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Oce (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Oce (DayZ)

  1. Oce (DayZ)

    New Food and Drinks Names

    We have a winner.
  2. Oce (DayZ)

    Ghost character

    Any chance of a link good sir? Finding the downloads section a bit confusing.
  3. Oce (DayZ)

    Still Cant Spawn in Right After 1.7.1 HELP

    Happening with me too. People saying it rarely happens and it's random, I can't just press escape then respawn, because it just takes me back there.
  4. Hi guys, can anyone tell me what files were in the original addons folder in the bohemia interactive folder? I accidentally extracted stuff there then had to delete it all. Thanks.
  5. Oce (DayZ)

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Still spawning in a debug area, not a forest, but a field. Does this sound like I'm missing a file? My brain hurts :/
  6. Had a good few runs with 1.5.7, but met my doom 3 times with being overwhelmed by zombies in some of the smaller town and villages. The gunshot aggro I think needs to be explained fully. People say certains guns when fired have louder sound radius' etc, which is fine but it would be good to know exactly what you'll be letting yourself in for if you happen to fire.