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About Stephe

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    On the Coast

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  1. I'd have a friend go to your location, so when you do die your friend can hold onto your gear while you run back.
  2. I've never found Camo. (Oddly I've found more Ghillie suits thans I can count over my lives)
  3. Stephe

    Pending Update: Build

    Is there going to be a distinction between in your records between alt F4/connection lost and logging out using abort? I'm excited where this update will lead to eventually, but I'm not thrilled with the intermediate period which will not log actions. Ex. Changing servers to switch gear between tents will look exactly like server hopping for gear.
  4. Stephe

    Pending Update: Build

    People switching servers should not be punished. It needs to be action based before you start handing out warning and bans. There are numerous legitmate actions to switch between a handful of servers while not server hopping for gear: 1) Finding a server that isn't pitch black 2) Having tents on mulitple servers at the same location. If one is switching gear between these tents, it can result in a lot of server hopping especially if you have a big group. (Sidenote: We'd rather not put all of tents on one server because if it gets raided we're screwed, if the server disappears were screwed, etc...) 3) Finding a server that doesn't give me yellow/red bars for over 50% of the time I'm on it. I do 1 and 2 and don't want to be punished because of this new system. I actually probably log in and log more than alt F4er's, but action based loggin is what needs to be monitored, whether it be for server hoppers or alt F4er's.
  5. Stephe

    DayZ Mythbusters

    I'm pretty certain I was able to get my gear back in water when my character couldn't stand. I just lied down on land and crawled through the water to my gear.
  6. Stephe

    What's the weirdest way you have died?

    I crawled too far into my tent, and went through the back wall --> broken leg followed by death 1 second later..
  7. Stephe

    Backpack - Swep Weapon

    That's just the way it is right now. In the future, drop your current weapon and pick up the new one. That will result in your old weapon not disappearing and remaining on the floor.
  8. Stephe

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    I've noticed that if you shoot zeds from Deerstands, then they will either A) Agro toward you like they should B) Agro in the opposite direction for 100-200m, and then agro return to there original location. They will then proceed to random walk like normal. I've tried this on a few servers seems to be a 50/50 if their behavior is normal.