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Everything posted by Katana67

  1. Katana67

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    Speaking of names popping up... will/can anything be done about the cumbersome "Door Opening" interface? Half of the time, I'm right up on the mother effing door with a pack of zombies on my heels and it doesn't give me the option to open it... unless I'm like five feet away... or looking at the wall beside it.
  2. Katana67

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    I think the fundamental point people are making... is that as more layers of survival mechanics are added... people will have less time/desire to do all the dumb things that people hate about DayZ in its current state. Rocket has said this in previous statements and I am looking forward to seeing it come to fruition. For example, if I have to mind, manage, and account for... - Diseases (treatment and prevention) - Zombies (threatening, numerous, and damaging) - Sustainability (food and shelter) - Weather (self-explanatory) - Ammunition (scarcity and differentiation from magazines) - General Scavenging (weapons and support items for the above) - etc. ... I will have far less time/desire/capability to just go deathmatch. Deathmatching will no doubt still occur, and I love the tension that PvP brings to Day Z... but I think most players that aren't trolls will agree that it shouldn't be the sole focus of Day Z. Nor that PvP should be the unchallenged alpha-threat to player health. It really is exciting seeing the old mantra of "complex = better" game philosophy coming back to life in Day Z (complex =/= complicated).
  3. Katana67

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    Haha, pretty much... Just super obvious in every devblog, Matt does something and Rocket tries to keep his cool. Like in this one... Matt- "I thought you wanted people? Rocket - *annoyed* "Well we're trying to film... uh... so I don't need you uh... doing that"
  4. Katana67

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    Anyone get the vibe that Rocket hates Matt on every single devblog? /gossip
  5. People have -very- differing views on "complexity". Nobody's asking for a "surgery" system whereby you're playing "Operation" or have to go to med-school for eight years. I think the premise of DayZ is profoundly oriented toward a sophisticated experience and the player-driven response only lends credence to that.
  6. Communities aren't petulant children, even when they -act- like them. And this seems to only further perpetuate the "can" argument. Can't both sides quit "WHINING!?!? LOLOLOLOL" and enjoy the mod?
  7. Katana67

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    Dude, disagreement is so uncool... let's call everyone who disagrees whiners. And then deride the devs we're trying to help give props to as "crowd pleasers". Let's totally say that they were arguing against variety, rather than against an immersion-breaker. And while we're at it, we should totally also accuse them of not wanting the mod developers to get credit! Logical fallacies are afoot! On both sides!
  8. Katana67

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    Lots of magazines with wrong models, all of which had previously been correct. DMR mags appear as stripper-clips now... Lee-Enfield clips appear as SVD mags... M1014 shells appear as pistol mags...
  9. Katana67

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    I love how people are described as "whiners" and the move described as "crowd pleasing". I mean, by what other means is a coherent desire represented? By -not- voicing disagreement? I suspect many members of the "pro-can" camp have very, very, wide definitions of "whining" (which includes the act of disagreement). Furthermore, deriding the patch as "crowd pleasing" is silly. What else -would- it be? You act like editing something unpopular is somehow a -bad- thing. It literally had no weight on gameplay at all, and was just a silly immersion breaker that was removed. I don't think anyone logical would make the case for the mod developers and moderators not being deserving of some sort of "nod" in game. But this is the wrong way to do it, it's just 4chan-izing the every-day activities of the mod. Perhaps having some sort of graffiti on buildings every now and again with "INSERT DEV/MOD NAME HERE was here!". I think that would be much more of an effective nod to devs/mods without pulling people out of immersion when they just simply go to forage for food. EDIT - Oh! And I haven't played vanilla Day Z since but whoever added those owl sounds at night... biiiig props.
  10. Katana67

    1.7.6 Cans and Drinks

    Yeah, it just struck me as an immersion-breaker. I had seen it with War Z having generic "CHIPS" and stuff that looked corny, this is worse than that... essentially 4chan-izing a (small) portion of the Day Z experience. I have no doubt that the mods and community mod developers are dedicated and are worthy of some sort of "nod" in game, but it can be done in such a way that isn't sophomoric or in a way that doesn't break the immersion. (It seems silly that the logos on the "vanilla" cans and such was such an immersion booster, but it was. Actually seeing Coke, Pepsi, and Mountain Dew products when scavenging makes the experience feel all the more real)
  11. Katana67

    DayZ Devblog 15th February 2013

    If you go back and look at the previous screens of interiors and match them up to the houses, it's safe to say that most if not all residential houses will be enterable. They've all got interiors. The large apartment block is another story, no idea if they've revamped those. But if you look at the screens of the hospital interior, it's not outside the realm of possibility.
  12. Katana67

    DayZ Devblog 4th February 2013

    Where the piss are these naysayers?
  13. Katana67

    Devblog Friday anyone?

    So should you two! lololololololololololol
  14. Katana67

    DayZ Devblog 4th February 2013

    Is Xpadder free software? The only mapping software I've seen is not free and/or is super complex. I'd be much obliged anyhow, thanks.
  15. Katana67

    Devblog Friday anyone?

    Yeah, very sad. But, they seem to be making good progress, bug fixes and changelog is updated pretty on-the-fly these days. On Update #2 I think now, Themeparks? I wanna' say... yeah.
  16. Katana67

    DayZ Devblog 4th February 2013

    I play DayZ with an Xbox controller. Even un-mapped, it is very capable. If I could only map the lean keys, inventory key, and the freelook key to one of the four or five un-used/redundant buttons on my controller I'd be 100%. As of now, I really only have to switch to the keyboard to use my inventory or freelook. My concern with Standalone is whether controller support is maintained, enhanced, or dropped altogether. I'd rather one of the former choices rather than the latter.
  17. Katana67

    Devblog Friday anyone?

    Oh word? I play every day with old buddies from Starsider! RPz for the win.
  18. Katana67

    Devblog Friday anyone?

    Maaaaaaaaad respect for the SWGEmu avatar....
  19. Katana67

    DayZ Devblog 4th February 2013

    I just hope they don't make them look silly. I mean, ARMA's got "Hand Over" or whatever for Land Rover, and "Timax" for Timex. Which is reasonable I just hope they don't opt for generic "CHIPS" like I saw in War Z. The Heinz beans are pretty sweet, I hope they can make the branded items look authentic without having sex with copyrights.
  20. Katana67

    DayZ Mod Update

    Not gonna' do an ounce of good but... Patches tend to be glitchy, have y'all forgotten we're playing an Alpha? As for zombies talking to each other, they're supposed to be a threat... god help you people in Standalone when they finally fix zombie pathing problems. In zombie fiction, you hardly see one zombie running after a dude while the others just walk around like idiots. There are no doubt problems with the gameplay, but these problems have been there since DayZ released in April-ish of last year... and not As for people losing stuff from their characters, grow a pair... this is bound to happen, you're testing an Alpha remember? If you're attached to your gear that much, then perhaps you should try servers where you can pay to win.
  21. Katana67

    DayZ Mod Update

    I personally love the fact that zombies can communicate with each other... Really scary to have a horde charge you. The problem is that there's no variety in encounters, there are no zombies locked away in houses... there are none stuck behind walled areas... they all have immediate and unrestricted access to your exact location. That and "cover" really doesn't apply, I've been aggroed from behind a massive building by a zombie... the sight issues are still present. Plus, I wouldn't mind crouching/proning being a bit more reliable at fooling zombies.
  22. Katana67

    DayZ Devblog 25 Jan 2013

    So is it just a video or is it the video and a usual devblog?
  23. This is a great idea. The only problem I see is that most vehicles tend to be stolen when their "owners" are offline, which sort of negates the problem of players being close by and may not actually translate into making stealing cars more risky on average. I think it's certainly a good and immersive idea. Perhaps implement a kind of "hot wire" mechanic where your character must have a specific type of tool. I almost want to suggest a hot wiring mini-game, but I'm not sure how that'd fit into DayZ's philosophy.
  24. Katana67

    DayZ Devblog 25 Jan 2013

    Thanks, but the tumblr posts are pretty sparse. I'm speaking of the relatively even flow of stuff that Rocket puts out via Reddit and other sources, he's well known for having a diverse method of broadcasting information, much to the chagrin of people who simply follow the forums. Nothing wrong with it, just makes it difficult to follow the myriad of avenues he uses to release information. I understand the tumlbr posts are the most informative, but between his twitter, reddit, videos, etc... it's tough to keep track.
  25. Katana67

    DayZ Devblog 25 Jan 2013

    Is there some kinda' place that brings all of Rocket's "feeds" into one? I mean, I have trouble keeping up with this forum... much less Reddit posts.