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Gareth_Sims (DayZ)

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About Gareth_Sims (DayZ)

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. SNIPER RIFLES IN THIS GAME ARE SO BS THEY SHOULD ALL BE REMOVED AND WE SHOULD ALL JUST LOVE EACH OTHER AND HAVE A BBQ IN CHERNO!!!!!! loljks I agree 100% with op they are a valid weapon and are only good under the correct circumstances, granted we do have the dicks who camp people who have their flashlights but that is a problem with the players not the gun, the amount of times i have seen .50 cal cherno/elektro campers die to an enfeild lol IMO skill/tactial awareness > what weapon you have, Good topic OP I have a feeling you are going to become a Fat ass from all the Beans you will be receiving :)
  2. Gareth_Sims (DayZ)

    My experience of DayZ mod...

    I guess I will be the guy who adds more fuel to the fire, Im sure a lot of people did buy Arma2 just to play DayZ BUT and yes there is a but Rocket and his Dev team DID NOT get any of that money... people mod games all the time and normally the mods do nowhere near as well as this mod has done, now here comes the tricky part, This , mod is not your average run of the mill Change something small and release mod this mod Is basically a fresh game using another games graphics/physics and gameplay engine, the ammount of code that has to be custom built for a mod this size is crazy, I remember doing some work for a mod team on Sins of a Solar Empire we had a team of 6 people working on a mod that changed skins and weapon fx and stuff like that all we had to do was change some game code and Getting that to work took a long time, Rocket and his team decided to LET us play this ALPHA, and its an early alpha at that they owe us nothing we are their testers it is us that owe them for allowing us to be among the first to TEST not PLAY what looks like it is going to be one of the great games of our time. In short because most people dont read entire forum posts these days Alpha = early in dev not at all close to a full retail release and it is a privilege to test this mod not a right. so rather than people bitchin about bugs use the forum for bug reporting and let the dev team know what you have found.
  3. Gareth_Sims (DayZ)

    Zombies way too hard now

    I am actually surprised with this entire thread... I am actually seeing some discussion on this topic and I must say GG DayZ forum :P on topic now, My opinion is that if the zombies are too hard then go play on an actual Arma server, this is DayZ a mod designed as a zombie survival simulator, if you have watched any zombie movies or seen the Walking dead you would know that firing a gun around zombies is going to cause you problems, It's like "If you Pizza when you are supposed to French Fry, You are gonna have a bad time" sneak don't shoot, learn to move through town quietly and out of sight as I assume you would want to do if zombies came to be in real life, Agreed that zombies need their glitches fixed but that is what this thing Called "Alpha" which this mod is still in is for, to find and report these glitches so that the Dev team can fix them for the time that this mod goes standalone and gets its much awaited full retail release. If anything I would love to see the zombies get harder to kill and need maybe a Headshot only to kill them, once the glitches are gone then and only then can we see how tough zombies are to kill but untill then id rather not say that they are too hard or too easy. Cheers
  4. Gareth_Sims (DayZ)

    Spawn with a hatchet?

    You know what, this reminds me of when MOST people posted on the forums when they REMOVED the spawn with weapon feature, IMO I don't see the problem in starting with a Hatchet or a crowbar, all these people saying GTFO BABY need to grow up, this mod will still have the feeling of "OH SHIT, I have zombies chasing me what do" even if you start with an axe, all it will do is give you a chance at the start, the number of times I have been fresh spawned and had zombies glitch their way to me and follow me untill the end of the earth is frustrating, An axe to keep them off my back in a legit way would be fine, It may promote more PvP in starting areas... but lets face it, you go to cherno/ elektro on a server with a decent population you are as good as dead by the sniper on the hill with a 50 cal anyway... this is a survival simulator and an axe is not too much to ask. Cheers for reading :P
  5. Gareth_Sims (DayZ)

    Dont try to jump over a car....

    It was not exactly what I had in mind, but it made for some good footage :P Fail indeed but at least this fail was caught on film for all to Lol at :P
  6. It seemed like a good idea at the time...
  7. Gareth_Sims (DayZ)

    Give us Pve only servers...

    PVE = Player vs environment, PvP = Player vs player... Do i play wow? yes i do, did wow invent pve and pvp? no GOSH :P I am pretty sure that this game has AI (Zombies) and they are part of the environment thus = PvE in dayZ
  8. Gareth_Sims (DayZ)

    Give us Pve only servers...

    .... thanks for the input mate, really helpful but the thread is named correctly, there is context to the topic, put forward in a pretty trollish way but it is there if you read it that is
  9. Gareth_Sims (DayZ)

    Give us Pve only servers...

  10. Gareth_Sims (DayZ)

    Give us Pve only servers...

    I guess the classic (Not so) Subtle troll thread is lost to some people :P
  11. Gareth_Sims (DayZ)

    Give us Pve only servers...

  12. Gareth_Sims (DayZ)

    Give us Pve only servers...

    now that i have your attention (Insert trollface here), if you are one of the few players who wants to be spoon fed PvE only servers from Rocket who himself has said this will never happen, quit bitching on the forums about how this game does not cater for you and do something about it yourself.... Rent a damn server and run a private hive set up your own rules and get all the free loots you want... OR suck it up and play the game the way it was designed and at the end of the day if this game does not cater for you then don't play, if you don't like something then just don't do it... Enough said Peace out.
  13. Gareth_Sims (DayZ)

    Skalisty Island - Sanctuary and Trading Post

    You do know that Skalisty island is not pointless as of the most recent patch right... it is a chopper spawn site, i have had many firefights on the island recently, no need to draw more attention there untill all the choppers are snatched up :P
  14. From what i understand (I may be wrong) Battleeye uses client and serverside scripts to send and receive its update/version and client history, this making it harder for it to see the difference between a (Cheat) script and a required one, as i said I may be wrong but i beleive i read that somewhere
  15. There is a simple solution to this, Battle eye just needs to flick the "Enable client side scripting" switch to off... that would make it harder for mods and even admins to change things that are needed but in the long run it would be worth it