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Everything posted by UndeadAssassin

  1. UndeadAssassin

    need AU friend

    since ive been getting killed so often i would like to find a friend who is in australia to play dayz with and i am a new spawn so not worth killing pm me for my steam name. i have no skype or TS or mumble. hackers need not apply first come first serve
  2. your steam sais offline and your not accepting my friend request
  3. i sne t an invite to you my name is Man it might also show up as Bgrac17
  4. i would like to join you i sent an friend invite through steam i am Man
  5. UndeadAssassin

    need AU friend

    ok then gr8
  6. i know the problem it's a window spawning problem im pretty sure if players get close to the hospital without breaking the windows then it will constantly spawn window on top of window.
  7. UndeadAssassin

    I feel kinda lucky

    where's your camp and what server i will trade you a couple of bullets for it all
  8. UndeadAssassin

    I am the Mountain King!

  9. drive it off a cliff please
  10. UndeadAssassin

    I think I am lost in Skalisty Island...

    one thing about skalisty island never go to the docks after dark there is a thick fog and it is said that if you enter the basement of a log cabin in the dock you will insta die :o
  11. UndeadAssassin


    tis sounds fun id try and win depends on how big said dome is
  12. UndeadAssassin

    The Rules of Zombieland

    FAIL :facepalm:
  13. UndeadAssassin

    My name is Dr. Phil, and I'm here to help you.

    bean party :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans:
  14. UndeadAssassin

    Low FPS in Dayz

    same i used laptop with bf3 for 4 months no problems on medium bout 40-50 fps but dayz is 25-35 in the forests
  15. UndeadAssassin

    Rocket Defence Force and Anti-Rocket Alliance ASSEMBLE

    RDF Private undead reporting SIR! ps what weapons would the RDF use if its military grade then yay but if not then :(
  16. UndeadAssassin

    General Weapon Poll

    id be happy with a new primary not strong something like a common .22 rifle just so that more people have a primary
  17. i enjoy watching paint dry and grass grow its boring but furfilling in the end :rolleyes:
  18. 200,000,000,000 years and one day and three minutes and 36 seconds to be presice. :D
  19. UndeadAssassin

    Weirdest shit ever...

    hmmmm B)
  20. UndeadAssassin

    DMR + 5 Mags

    i will give you 1 303 enfield bullet to the head for it fair trade :)
  21. UndeadAssassin

    Zombies way too hard now

    this threads title seems like the title of a porno a necropheliac would watch
  22. UndeadAssassin

    Somebody come kill me please.

    good point dont cry about spilt milk and the respawn button is useable if you have a broken leg
  23. UndeadAssassin

    Somebody come kill me please.

    you poor thing just fire all your bullets into the sky you will get someone then unless you can't shoot
  24. if you spawn nice and new then you will have no weapon so it will be alot harder to get food before getting killed. plus its just nice having 5 cans of sardines in your pack at all times and i hate sardines but my character loves them so shame on him
  25. UndeadAssassin

    Just got killed by a bush

    its a crap engine with an alpha mod you got to expect crap im pretty sure that dayz will use the arma 3 engine by standalone and i must admit from videos the engine is stunning