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About fatras

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  1. fatras

    The Walking Dead USMC is recruiting

    ======================================================================= LOL, hahahah i went on your server yesterday. I spawned behind one of your guys and killed him because his heart was beating. #Iamabanditandproudtobeone =======================================================================
  2. fatras

    Bandits of DAY Z

    ======================================================================= I am a bandit. I kill, I murder, I betray. And i have no regrets. Why? Just because when i started the game, someone did the exact same thing to me. Good luck to play as survivor, i personally have i high score of two weeks with minimum 4 hours of playing per day without being killed as a bandit. I got over 16 murders, my heart is beatng hard. I can't turn back, i am now born to kill. Have fun playing versus me. =====================================================================
  3. fatras

    First impression: This sucks.

    You are just a noob, try to check tutorials on youtube before flaming the forum. (if your video settings aren't good, why don't you press escape then video settings to fix them ?
  4. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I like this idea of teaming up, but i DO NOT agree on the fact it should be only coop-gaming. It will help bandits group to own even more noob players :( I am part of a bandit group and i now that we would have a huge avantage on other players if the game was only on the coop aspect... This is why i do not agree with you
  5. fatras

    I've become attached to my gear.

    The new 1.7.2 is sooo sick :o i had only 10 fps, i have now 40-60 !!! so i don't care loosing my gear
  6. Cool story, the same happened to me but i killed the guy only twice near the power plant behind electro
  7. + getting weapons, gear -getting more vehicules per server
  8. fatras

    A small improvement that would bring big changes

    Good idea but the invincibility would ruins all the pvp aspect of the game cause the player would just connect then run for 3sec, then deco reco and run again. But i like the idea that tou can't shoot during the time tou are invincible
  9. fatras

    DayZ "Clans"

    I guess that the clan names ruins the fact that players will be a lot more careful. It's like saying: Expect us at the airfield, don't forget to bring you're helicopter and your two friends. Cause we are more than ten sniping on the west hill
  10. fatras

    No ability to defend

    I guess it's more realistic that way, it's like choosing a good place to sleep before leaving the game. In real life you don't sleep in the middle of the battlefield in iraq right? So next time, try to be wise and find a good spot to disconnect from the game ;)
  11. fatras

    How is this fun?

    It's sooooooo easy to find some gear, weapons.... only noobs are blind to see where they spawn. I just let my 11 years old kid play this game, in 25 minutes he got a gun and a revolver with clips and food. This game is close to be too easy to gear at the begining of your survival experience. This game rocks
  12. fatras

    Weapon Russianization (WARNING: Big, detailed post)

    I really look forward to see theses changes in upcoming patches, it adds a lot to the realistic part (RP) of the story of dayz.
  13. fatras

    The Axe?

    Maybe we could include some randoms ( but rare loots ) near the cost for noob ( like axes, or beans) not always in houses
  14. fatras

    Morphine addiction

    Very nice idea, if the chance to be addicted don't come the first time you take morphine but when it's the second time in a three day laps time