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Everything posted by Katana67

  1. Katana67

    DayZ FOR XBOX 360!!

    If they could make it work, sure. After it's all ready for PC, same deal as Minecraft. Anyone who thinks Day Z wouldn't be appropriate for consoles is an idiot. I play just fine with an Xbox controller already.
  2. Katana67

    The Game Is Now Un-Playable.

    Seems to be associated with dead soldier bodies that are decorative, noticed it around the NWAF and at Green Mountain, glitches seemed to radiate from these decorative corpses.
  3. I really like the idea of the crashed UH-1Y's over the ultra-campable barracks. Don't get me wrong, static military bases should totally be left as is. But there should be more in-depth options for rare dynamic loot spawns. For example... Out in the wilderness, there is nothing. There are trees, hills, and maybe a few camps if you're lucky. What if, a Chemical-Biological Weapons Development bunker were to spawn out in the wilderness randomly on a server by server basis? It would provide for a more in-depth loot spawn than just a helicopter with loot splashed randomly across a field. It provides a fun side-event, which could produce some great loot and great stories. Plus, it would be up to the player to -find- the damn thing, and it wouldn't be hyper-campable. I think we should look into spawning some buildings on a random basis, rather than just helicopters. Hell, it doesn't even have to be random, just varied. Say, this bunker has a chance to spawn in the woods outside of Zelenogorsk, Petrovka, or X. Other examples would be abandoned military bases, abandoned villages, abandoned camps, abandoned trucks... all of this could be created and randomly spawned to give the world a more authentic and interesting feel, whilst giving the player more to find/do. Thoughts? EDIT - On the subject of lore, I think it needs to be established how the infection spreads and what could possibly be the cause. Storytelling elements should exist ambiently in the game to some minor degree, like the radio broadcasts, all that jazz.
  4. Katana67

    CryEngine 3 - Possible?

    Bottom line, Day Z hasn't been done with CryEngine 3, thus everyone stating that it wouldn't work is speculating... likewise with those saying it would. It's an interesting idea to entertain, it should be looked into, and promptly discarded if it did not work. Fuck... If they could make a massive world with CoD4's engine... and put zombies in it... I'd play that shit all day. Point being, the engine doesn't really matter innately. It is what is -done- with the engine that matters. CryEngine 3 seems like a very capable engine, ARMA II's seems less so... but that is just my opinion. Whatever they do, so long as it plays well... I don't care whose name is on the back of the box.
  5. Katana67

    Pending Update: Build

    Nice, choppers for me to ambush. Thanks rocket and folks!
  6. Katana67

    DayZ Massive overhaul

    Summary section would be helpful.
  7. Katana67

    Yep i am done, i quit

    "alpha fags" Pointing out a relevant counter-argument, which happens to invalidate how justified you think you are is perfectly reasonable. Sorry. See you soon sir.
  8. I don't understand where all these doomsday scenarios about Day Z are coming from. Rocket has invested, and is investing, a lot of resources into balance and bug fixing just to satisfy all of the people who bitch. Things that are the objective of an alpha, the introduction of content, has taken a backseat to bug fixing. That being said, the high level of player killing -is- being addressed. Even though, statistics point to non-PvP deaths as being the majority of deaths... Rocket has said, multiple times, that encouraging teamwork and all that fuzzy shit... is a major objective of his. I personally don't care either way, because I -know- through the introduction of content and new mechanics, this will be accomplished. Again, the OP assumes that this is a finished product and Rocket is somehow neglecting it. We all know that this isn't true, at all. I think the ability to comment on an alpha based on individual experience, is the true fault of the project at this point. It is truly a luxury that we are all allowed to participate, so what do we do? Bitch until we get our way. Bear in mind we should always, as a community, be able to offer suggestions and viewpoints. But the emphasis on fixing shit "here and now" and because "my loot got stolen, or the balance is off", is not the purpose of the alpha and is really a mark of selfish players who only care about their individual experiences and not the mod itself.
  9. Katana67

    Pending Update: Build

    Fair enough, thanks for the reply.
  10. I really don't get this... If you just spawned... and don't have any loot... then why are you upset? You didn't actually lose anything to be upset over. Is it just your pride that's been scuffed, if so, let the forums become drenched in delicious tears... and trust me, you're crying. Over spilled milk no less.
  11. Katana67

    Pending Update: Build

    Isn't ARMA 3, and thus, the engine... not due out for a while? Even the alpha for ARMA III was pushed out to the fall, which may make sense for a standalone Day Z alpha.
  12. Katana67

    Pending Update: Build

    Rocket, can you comment at all on the nature of the standalone or is it hush-hush/too early? Will it be using the same engine? Will it be the same map? Will it be just a re-packaging of ARMA and Day Z?
  13. Katana67

    Pending Update: Build

    Definitely leave the Hueys. UH-60's w/ miniguns are cliche'd, the M240's on the Huey are much more badass. I look forward to seeing more helicopters around once implemented, been seeing a lot of hacked AH-6's flying about.
  14. This is the type of attitude that ruins it for a decent portion of the player-base. Realism is a valid desire, one unrealistic aspect of a game doesn't override realism. Making a game more realistic, especially when it's the objective of the mod, is a valid endeavor. That's like saying, "There's no way I could start a fire during a downpour, therefore, it doesn't make sense to want a realistic bullet mechanic". Logical fallacy at its finest. Here, I'll use your logic... If you're so concerned with un-realism... why are you advocating for un-realistic aspects in a game which has the need to eat and drink? See how dumb that sounds? Obviously, it's a video game, and we'll never be able to make it 100% realistic. That doesn't mean we should discard all elements of realism...
  15. The point that Rocket was making, was that the bandit morphing was removed to be worked on and made better. It was not a perfect system. Sure, it was liked... but I think we can all agree that it needed work. It'll be back, and complaining about gameplay like it's set in stone in an alpha just seems silly to me. If all you're concerned with, is making your -current- (Alpha) gameplay more tolerable, then you can take your selfish ass out of here. The feature was removed to be worked on, not to fuck with you. It sounds repetitive, but people really are treating this like a finished product. Say "Hey, this was a good feature for X, Y, Z. Here's ways it could be improved X, Y, Z". Not "Rocket! Why did you do this to me?! Dumb decision man! Bring it back!"
  16. Have you played Day Z? Because I've lost multiple primary weapons to bugs, and others do frequently. Furthermore, if you're engaging a target from afar... in a high-risk area, you're less likely to fetch their equipment. This also assumes that PvP is the -only- way players die, which is not the case at all. Bodies, at least they're supposed to, disappear after X amount of time. I get what you're saying, but it doesn't change the fact that the 50 BMG weapons aren't everywhere like it's made to believe in the OP.
  17. Yeah, 50 BMG weapons aren't as common as you're making it seem. Nor are they as advantageous as you make it seem. I really don't understand all the hatred of snipers, the objective of sniping is to be irritating and demoralizing, I wouldve thought people had accepted that by now. Electro and Cherno have always been a snipers paradise, for good reason... All the idiot players flock there for bandits to grief. Honestly, you can't really complain about getting killed in the cities. It's meant to be a shit show and it's your own prerogative to go in there or take a safer route to loot. The problems of duping, disconnecting, and perhaps -some- weapon tweaking do need to be addressed. But bear in mind, this is an alpha, rocket has been very generous in the bugs he -has- fixed, which is not the objective of alpha testing. I know you've prolly heard that before, but it does weigh on how one can judge the mod.
  18. Katana67

    Its time to stop being babys

    To be honest, what video game forum -isn't- a shit-show? All of the ones I've visited, are. Some are -worse- than others, but all in all... there are idiots everywhere.
  19. It depends on the level of support to the mod vs. standalone, capabilities of the standalone, and what they use to create the standalone. If it's the same engine, then that will be a pretty big deal. I'd prefer they not use the ARMA engine, but what are you gonna' do? Rocket has been pretty quiet on what the standalone will actually -be-. For all we know, it'll just be Day Z and ARMA II merged and bundled into one DL, and be the same in almost every way.
  20. Rocket, what ever happened to the skins and skin customization you were going to implement? I assume it was just put on the backburner for bug fixes and stability stuff. Would be awesome to have somewhat selectable skins. The MASSIVE tactical vest with only a few pouches is kind of irritating, it's like the tactical version of granny panties. Need something a bit more modern, or configurable. Plus, the ballcaps that are on the current characters don't ever match, save with the black getup.
  21. Katana67

    DayZ learning curve

    Funny, though this is definitely going to change once more systems and *gasp* higher-level (end-game, etc) content get put in.
  22. Katana67

    Day Z Urban Legends

    If by best, you mean worst, and by band... you mean garbage. Then yes, I agree with you. On-topic... Nice stories y'all! Trying to dig up some screens that I had of the Myshkino lights.
  23. Do we know if they plan on using a different or re-worked engine on standalone? Because my impression is that they're just trying to bundle the ARMA II engine and Day Z into one entity, rather than just slapping Day Z on to ARMA II as a mod. Doesn't make much sense when I say it, but do we know if it's going to be a traditional standalone? Meaning specifically, separates from ARMA II's engine faults
  24. Katana67

    Worth it to carry second primary?

    Depends on what type of player you are. I always keep a scoped weapon, and a CQ primary on me at all times. A habit which I'm looking to break. I rarely switch weapons, as it turns out, I just got rid of a DMR because I hadn't used it at all and it was taking up too much space in my Coyote. I'm going to pick between one or the other from now on, but it really depends on your playstyle. You also risk having one of your weapons disappear when you switch from your pack to primary weapon slot, as well as losing ammunition. Which is also a nightmare to manage. Only once did I -need- to switch to a scoped weapon, and it wasn't even a real need. I just wanted to shoot someone at 800m, they had no idea I was around, but having a sniper rifle in my pack allowed me to do that. Just be aware of your current loadout and also be aware of your behavior, because I play very differently when I'm using an M4 vs. a DMR when going into an area.