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About X1Alpha2

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    ordinary men.
  1. X1Alpha2

    Realistic to shoot on site?

    It is... Everyone who can write in this forum has no problem of surviving irl, cause its so fucking hard to die in the modern world. I live in germany here, even if you dont work (no matter if u cant or wont) the goverment gives you enough money to buy food and pays you a small apartment. The basics of living are just givin to you thanks to civilitation, but if it would break like in a zombie apokalypse everyone would be on his own again trying too survive kill or be killed, dont think so good of humanity all those charity organisations just exist cause we have more than we need. 98% of people IRL are assholes when given enough power without consequenses they will kill or humanilate. I rather be an asshole ingame then IRL cause its a fucking game anyway, also all of you who got faith in humanity, better hope there is no downfall of civilitation, cause you will be shocked then.
  2. X1Alpha2

    Paintball ammo/guns

  3. Dont run over open fields. Really atm on a nohop server with global chat i always see people running over fields it's like a magnet for noobs after i kill em from 500m away they flame what a sniper pussy i am they never try to come through the woods. I got that sniper by engaging the guy who had the sniper first in close combat and that was possible by running as little through open fields as possible.
  4. A. Beeing killed by players cause they're better then flaming on boards pvp is booring ofc -.- B. We all know pvp is the most thrilling stuff there is without pvp this game would be left for dead with bean eater aspects C. Leaving the game but still beeing on the forums... D. And nothing of value was lost.
  5. Give someone unlimited power without any consequences and see what happens. In this game you have power in terms of a gun and in a zombie apokalypse its total anarchy, in this game players are actually doing as they would irl. The irl carebears who trust all those strangers would probably die within a week maybe two if two carebears found each other.
  6. X1Alpha2

    Melee Weapons on spawn

    I actually like the game how it is, no other game is so hardcore, you can't trust anyone, you can run out of supplies very fast and need to loot high danger areas if you want to get some better stuff. I died twice since i started the game and i really like the idea starting with nothing at all but IRL i could defend myself against 1 or 2 zombies with my fists and feet so i suggest it would be cool to have a very low dmg knive or woodclub when respawning so that you still cant pull hordes but can defend yourself against one or two zeds. I think a pistol even if its only 1 mag is too much. But when i died i also hated running and running till i found a hatched or shoot one of those ultra loud lee's to pull the whole city and run out of ammo with one pull. Also i suggest to make melee weapons acceseble from the toolbelt so you dont have to put your main weapon on the ground or into a backpack (i know it's been suggested before and i read something about it's not possible with the engine but pls rocket, try everything you can :) ) tl;dr give players a low dmg MELEE weapon at spawn to fend off 1-2 zombies.