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About RChud

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  1. I usually pretend im French but they never believe me.
  2. Come on the forums and hang round with us. I'm the only welshy there :( p.s. Thanks for sticking up for me btw. It's stressful enough trying to get a job without someone reminding me I havn't got one, especially when bringing that stuff up on a GAME forum has nothing to with anything on here and is purely to make himself feel superior to people younger than him.
  3. So you agree that the chopper was not flown by us? So my 2 posts in this topic are valid, yet you argued with both. As for your last reply, how has my age, my employment history and where I live got anything at all to do with DayZ. I may be 19 but I'm clearly the mature one who doesn't drag in people lives outside of game purely to try to make them feel bad. lol
  4. You havn't proved anyone "wrong". You're just another guy who's butthurt about losing your stuff and then to make themselves feel better, throws accusations around. You aren't the first, Don't worry. If you saw the heli in the air yesterday there is 1 of 3 conclusions. 1. The hackers used ManOWar and Glanza's name. 2. It wasn't yesterday and you've got the day wrong. 3. You are high on something. Pick one.
  5. The helicopter hasn't been in the air today. The only helicopter that has been in the air was at 1:30pm and that was hacked in by a guy who has since been banned.
  6. RChud

    UK 25 is run by cheaters

    How is having lots of views good? You have 1 like and the rest dislikes which means 100% of those views are people who disagree with you. If someone agreed im sure they would give it a like. The 1 like on the video is obviously you liking your own video. Newbee, You are the result of 85 million years of human evolution, please act like it...
  7. RChud

    UK 25 is run by cheaters

    Do you realise you are wrong now by the vast majority decision of the people of youtube?
  8. RChud

    UK 25 is run by cheaters

    1. Please, please, please improve your grammar. 2. We are not cheaters, his name is Faz not Fez and we do not know how to "time people out" or if it is even possible. Also, did you really just admit to server hopping to gain an advantage in a gun fight?! LOL
  9. Psi and Matt are cool guys. I can't see them trying to spoil other peoples fun. Just watch their let's play series.
  10. We just don't feel the need to reply as Faz is doing a "sterling" job on his own at showing the devs what you are doing. The GUID's clearly prove that you are tripping over your lies.
  11. Well put yourself in our shoes. You all get picked off in the middle of the night at a base. That bit is totally possible and i would respect it as a very good organised attack. But when you move the gear and vehicles to the middle of nowhere about 6,000m away and get found within 10mins by the same people. You can honestly say that you would be ok with it? p.s. Shouldn't this be only about the people in question, and the Devs? I don't think it's needed for random people to come on and give their opinion, when they have seen and heard nothing about the event and only seen what is in this thread.