the house, there's a few shambling zombies there... no big deal, I didn't plan on killing any of them seeing as they weren't in my way. So I stow my binoculars away and make ready to head further south. Just before I was about to head out, I see a bright green flash cut through the darkness at the house that I was just looking at. It reminded me of a green chemlight, but it seemed just a bit brighter. I pulled out my binoculars again, thinking that maybe there was still someone in the area. I glassed the house again, the zombies are gone, and there are little cuts in the grass that could potentially be the dead zombies... But as I was trying to get a better view, I did catch another brief flash of distinct green light in my peripheral vision, on the opposite end of the house. I jolted my binoculars over to catch it fully, but it died down as I brought it into focus. I stood there for a few minutes, to see if I could catch the glimmer again but it did not come. "Zombies must have despawned, and it was a bug", I thought as I collected myself and headed south. I made my way through the forest and started to get an eerie feeling, not that I was being watched, but just that someone was out there in the woods. Periodically, I kept flipping on my NVG's to see if I could see anything in the thickets, but didn't find anything. So I made my way to this barn north of Myshkino, where I know there's a deer stand right next to it... which is the real reason I normally visit. I arrive at the barn, or more specifically, the deer stand behind it, climb up and check it out. Pile of empty cans. Damn, I really needed another mag of STANAG SD to feel fully confident in a firefight. I sighed and briefly looked across the field at the barn, there is usually a broken truck there and I check it out every now and again for the same reason I check the hatchback, to see if people have been repairing it recently. The truck is there, under a rickety corrugated metal awning in front of the barn, nestled between some hay bales. I could practically smell the rust on the rims as I looked it over, I had often dreamed about repairing it myself... but never had the means. At that moment, the light appeared in the foreground in the field. It appeared to grow in intensity, and then slowly fade. The green and linear center matched a chemlight, but it seemed somehow more like an orb than a stick. The light illuminated the cut field for only a second, then faded. I was perplexed to say the least. Then I realized something... There were no living zombies, not when I went to the deer stand, and the usual crowd of twenty or so near the barn were sprawled out over the field... dead. Normally, due to the state of the alpha, those zombies spawn instantaneously near the truck. I sat there for a few minutes, waiting for the zombies to spawn and waiting for the light to return. Neither one of those happened. I sat there alone, in the crisp night, waiting. Some people find zombies creepy, and for all intents and purposes they are. But, as I've been playing Day Z, having zombies around is kind of reassuring. I can say, where I'm at, is safe... where they're at is not. It's a black and white divide, an "us and them" dynamic. But now, it's just me. I start to get a little creeped out. I notice that I need to eat, so I quickly climb down off of the deer stand and make my way back through the woods to the north. There's a quiet little grove of trees that separates two fields, angled on a rolling hill, that I like to camp in from time to time. It's isolated, and I can see people coming from a mile off. "What the hell is going on?", I thought. I ran through all the usual game explanations for what was happening, bugs, hacks, server latency, desync... stuff like that. "If there were players killing zombies in the area, I would've heard gunfire... or they would've hidden the bodies... or the zombies would've respawned and the bodies would've despawned... something", I kept thinking as I bolted across the field to the grove in the moonlight. Normally I feel pretty vulnerable in the middle of a field, this time was no exception. I listened to the pit-pat of my heavy stride intently as I made my way across the field, every step seeming to draw me further away from the familiarity of the area. I pause, thinking I'm lost, and then eye the grove again. I finally make it to the grove and quickly set about collecting some firewood. I set up a fire in a small clearing in the grove, so that I could see both fields that surrounded it, and cooked some meat I had in my pack. So, I get a little more relaxed again. I've got a warm fire illuminating the immediate area, food in my belly, so I sit down just to take a breather for a moment. Bear in mind, I switched off the in-game music long ago... it can get annoying and often leads to me hearing distant shots that aren't there. It's nice to have the familiar swaying of the trees echoing, crackle of the fire, and wind pushing through the air all working in unison for a while. I sat there for a good six or seven minutes, went away to grab something out of the fridge and chatted up my roommates about how creepy the game I was playing was. Came back and sat down at my chair. The night was oddly still, trees had stopped rustling, yet the normal ambient sound of wind moving through the air was somehow more piercing. The fire was still roaring, but there was something else on the air. I leaned in to my speakers and thought I could hear some whispering, nothing intelligible but I had to investigate. So, I rummaged around in the dark room of my apartment, bent down underneath my desk to plug in my headset. I came back up, and grabbed my controller (I play with a 360 controller, get over it). I slowly cranked up the volume as I listened in, getting up to a kneeling position in case it was some bandits fooling around. I could definitely hear whispering above the fire and wind, still nothing intelligible... but it was surely not an ambient environmental sound. I readied my M4, absolutely convinced I was being fucked with by a group of bandits off in the trees. I turned on my NVG's and saw nothing, but the whispering seemed to continue unabated. I spoke calmly into the mic, "Hello? If anyone's out there...". I didn't know what else to say... What? "Hey, I'm a good guy! Don't kill me!". I shut myself up. The whispering continued for a few seconds after I stopped talking, before coming to an abrupt halt. It was as if a train had stopped on a dime, the sound just dropped out, as did the warm light of my fire. I glanced about, green tinge of my night vision catching no movement. I centered my gaze on the field before me and my night-vision flared for a moment. I squinted and turned it off, to be confronted with an eerily dazling sight. A cloud, of around 30-40 of the green lights, non-uniformly scattered through the field was pulsating slowly, like I had seen before. The lights seemed to be moving, across the field, in my direction. They weren't in formation, and weren't moving fast. They just seemed to float whimsically across the field toward me, moving in one distinct cloud stretching the length of the field. I scoped in, now entirely convinced this couldn't be a prank or the work of bandits. The lights glowed on and off sporadically as they slowly inched in my direction, with no body behind them. I stood there confused, scared, and in awe. As the lights drew nearer, they began to fade for good, until the last one reached the treeline of my grove and faded out. As this happened, the sound of the trees returned... I stood there for a few seconds, confused as to what had just happened... and why it had followed me along the Myshkino route that was so familiar to me. I bolted north, I needed to get away from whatever I had just seen. It didn't seem malicious, but if you're ever in the area, beware of the Myshkino lights.
  22. Katana67


    Once servers become more stable, I think a spawn reset upon switching would work just fine. You don't lose your gear, but you spawn back at the coast when you switch to another server. Or rather, make player spawns tied to the individual server. Switch back to your main server, and your original location is saved. Seems like a simple enough solution to me, but could be more complicated.
  23. Katana67

    Hiding Vehicles

    Some people assume that because their vehicle is in the Wilderness, that it is safe... it is not. I've found more freshly repaired and unguarded trucks in the wilderness just accidentally than I ever have around cities. People don't even shove the vehicles in trees, they just leave them in the middle of clearings... I think there should be a lootable camouflage net that can be draped over vehicles, mostly to remove the "glowing orb" that shows up around them when looked at in peripheral vision. But also to visually mask the thing.
  24. Katana67


    Who's saying you want to avoid that? That'd be the nature of leaving your shit unguarded, same as tents now. I just pilfered a ton of shit from a tent, because nobody was there. It doesn't matter whether you go to sleep or not, we all have that "issue" if you choose to frame it that way. You leave your shit unguarded, there are possible consequences. Also, assume that you'll need 5+ people to actually hold down an area, and protect it. Cycle through? Take shifts guarding? These are all options available to the player just through organizational means, not direct mechanics. Maybe encourage people to stick with one server by implementing more rigid character locks? Or timeout timers when switching servers? Or limit the servers to a specific continent somehow? Or respawn resets every time you switch servers? Just spitballing off the top of my head, so please don't nitpick every idea that I've thought two seconds about to satisfy your request. Do you have any ideas for mechanics? Because that would be lovely! EDIT - THIS was the OP, "Hey guys just want to know what you guys would like to see as an "endgame" in DayZ". Not, "Hey guys, I need to implement some type of endgame, submit a proposal to me". That is for the suggestion forum now isn't it?