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Tag (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Tag (DayZ)

  1. Game isn't about the gun play. I wonder if you have a KoS policy?
  2. Knives. I want to sneak up behind people and slit their throats @_@ But I like this thread, I get what you were going for.
  3. Tag (DayZ)

    Getting a BSOD minutes into spawning in

    I've had BSOD happen once in DayZ. It was because my rig over heated/needed new thermal paste. Fixed that and haven't had a problem since. o.o
  4. Tag (DayZ)


  5. Tag (DayZ)

    Possible hacking on US 5 (unrepentant)

    This camp had more then one tent and two vehicles, a white car and a tractor. We stole the tractor and left the white car, until today, we took that a few hours ago. I can't give out the camps location, for safety reasons. I apologize, you don't want to go snooping around there anyways, the 5-6 guys last night will tell you the same.
  6. Tag (DayZ)

    Possible hacking on US 5 (unrepentant)

    Lol, we probably hit you like we hit everybody else. I'm not saying it was HSZ, but we did search that entire server yesterday. It wasn't just one person though. We don't script/hack but we do leave sarcastic messages for people after we take their shit. [: I did kill 3 people last night, they were headed to a camp me and another dude came across. I shot 2 in the head and 1 in the chest with a DMR, wearing a Ghillie. Was this you guys? My friend also killed 2 - 3 people in the fire fight. We scared 'em off eventually. Think they all d/c.
  7. Tag (DayZ)

    Bandit/Survivor Morphing to be removed

    I'm a bandit and I want my bandit skin.
  8. Tag (DayZ)

    Error Creating Direct 3D Graphic Engine

    lols. All you had to do was copy the beta exe from the arma 2 oa expansion/beta folder over the original arma 2 oa exe. Then toss this into your arma 2 oa steam launch options under properties. -beta=Expansion\beta;ca;Expansion\beta\Expansion -mod=@dayz -- Also, next time while you're frustrating yourself, remember to use THE SEARCH FUNCTION. This has been posted a billion times, I even believe there's a sticky. Why you had to make a new thread is beyond me, do some work man. It takes 2 seconds. Or ya know, google is your friend.
  9. Normally I'd let this go, but seeing as how this was an obvious, blatant bug, yes they should have seen it. It's the ghillie suit, it's a big part of the game. They should have tried it before releasing the patch, they should try every item/weapon/camo before releasing. It wouldn't take long to sit there and spawn everything and test it out. I don't understand how big things like this get through releases.
  10. Tag (DayZ)

    Zombie Children YAY or NAY

    YAY. I approve. Zombie children are scurry as shit, would defininately add to the game.
  11. Everyone is getting it, calm down. It's battleeye wide, not just dayz, also arma oa etc etc.
  12. Tag (DayZ)

    Hacking / Cheating to make youtube videos

    ITT - OP crying over people with better gear.
  13. Tag (DayZ)

    Could You Pull The Trigger?

    1. Yes. 2. Yes. 3. Survival, never know when someone is gonna squeeze the trigger before you.
  14. Tag (DayZ)

    Scripters US23

    Are we HSZ members really that much of a threat to you? One of us has already been falsely banned, if he can't appeal it I'll be buying him a new copy of ArmA, but now you want to call us scripters? Man we get a lot of hate off the people we screw over, lol. Don't hate, we're all legit. We're constantly running all over, I myself just came across 5 different vehicles, it's not hard to find them with the way Dayz has it's graphic limitations set up. Shit all you have to do is be so far away so grass and such doesn't show up and then look around, everything sticks out plan as day. If we found you and screwed you over don't get butt hurt. I've lost top tier shit multiple times, you don't see me raging on the forums about scripters and hackers.
  15. Tag (DayZ)

    Confirmation email

    Same here for me. :( Tried both my hotmail and gmail, neither is receiving. Not in junk, have made sure it can come through. What's going on? :(