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Everything posted by Katana67

  1. Katana67

    DayZ Forum Downtime

    So what is this newfangled DayZ thing again?
  2. Katana67

    DayZ Alpha won't launch until launched !

    Riot shields? Really? This is what we've been reduced to? Please SA... Be released already. (DISCLAIMER - I don't think riot shields should have ever been a thing in video games, and believe that they should not be in DayZ unless absolutely constructed by the player and not looted as pristine)
  3. The information in the "CONFIRMED" subsection is mostly un-confirmed, even by the section's own admission.
  4. Katana67

    DayZ Alpha won't launch until launched !

    *mind explodes*
  5. Is it me, or is this a for reals lull? I feel more bored than usual...
  6. Sounds like a great way to kill/see folks to me!
  7. You appear to have a very dogmatic view of what "roleplay" is.
  8. And I was discussing it! :) Well perhaps the reason why people use the jargon is because... 1) They're commonly used titles in video game groups, 2) ARMA 2, 3) That's what people want to call themselves, 4) What I said earlier, about having an efficient hierarchy. If you're implying that military jargon should not be primary, sure, I'd agree. But consider that DayZ has very little lore behind it, and your individual characters less so. So it doesn't surprise me that people do not consider their characters as "people" vice just members of a squad. There is little interaction between players other than combat, or opportunity to create a character in the classical sense. There are few mechanisms to allow for "Okay, I'm a Doctor/Janitor/Mechanic/etc.", which is why the whole "Doctor" and "Black Widow" stories are so poignant for DayZ because they are rarities. However, I would like to see DayZ progress in such a way where these types of things are far more commonplace.
  9. Well, even in (especially in) a post-apocalyptic scenario, having a coherent squad makes all the sense in the world to me. One is still attempting to achieve objectives whilst not getting killed, and the targets are the same (bandits and zombies all die due to bullet wounds). So why is having a regimented and disciplined squad hierarchy anything less than the most efficient and safe method of organization? I play alone, largely because my friends are too broke to have gaming PCs or are in the military. But, the times that I have played with others, I felt our in-game longevity was intimately related to how well we functioned together. It's a bit redundant to have two folks doing the same thing in a squad of four, thus making other areas of protection vulnerable. I'd rather people want to function in efficient squads rather than ragtag groups of bumbling idiots doing the same thing together.
  10. Define "success". Personally, I don't want -that- many people playing it. So, rocket's subterfuge on a release date, so-called "lowered hype", fed-up players telling their friends not to play, the price point, whatever... is all welcome to me.
  11. Tents work the same way now, it's cheap, but a so far unavoidable drawback to having persistent servers. Content should not be limited by such constraints, especially when no effort has been taken to resolve the constraints in the first place. There are ways of dampening the impact of persistent servers and fixed bases. One, being that they're easily raided. That, to me, is deterrent enough and makes it work. Two, could be some kind of maintenance requirement, otherwise the base would fall into disarray and you'd lose some or all of your stored gear. Three, could be limiting the availability of gear, so that one would be less likely to be able to store vast amounts of gear. The issue is with persistent servers, on a finite map. Which is why I'd rather them allow players to fortify existing houses rather than going to create their own base.
  12. Bases seem like a pretty great thing to "waste time" on to me. EDIT - And on an unrelated note, while I know this will not do an ounce of good, Rocket has said they set an internal date target. They're not revealing it, probably due to the problems associated with the last time they had a semi-firm (really vague) date. It will be in week form (Mon, Tue, Wed, Thur, Fri, Sat, Sun).
  13. People are amazing creatures. Sees radio in game demo... thinks it'll be everywhere at all times in its most annoying form possible and NEVER in any other form.
  14. Nobody's requiring you to disinfect anything. Rocket recently stated something along the lines of "if you don't disinfect something, it doesn't mean you will get infected". It's just risk mitigation, as are most things in DayZ.
  15. Yeah, rocket walked like 20m away from the radio and the noise was pretty well muted. I don't get where people just think of only the item, rather than the circumstances which surround said item. As others have said... you'll need to find batteries and the radio itself, which may indeed be more valuable to you on your person rather than on the ground blaring 80's music. All of which are circumstances which decrease the likelihood of radios being used as bait, which will no doubt happen. But, it's not like EVERYONE will do this or even have the means to do this at any given time.
  16. I have to admit, I giggled a little bit when I saw the "Foot System". Not because it's a silly inclusion, it's a great one. Just like CoD's got a great fish mechanic... DayZ's now got an absolutely stellar foot mechanic.
  17. Anyone citing "hype" as a serious concept is laughable. Hype is an entirely player-derived circumstance.
  18. Great stuff. Hopefully it doesn't get released when I'm on vacation... But hey, can't complain. But damn, still kind of a bummer to hear Rocket talk about the stances looking more civilian. I get where he's coming from, but, the stances really bother me. I wish they'd change eventually.
  19. Good! Cause I'm bored...
  20. They have it at my local Walmart and the hardware store in the next town over. Doesn't get much easier to find than that. Tell the entire British army in WWI/II that .303 is a stupid caliber. Oh, and the Boers... and the Indians... and the Afghan mujaheddin in the 80's. I guess .30-06 would be a "stupid" caliber then. Seeing as it's purpose built, and only used in mid-20th century weapons... Semi on-topic however, I don't feel it's necessary to distinguish between caliber rarity to that degree of granularity. Warsaw Pact ammunition, on the whole, should be easier to find than NATO ammunition. This should also take into account whether or not we're going to be able to find pre-loaded magazines or will we always have to fetch loose rounds to fill looted magazines. If that is true, then I would suspect the quantity of rounds found in a certain place (i.e. two 7.62x51R rounds found in some cupboard in a house versus a fully-loaded ammo box at a military base) would be more significant than the overall "rarity" of said ammunition.
  21. Oh and this! Sort of a Bush War nerd... sorry. It's not the shorty shorts. Okay, maybe a little. RPD w/ foregrip and cut down to god knows what. I don't like that it's stock-less, but probably fit some use in or around a vehicle. Fits in Chernarus. What more can I say?
  22. I'm not sure what this means... at all. FN has a great engineering record equal to or surpassing that of HK. Having handled and fired both weapons extensively, I can tell you all the drawbacks of the FAL are present in the G3... and then some. The G3 is notorious for beating the crap out of the ejected brass so one cannot reload the ammunition (plus, the extractor flings the brass a solid 20 feet). The fire controls are far apart on the G3, making it impossible to use for people with medium-small sized hands. The recoil on an uncompensated PTR-91 (A highly accurate copy of a G3 using HK machinery) is ridiculous without modification. Plus, it's even heavier than the FAL. Both are great battle rifles, but both have similar drawbacks. So distinguishing between the two is sort of useless. Ask the Portuguese which is the best, then ask some former Rhodie SF what's the best... and they'll give you two very different answers. As an aside, I'd love to see more Battle Rifles in DayZ. But specifically, I'd love to see some sort of AR-10 variant (i.e. SR-25 or M110). But on a more "realistic" note, I think some kind of IAR (RPK, M27, Galil, etc.) would be an interesting niche. Of course, this could simply be accomplished by including larger magazines to be looted.
  23. No idea for the first 4, but probably not. 5. Maybe?? They're in the mod. 6. No. 7. I'd like to see this. 8. Doubt it 9. No idea. 10. No idea. Is you is... or is you ain't... my constituency?
  24. To your first statement about 50/50 weapons. This seems ideal to me, though I can't speak for the rest of these jokers... I have always thought there was a pretty rapid turnover of weapons in DayZ, meaning that one finds a SMLE and within fifteen minutes... one has already found an AR or somesuch. I really wouldn't mind hanging on to that SMLE for longer (or even hanging on to it indefinitely if one could mount a suppressor/scope) due to increased military weapon rarity, would probably do some good on evening the playing field for bandits and new spawns alike. To the point about expanding weapons, absolutely. That makes sense, and with the number of ~30 you gave, it seems like we'll have a lot to enjoy (with attachment permutations and all that). But look how happy you've made us (me)! And all you really had to say was "There'll be roughly 30 weapons with various attachment permutations initially, roughly half will be civilian and the other half "military", and we have based our weapon rarity on the real-life Chernarus". Boom, E3 interview, complete. Katana67, satiated.
  25. So people were originally, it seems, concerned with vague statements being made about trying to marginalize non-civilian weapons and vague statements about limited weapons in the initial release of SA. This clarifies things, not sure the "Deal with it" is necessary, but thanks for clarifying.